I Am the President of the University

Vol 2 Chapter 357: : G-BAQ battle

   Guanghua University, Computer Research Institute.

  MR smart glasses laboratory.

  Compared to the few laboratories before, they are now overcrowded, with equipment, researchers, and patents all in place.

   Looking at the busy researchers in white coats in front of him, Chen Hao was somewhat satisfied, but he couldn't help but sighed, "I have tossed a lot for this smart glasses, and finally built the laboratory."

   Thinking of this, Chen Hao is unable to complain about some plots in the novel. Even if the protagonist develops a great deal by himself, it only takes a month and a half to do it. Where does the logic come from?

  Scientific research is not a playhouse, but an experimental verification process that requires rigorous and repeatable experiments.

   Especially chips.

  Do you know how many processes are contained on the chip?

   Not to mention the optical core, ordinary chip research and development are based on the year, and the research and development results may not be available.

   Fortunately, the success of the photon screen laid the foundation of the optical core. Now the progress of the optical core has reached 1/3, and the distance from 1/2 is not far away.

   Facing the principal’s true feelings, Zhu Chen also felt deeply. He shook his head and sighed, “It’s true, it’s not easy.”

   "There is nothing wrong with the placement of these researchers, right?"

   "Not for the time being. After all, our school's welfare benefits are not low, and we are basically satisfied."

"That's good." Chen Hao nodded, thinking of something, and then said, "In terms of technology, you should communicate more with research institutes in Silicon Valley and assign tasks. I still have high hopes for your project. !"


   Zhu Chen yelled, and if what he wanted to say afterwards was swallowed, he would be speechless.

   "Well? What's the matter?" Chen Hao asked curiously.

   "President, Guanghua Research Institute won't be there, there won't be anything wrong?" Zhu Chen's face was full of worry, as if he was not at ease with Guanghua Research Institute.

  Also, although Mike was subdued, who knows that the other party will not have ambitions in half a year or a year?

   When the time comes to do some small actions, but it will be disgusting.

   "Don't worry, I still have to recruit, a small microphone, what a big deal." Chen Hao patted Zhu Chen on the shoulder and smiled confidently.

   The ancients said: Will be out, military orders are not tolerated!

   And his foreigner is not necessarily a general foreigner, but directly in a foreign country, farther away!

   Although the big stick + jujube has a significant effect before, it will not be a problem for a long time.

   The ancient emperors like to play balance, although it will affect the efficiency, but it is really useful.

   The Guanghua Research Institute will become larger and larger, and he will plan to hire a knowledgeable, reliable, and practical deputy dean of the research institute to supervise each other with Mike.

   "Okay, as long as you know the principal, I can rest assured." Zhu Chen breathed a sigh of relief, and a smile reappeared on his face.

   "Don't be embarrassed if you have any difficulties, just ask me directly." To Zhu Chen, Chen Hao said with a smile.

   "Good principal." Zhu Chen nodded.

   After talking, Chen Hao had a lot of things on his own, so he left the research institute, and he was relieved to leave it to Zhu Chen here.


   and Xixi headquarters.


   There was a harsh sound.

   I saw Huang Xuan in the office, throwing his favorite tea cup directly on the ground, turning it into countless pieces.

   "Guanghua Security Center? Well, you are a Guanghua University, so you designed it behind the scenes!"

   Huang Xuan is angry!

   He never expected Guanghua University to be the one who caused the trouble!

   Fortunately, he was still guessing whether it was Ma Yun of Ari or Liu Yidong of JD.com.

   "Is this Guanghua University's Chen Hao sick or his brain rusted?" Huang Xuan's expression was ashen, he really didn't understand what the other party meant by this move?

   No fees, no advertisements, no user information collection... Isn't this a money-losing transaction?

   His family does charity! ?

   "Is it true to protect user privacy?"

   Huang Xuan smiled as she said, "It's ridiculous, I won't believe it anyway!"

   The same capitalists, how can anyone seek welfare for the untouchables without making money?

   is too fake!

   "I and Xixi can't touch porcelain!" Huang Xuan snorted coldly, her expression gloomy and a little scary.

   lowered his head and glanced at his watch, after calculating the time, he got up and went to the meeting room.

   after a moment.

  The time came to 5 o'clock in the afternoon.

   In the meeting room, a remote connection meeting began.

   are from five companies including Bingxixi, Ari, Qiandu, Jingdong and Tencent.

   Except for Ari, who was replaced by Zhang Yong, the other four are the original founders unchanged.

Huang Xuan's expression was a bit heavy, facing the other four people, without circumstance, she bluntly said: "Everyone, the purpose of the remote meeting today is to resist the Guanghua Security Center APP launched by Guanghua University! What is the most profitable in this era of big data? Of course it is user data! Each of us cannot do without the blessings brought about by these big data, so I propose to establish an alliance here to counter the Guanghua Security Center! We must not make Guanghua bigger and stronger!"

   Didn't Guanghua University pull up the Huami OV four alliances to counter big data?

   Then he will pull in the domestic Internet giants Ari, Tencent, Qiandu and JD. Together, it is also 5v5. It is not necessarily who wins or loses!

   Ari’s Zhang Yong was imminent, but he still pretended to have a flat expression and asked: "Then Mr. Huang, how do you think we should deal with it?"

   The other three people who did not speak also raised their heads, waiting for Huang Xuan to answer.

   "I think we set it up, as long as the Guanghua Security Center APP is installed and all permissions are prohibited, then these permissions must be granted if you want to use it." Huang Xuan replied in a deep voice.

   "What if the user doesn't grant it yet?" Liu Yidong asked.

   "Don't grant it? Then it won't be used, you must choose one!" Huang Xuan said lightly.

   Fujisun’s Xiaoma brother listened for a moment, I am familiar with this trick!

   The 2010 3Q battle lasted 9 rounds from May to November, and was finally defeated by Fujisun's nirvana ~www.readwn.com~.

   The nirvana is that on the evening of November 3, Fujisun sent an open letter announcing that it will stop running QQ software on computers with 390 software. If you want to log in to QQ, you must uninstall 390 software!

   This trick forces users to choose one of the two, and it can be said to be a showy! A few days after the Fujisun open letter came out, the number of 390 software users who were forced to uninstall reached 60 million.

   "The last word I want to say is that the lips are dead and the teeth are cold!"

   Huang Xuan looked directly at the screen and said solemnly: "If you don’t unite, you will only be destroyed one by one! We may be the one who fell first, but the next one may be one of you."

   "Then finally, let's say something!"

   Huang Xuan finished speaking, Zhang Yong of Ari was the first of the four to support, and President Li of Qiandu hesitated and stood up to support him.

   It was Fujisun’s Xiaoma brother who actually refused, but after some decision by Jingdong Liu Yidong, he still chose to give up.

   After the meeting.


   Huang Xuan exhaled a foul breath.

   He thought it would be Mr. Li of Qiandu who would refuse, but he did not expect that both Jingdong and Fujisun would refuse, but Qiandu agreed.

  The alliance of the five giants has become the alliance of the three giants. Although it has increased the risk, Huang Xuan has not flinched.

   The beacon smoke of the second choice one war ignited that night!



   A female college student was about to buy something on the Binxixi APP, but when she entered the software interface, she got stuck!

   Moreover, an interface popped up.

  Ps: I wrote at 2 o'clock exactly, I was exhausted, so sleepy...

   Ask for a recommendation ticket, ask for a monthly pass! Oh oh oh!

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