I Am the President of the University

Vol 2 Chapter 353: Guanghua Security Center APP is now available!

What is the concept of 10 million installations?

In terms of security mobile apps in the Mi App Store, Fujisun Mobile Manager has the first installment, with a total of 662 million downloads; the second is Cheetah Security Master, with 262 million downloads; the third is 390 Mobile Guardian also has 173 million downloads.

But the problem is... these downloads are cumulative...

When did the first version of these three releases?

The three launch dates are September 2010, early 2014, and December 2012. The download amount was reached after 10 years of launching at the earliest and 6 years at the latest.

Of course, this is only the statistics of the Xiaomi App Store. With the current 12.5% ​​coverage rate of Mi mobile phones in the market, the above downloads are almost multiplied by 8.

If it is a large Internet company, the promotion of new software is more effective, after all, its own traffic is there.

As can be seen from the rice app store, the Douyin app has the highest download volume, which is 5.88 billion times, followed by Bixixi, which has 5.06 billion times. On the contrary, the veteran Taobao and JD.com have only more than 2 billion downloads.

From the above, we can see that Bie Xixi’s disgusting promotion effect is still very useful...

A number of downloads = one Taobao + one Jingdong.

From the entire network, it is roughly estimated that Douyin has been downloaded more than 40 billion times, and Binxixi will not be less than 35 billion times.

This is why Bie Xixi panics...Negative news on Weibo and Tik Tok is nothing, but it is on the Tik Tok hot list, and the ranking is still so high. The negative impact is too great!

Don't look at the software above billions of billions at every turn. In fact, tens of millions of ordinary software is not easy, let alone the relatively unpopular security protection software, the difficulty is not generally high.

"Principal, is 10 million too high?" Luo Cheng swallowed, feeling that he couldn't breathe.

According to the cooperation content between the principal and Huawei OV, we have promoted the new machine pre-installation with the greatest strength, and it is absolutely no problem to exceed 10 million installations a month!

Leaving aside the promotion of the former, the latter’s new machine pre-rolling alone brings a lot of it! Based on the calculation of 30 million mobile phone shipments a month, the four Huawei OVs occupy at least 70%, which means that there are at least 21 million mobile phones.

It is mid-November, with less than half a month left, 10 million units are not a big problem, plus the impact of the recent incident and the promotion of the four major mobile app stores.

Although Los Angeles is not a professional, it should be close to 20 million installations this month.

But what the principal just said is that 10 million installations will be reached within 5 days...

"Is it more than 10 million? Maybe it will take less than 5 days." Chen Hao smiled and shook his head. This time, just to warm up the software before it went online, and to hype the Binxixi incident would cost a lot of money. The installation volume reached 10 million in 5 days, so he was killed by finding a piece of tofu.

It was still after 8 o'clock in the morning, and the studio was fine. Chen Hao directly told Los Angeles before leaving.

"Go and notify Huawei OV four companies, the time has come, let's go online!"

"Good principal." Luo Cheng quickly responded, waiting for Chen Hao's front foot to leave, and then call to inform him on the back foot.


Beijing, the headquarters of the rice company.

After a meeting, Mr. Lei met with a manager of the application marketing department in his office.

"Mr Lei, Guanghua just called." The man said respectfully.

"Is it on the shelves?"

"It's on the shelves. According to your previous instructions, as soon as they call, we will immediately put them on the shelves. The promotion efforts are all at the highest level."

Listening to the report from his subordinates, Mr. Lei nodded, "That's fine."

"Mr. Lei, Guanghua is on the promotion of this software..." The man opened his mouth, then closed it embarrassingly.

Mr. Lei smiled slightly, knowing what the other party wanted to say, and said earnestly: "I know what you want to say, what have I told you before? Take a long-term view, the promotion cost is not important, what matters is our rice The company wants to win each other well, you know?"

Rice needs Guanghua, and there is no substitute for it; but Guanghua is not necessarily the case. There are four major mobile phone manufacturers in China, and their Xiaomi is still the third and fourth, not to mention there is an Apple eyeing.

"Yes, it's Mr. Lei that you think deeply, but I don't see it thoroughly." The man thought about it, put aside his arrogance as an Internet company, and it seemed to be the truth.

"Well, go down."

After his subordinates left, Mr. Lei picked up the rice phone in his hand and just opened the app store, and a pop-up window appeared directly.

[The strongest privacy information security protection software in history! 】

It can be said that rice has never had this pop-up experience on its own software!

In order to convey rice's kindness to Guanghua, Mr. Lei has worked hard.

Promotion fees are greatly discounted, and rounding up can be said to be free.

Promotion is also unprecedentedly strong!

The software installation package was submitted by Guanghua two days ago. Although it has not been put on the shelves, if Lei always wants to test it, it will be fine. It is just that he was on a business trip a few days ago and only returned to Beijing today.

Open the page at one point and see the logo of the software, Mr. Lei is happy.

"This Guanghua is a bit interesting!"

The software is called "Guanghua Security Center", the name is fine, but this logo... is directly the school badge of Guanghua University.

Too irritable!

This hard advertisement is really hard to guard against!

The software is not big, only 54.5MB, and it will be downloaded in less than a moment.

Click on the software, and several functional sections are clearly displayed on the home page. This software can be used without registration. The UI page design is also very simple but not ugly.

It is worth mentioning that there is a blank line at the bottom of the homepage, with the words "produced by Guanghua University, free forever and free of ads!".

Although many free apps do not need to be paid, all kinds of advertisements are hard to guard against, and they can even be automatically downloaded by accidentally touching them. After all, software developers are not doing charity, of course it is to make money.

It's free, sometimes it's more profitable to pay!

After experiencing all the functions, Lei Jun fell into contemplation.

"The protection ability is okay, the others are a little simple, but overall it is still sufficient."

Lei is always a grassroots, completely relying on his own ability to make a real breakthrough. In 1987, he was admitted to the Department of Computer Science of Wuhan University from Xiantao, Jingchu Province. It only took 2 years to complete all the credits. Under the influence of Jobs, he started to pioneer with his classmates.

It is a pity that the entrepreneurship failed. In 1992, he joined Jinshan Company and served successively as the manager of the Jingcheng Development Department of Jinshan Company, the deputy general manager of Zhuhai Company, and the general manager of Jingcheng Jinshan Software Company.

The stay lasted for 16 years. After Jinshan was listed in 2007, President Lei resigned and left Jinshan.

It is a history of struggle for a child from an ordinary citizen's family to become the CEO of a listed company!

And Mr. Lei himself is also a top computer expert. In 1992, Mr. Lei co-authored the book "Deep DOS Programming" with his colleagues.

In the next two years, I wrote encryption software, anti-virus software, financial software, CAD software, Chinese systems, and various practical gadgets, etc., and worked with Wang Quanguo on circuit board design, soldering circuit boards, and even Hackers who worked for a period of time decrypted all kinds of software.

Lei can always achieve what he has now, without relying on his own family, and relying solely on his own talent and hard work to make a real breakthrough.

In 2010, Mr. Lei started his own business and Mi Mobile was established.

If Mr. Lei’s family is like Fujisun’s pony horse or Ari’s jack horse, then the 16 years of accumulation in Jinshan can be completely omitted and he will directly enter the stage of rice entrepreneurship.

You can look down on the rice phone, but you can't look down on Mr. Lei.

Any grassroots that can successfully start a business is worthy of respect!

"Based on the level of their students, it is estimated that it is not enough, the core part should be written by him." As an expert in the computer field, Mr. Lei guessed it at a glance.

I have previously inquired that this software was developed by the other school’s Dayu studio. The members are all students at school, and the principal of the studio is personally appointed by the principal, Chen Hao, which shows that it attaches great importance to this studio.

It is not easy for him to invade this software himself.

This core code part, except for Chen Hao's hands, no one else can do it at all.

After all, Chen Hao is a top student who graduated from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and his ability to write code is absolutely fine.

When the rice app store began to promote vigorously, the other three were not idle.

Huaxing Consumer BG, internally called the terminal department, is responsible for Huaxing mobile phones, smart wearable products and other products.

"Have Guanghua called?"

"Then it will be launched, and we will promote the Guanghua Security Center app with the greatest effort, and we must not lose to friends!"

popo phone.

"Immediately put it on the shelves, and put all the resources on me! Starting today, all new popo machines will have this software pre-installed!"

vovo mobile phone.

"The speed must be fast, all resources will be used for me, and all major publicity channels will also start to promote! Our vovo mobile phone is the most suitable partner for Guanghua!"

When the four major domestic mobile phone manufacturers moved up, the movements were quite big!

Many of the nearly 70% of mobile phone users across the country have noticed the promotion in the system application store.


"Guanghua Security Center??"

And the company headquarters.

The complexion on Huang Xuan’s face is not good. With the efforts of the public relations department, the recent incidents have not fallen in popularity. On the contrary, they have become visible to the naked eye. Hot search first, knowing hot search first...

There has been a lot of noise, and the daily active users are declining every day.

Most importantly, the stock price has been falling for several days!

In just a few days, US$18.9 billion has been evaporated, or 122.7 billion yuan.

As a result, the direction of popularity suddenly changed today, and I began to push [Guanghua Security Center] this software, known as user big data security.

The most important thing is that Huami OV four companies have been vigorously promoting it from the morning.

Huang Xuan is not stupid~www.readwn.com~ He instantly understood what happened before and after these days.

Unprecedented anger arose spontaneously.

"Did we not provoke him to provoke him?"

"Why use us as targets!"

ps: Three thousand chapters, ask for a monthly pass! ! ! There is a 3,000-word chapter tonight, which will be delayed!

I recommend everyone to go to the cinema to watch the new movie of Detective Conan, it's really not bad.

A new technology is mentioned in the movie. The maximum speed of the [Vacuum Superconducting Magnetic Suspension Train] can reach 1000km/h. The [Vacuum Super High Speed ​​Rail] mentioned in the introduction will also be developed in the future, and the initial stage will reach 1000km/h. Travel will become more and more convenient.

The Fuxing from Beijing to Yangcheng takes 8 hours, and after the realization of the vacuum super high-speed rail, it can be shortened to less than 3 hours. It only takes 1 hour and 30 minutes from the capital to the magic capital. Remember the website of this site, www. biquxu. Com, easy to read next time, or enter "" on Baidu to enter this site

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