I Am the President of the University

Vol 2 Chapter 351: Public opinion wars

Lu Island, Gulangyu Island.

November is the most suitable season to travel to Ludao. It is not hot or cold, and you can run around in short-sleeved shorts.

Only at night, the sea breeze came, and it also brought a little bit of chill.

Jing An shuddered slightly, walking in the alleys of Gulangyu, the combination of the architecture of the Republic of China and the dark night, it was a unique scenery, and he couldn't help but say with emotion: "The scenery of Gulangyu is still good, but it's a pity that I will leave tomorrow."

With a cap and a mask, plus the cover of the night, even if he is the husband of the nation, one of the most popular actors among boyfriends, it is difficult for outsiders to recognize him.

This time it is because there is an event. I have to come to Ludao for a few days, and tomorrow is the time to leave.

"Angel, sister Hua's phone." Assistant Xiaoma handed over the phone.

"Big night, why did Sister Hua call?" Although a little strange, Jing An took it and put it next to his ear.

Sister Hua is his agent, one of the company's veteran gold brokers. f

"Sister Hua, what's the matter?"

"Jing An, something big happened!"

"Big thing? What big thing?" Jing An asked calmly while holding the phone, shaking his hand slightly.

"Didn't I tell you several times that you have to take care of your lower body, why don't you listen!" Sister Hua scolded angrily, "Did you stay at the Ludao Conrad Hotel last night? Still talking to Lin Rong Stay in the hotel together? Only come out the next morning!"

"Yes, I live there, Sister Hua, how did you know?" Jing An's voice trembled, and his heart was terrified. Could it be that something happened?

It shouldn't be!

How could it happen!

"I have already searched on Douyin and Weibo. It is not a problem that I know, but the people all over the country know it!" Sister Hua said with a hatred of iron and steel, "I have told you several times? Your personal settings It's the national husband, Fan 9 Chengdu is a female, and the character set must be maintained well. If it is destroyed, it will break your star road!"

"Have you all been searched?"

Jing An froze for a moment, and then shouted angrily, "Impossible! Obviously I gave him money, he is not trustworthy!"

Things have to start from last night, the national husband is his personality, but after all, he is still an LSP, and occasionally can't help but make a gun.

Last night, I slept with an ambiguous female celebrity. I didn't expect that the paparazzi would be queued up for recruitment by the paparazzi.

In order to protect the people, he just received the photos in the morning, and immediately contacted the paparazzi reporter. He bought all the rubber soles at a cost. How could this happen again?

It shouldn't be!

"Jing'an, Jing'an, the company spent so many resources to make you popular, you just give back? The company is very disappointed in you!" Sister Hua said coldly, suppressing anger.

The company didn't expect to report Jingan, but didn't know which side ended up. For many entertainment-related big v, grandma didn't accept the offer at all.

The other party seemed determined to make the news headlines.

In desperation, the company has given up Jingan.


Jing An was stunned by the blind tone of the phone.

Is the company going to abandon him?

How does this work!

I haven't made enough money yet!

"Tiktok, Tik Tok, yes, Tik Tok!" Jing An turned on Tik Tok when he reacted, and he saw his name on the Tik Tok hot list...

The moment he saw it, the last trace of luck in his heart was gone.

"Ye Tiannan!"

He was so angry that he yelled directly, even though he was still outside, with hatred in his voice.

Without even thinking about it, I just dialed the phone.

As soon as it was connected, all the swear words were blurted out.

"Ye Tiannan, you don't care about credibility, how can you still play back stab after receiving labor and capital money! The gossip circle will be stinky in the future, no one will believe you anymore! Cnm!" Jing An almost gritted his teeth. Shouted.

Generally speaking, paparazzi talk about credibility, otherwise once they lose their reputation, who will believe you?

"Angel, I'm really sorry, it's not that I don't talk about credibility, but that the other party's bid is too high!" Ye Tiannan gave a wry smile, and the other party came to the door and directly said that he wanted the most explosive information. The price given made his eyes red.

Then, he slowly said: "After this time, I don't plan to do paparazzi anymore. I will go home and open a store."

Jing An:...

"I don't care. Anyway, if you take my money and don't do business, if you don't solve it for me, I want you to look good!" He really thought it was all right, so he went for a walk on Gulangyu at night, but he didn't expect the other party to play This set.

"I'm very sorry, I can only say that." Ye Tiannan hung up after speaking.

He stayed in Jingan angrily and smashed the phone to pieces.

This is already obvious, this is someone trying to fix him!

"Who is it? You can't die!"

Starting that night, news of Jing An’s derailment almost swept across all platforms. After all, Jing An’s image was very good in the past. Whether it is a teenage girl or a middle-aged woman in his 30s or 40s, they are all his fans. Especially this time, many aunt fans expressed their disappointment and said they would never support it again.

In addition to Jing An's topic, there were also scandals and scandals involving several celebrities.

#Famous singer Yang Hongguang domestic violence wife for several years!

#张清悦 took a large-scale photo before debut!

# Horror! The sixth generation director Liu Mingshan sexually assaulted an underage girl exposed!

For a while, the major stars of the entertainment industry shivered, as if entering a cold winter season, for fear that the next scandal would be their own.

The popularity of these stars has attracted a lot of attention in the past, leading to a sharp drop in the attention of Bin Xixi's affairs. Weibo, Douyin, and Zhihu have all dropped to a dozen hot lists. According to this trend, it may not take three days of hot lists. I won’t see it on the site.

the next day.

The Beijing News Editorial Department.

"I'm off fan! I didn't expect Jing An to be such a person, so disappointed!"

"I'm really convinced. If it weren't for the video in front of me, I can't believe that the target of the derailment would be you Jingan! Are all those affections performed?!"

"Forget I'm blind, scumbag, hurry up and get out of the entertainment industry!"

"Boss against bad artists, it is recommended to block radio and television!"

Looking at the comments below the news on the screen, Xiao Zhao was a little uneasy. He couldn't help but ask Ma Xiaoxiao with a calm face beside him: "Editor-in-chief, will this affect our plan?"

What the funder asked for was to stir up Bing Xixi time, and according to the current trend, it looked like it was going to be cold.

But Ma Xiaoxiao was not surprised. After all, Bu Xixi is also one of the domestic giant companies. In the face of the scandal, com will definitely not sit back and fight back.

Ma Xiaoxiao smiled and said: "As expected, don't worry, continue to act according to the plan!"

"Okay..." Xiao Ma replied, but there was still no bottom in his heart.

Within a few hours, the media and big v started a new round of news!

The material about Bing Xixi became popular again, directly suppressing the scandals and scandals of a group of celebrities.

This time the gold master came in with a large sum of money, and the offensive was going to be fierce. Before Bing Xixi could react, he directly stunned the opponent with a combination of punches.

The matter continued to ferment for a few days, and the final setting was the naming and criticism of Renren Daily.

ps: It's 800,000 words, it's really not easy. It's less than 200,000 words from a million words!

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