I Am the President of the University

Vol 2 Chapter 352: The privacy war in the era of big data

And Xixi’s public relations department spent a lot of money to divert people’s attention, but the Beijing News led the Xixi incident and did not intend to give up.

Play with public opinion? People are professional!

From the fact that lawyer Liu from Magic City involved fraud for bargaining for free, to the discovery that some people had their identity information stolen and died because of big data, it caused many people to panic and uneasy about the safety of big data, and many netizens began to appeal. To regulate and restrict major applications should not steal user privacy information.

Beijing, in a female dormitory at Beijing Normal University.

Tao Qing is a junior. Although Beijing Normal University is a well-known 985 university, it also ranks first in the normal school.

Perhaps it is located between the second and third ring roads of the north of Beijing, where the living conditions are quite tense. When the four-person room in the south is full of beds and tables, Beijing Normal University still has bunk beds, six-person rooms for undergraduates, and even four-person rooms for masters students. The conditions are not as good as those in southern universities.

It is the time before going to bed at night. As a contemporary college student, it is natural to play with mobile phones before going to bed.

While brushing the vibrato, Tao Qing became more panicked as she watched. She couldn't help but yelled to her roommate Hu Mei, "Mei Mei, have you watched the vibrato? Have you paid attention to the Xixi incident? Okay. Scary!"

"Attorney Mordu sued Xixi? What's so scary? Isn't it a fraud." Hu Mei didn't look away, and replied indifferently.

"The point is not this, but Xixi Bing remotely deleted the screenshots in Lawyer Liu's album!" Looking at the explanation on the phone, Tao Qing's face turned pale.

"Delete the picture?" Hu Mei paused when she said, then looked at Tao Qing and asked strangely, "Then let it delete the picture, anyway, what's the big deal."

Seeing the lack of safety awareness of the roommates, Tao Qing shouted: "Mei Mei, you are wrong! I just watched the connection of several media and experts, and they all said that the software in our mobile phones was watching our behavior 24 hours a day. ! The information and pictures we send in WeChat will be sent to their servers after being obtained by the other party, and then big data analysis will be carried out!"

"Qing'er, pictures too?" Hu Mei didn't answer, but Gu Lingling who got out of bed suddenly intervened.

"Yeah! Even the pictures will be automatically posted. You said those photos we posted in the dormitory group..." Tao Qing couldn't say anything. Sometimes they would post some large-scale photos in the dormitory group. More.

If this association continues, the photos may have been leaked.

I also saw that because of the era of big data, a lot of information can be found. An office worker in Gusu City was followed by someone because of information leakage...

Even with the quilt covered, Tao Qing still trembled badly.

Several roommates also joined the topic discussion.

"Big data can't be like this, so what privacy do we have?"

"This is too much! Then we don't wear any clothes on the Internet?!"

"I think it would be better to have a device that protects personal privacy and security. For example, this time Bin Xixi remotely deletes pictures. Can't there be a security software that can withstand Bin Xixi's behavior?"

"Yes! It's best if the software of Bin Xixi and Tmall wants to read our WeChat chat records, and directly prohibit the other party's behavior!"

The following slowly discusses the expectations of a piece of software.

As for making these software prohibit big data cross-border behavior...what do you think?

Let the other party consciously comply? Even if there are laws and regulations, it is difficult to restrict it!

After all, the user does not know if the other party has crossed the boundary!

It is best to have one specifically for privacy protection.

For example, Fujitsu Security Center and other software, forget it, mainly for mobile phone security, the protection of privacy and security is minimal.

Discussions in the dormitory of Beijing Normal University also took place in major cities across the country.

On the Internet, from time to time there will be some news similar to remote deletion of pictures, but the heat lasts for a few days and soon subsides.

Most Chinese people are very weak about privacy and data security. Fortunately, this time wave after wave, and the discussion lasted for several days, many Chinese people were also panicked!

In the past, many people pretended not to see information leaks in the era of big data. It is just a swarm of news interpretations. In the era of big data, many software will illegally store user data.

Such as explicit photos and recordings, screenshots of private chats and payment receipts, real names, birthdays or email addresses, etc.

Think carefully!

Especially every year, it is shocked that tens of millions of data have been leaked due to hacker attacks on the Internet. Doesn't this also include those photos, recordings, and other information that have also been leaked?

Perhaps it was the same threat. Many Internet companies, even Ahri and Fujisun, all went down to reduce their popularity. Even the three major platforms of Zhihu, Douyin, and Weibo knew that they were not better, and began to control the topic.


Renren Daily said: "From the parallel incident to the privacy war in the era of big data, it is imperative to establish a new information security protection system!"

This time the heat has skyrocketed directly!

How to protect data security in the era of big data has become a discussion in various QQ and WeChat groups~www.readwn.com~ the morning after the announcement of Renren Daily.

Guanghua University, Furong Restaurant faculty canteen.

Just after Chen Hao picked up the dinner plate and took his seat, Zheng Qiang also sat over.

"Principal, the noise this time is so loud, the eyes of the whole people are focused." Zheng Qiang looked at Chen Hao with a deep smile.

"What? Old Zheng, are you talking about the Bin Xixi incident? What does it have to do with me?" Chen Hao frowned and replied innocently.

"Principal, you know what I'm talking about." Zheng Qiang raised his eyebrows and inhaled soy milk.

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