I Am the President of the University

Vol 2 Chapter 358: The system task is finally completed

Guanghua University, 522 dormitory.

"Cracking" the keyboard sounded continuously.

Zheng Tianyu was sitting in his seat writing a code. Because his voice was not low, it was not convenient to take it to the library. Fortunately, the roommates in the dormitory understood well.

However, a roommate's voice made his hand stiff and stopped.

"Old Zheng, something happened!" Roommate Chen Chu shouted anxiously.

Chen Chu, who was still sitting on the bed and playing with his mobile phone, climbed down directly from the bed.

"What's the matter?" Zheng Tianyu asked sternly when Chen Chu didn't seem to be joking.

"Didn't I install the Guanghua Security Center app during the day? Then I just finished playing the game and found out that Taobao couldn't open it! It was displayed that authorization is required, and it will not be used without the authorization permission."

Chen Chu's face was a little panicked, and he handed the phone directly to Zheng Tianyu, "Here, take a look."

Zheng Tianyu looked at it, and it showed:

[Enable permission:]

[In order to complete the necessary security checks, please authorize Taobao to obtain storage and phone permissions! 】

Seeing the content of this pop-up window, Zheng Tianyu's expression suddenly changed, and he turned to ask Chen Chu, "What about other software?"

Chen Chu shook his head and said, "I told you as soon as I noticed something abnormal. The rest is still unclear."

At this time, several other roommates also heard the conversation, Shi Ze, Zhang Lei and others gathered around and said in a rush:

"Ma Dan, these rogue software must be fighting back!"

"I thought of this kind of scene before, but I thought it was only Bie Xixi, and I didn't expect Taobao to come to this one too!"

"It's horrible, it's obviously to protect our own privacy, so why not let it!"

Facing the roommate's resentment, Zheng Tianyu's brain became sober the more critical the moment.

To Zhang Lei and others, he said in a deep voice: "Let’s stop talking about this, and quickly try all the software in the mobile phone to see which software has participated in this operation. I will summarize and contact the principal."


Only one of the six people in the dormitory is an Apple phone, and the others have three Huaxing phones and two rice phones. As for OV, it is mainly female users.

While the roommate was testing, Zheng Tianyu was not idle, and tried all the software in the phone.

It's just that with more and more software being tested, Zheng Tianyu's face becomes more ugly.

This time the counterattack action was more serious than I thought!

ten minutes later.

Several roommates sent apps that they found problems to Zheng Tianyu.

"Beixixi, Xixi Shopping, Qiandu, Taobao, Alipay, Qiandu Post Bar, Qiandu Encyclopedia, Are You Hungry, Gaode Map, Tmall, Qiandu Map, Qiandu Net Disk, Book Banner Novel, Youku , Qiandu translation, Qiandu know..."

And Xixi’s counterattack is not terrible, but Taobao, Tmall, Jingdong, etc. can be used, which is highly replaceable.

But with the addition of Ari and Thousand Degrees... this is terrible!

For example, map software, although there is still Fujitsu system, but in terms of market share, it is definitely not as good as AutoNavi Map and Thousand Degree Map.

The only good thing is that the Fujisuke system did not participate for some reason, otherwise the BAT three systems will exert their strength...this is definitely a nightmare!

In China, no one software party can resist the BAT teaming up!

"Old Zheng, what about this?! Our school software will not be uninstalled, right?" Zhang Lei looked sad, his intention was obvious, and Xixi teamed up with Qiandu and Ari to directly force users to choose one of the two!

Either continue to use the Guanghua Security Center without their software, or use their software without the Guanghua Security Center.

This is undoubtedly a robber behavior, driving the user to the cliff, should it jump or not?

"This is much more serious than the 3Q war in 2010!" Chen Chu murmured.

As a student of computer science, he is no stranger to the battle ten years ago.

Now this situation has become an upgraded version of the 3Q battle "G-BAQ battle"!

Guanghua confronts Bing Xixi + Ahri + Thousand Degrees...

Replaced by any normal person, I am afraid that the former will not win.

"But why didn't Fujisun join?" Shi Ze turned his head for a long time and didn't understand.

Why did Ari and Qiandu choose to join forces with Minami Xixi?

Because big data is so important for Internet companies!

They have all cleaned up the clothes of netizens all over the country, but Guanghua jumped out and put on everyone's clothes. How can this be tolerated!

It stands to reason that for data needs, Fujisun has two major traffic ports, WeChat and QQ. There is no reason not to participate in this rogue software operation?

Moreover, Fujisun seems to have always been a big gangster, right?

Nanshan Pizza Hut, Longgang Invincible Hand, Guizhou Tumbler, Haidian Unbeaten, Futian Rogue Head.

There is a wrong name, but there is no wrong nickname.

Zheng Tianyu was equally puzzled.

"Yes, why didn't Fujisun participate?"


"Fujishun doesn't need to participate, I guess it's because there was a shadow in 2010."

After listening to Zhang Yong's report, Ma Yun guessed.

The 10 years of the 3Q battle ended with the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, and 390 and Fujixun had to shake hands and make peace.

"Moreover, Pony is deeply influenced by the spirit of Cantonese businessmen. He is more like a chicken thief. But it doesn't matter anymore. Whether Fujixun joins Guanghua will be defeated!" Ma Yun said lightly.

Thousand-degree department + Ari department plus a make-up and Xixi department. If you can't beat a software launched by Guanghua University's studio, then he can hit the wall.

"But will the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology intervene this time?" Zhang Yong thought of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, slightly worried.

Which department does IT company fear most?

That must be undoubtedly by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology!

This authority with real power can rule IT companies to death. As long as they are on the territory of China, once the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has a strong intervention, it will naturally be impossible.

"It's hard to say. But it's generally fine."

Ma Yun thought about it, and smiled disapprovingly: "If the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology does not interfere, the Guanghua Safety Center will be a mess! The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology will intervene? It will take a few days to react, so let's make a time difference!"

"A few days~www.readwn.com~ is enough to destroy this young seedling with the momentum of thunder!"

Huaxia Internet was originally calm and the water was muddy due to the Bixixi incident, and then Guanghua was put on the shelves with a strong force, but it was unexpected that the three major Internet giants would counterattack on the night of the launch.

On this noisy night, Chen Hao smiled in the hotel room.

[Congratulations on completing the task: develop an application software! 】

[Congratulations on getting the task reward: 50 million school construction funds, talent search radar (paid version)! 】

Listening to the two pleasant voices in his mind, Chen Hao smiled with joy.

"After tossing for so long, I finally completed the task!"

ps: Ask for recommended tickets, ask for monthly tickets!

One more chapter will be late, about 11 o'clock in the evening. Remember the website of this site, www. biquxu. Com, easy to read next time, or enter "" on Baidu to enter this site

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