I Am the President of the University

Vol 2 Chapter 359: Let this play continue to sing!

Chen Hao couldn't help but grin openly with the fifty million school construction funds.

Two primary system buildings, or one intermediate building is stable!

It is planned to replace all colleges with system buildings before the summer vacation next year, including several new college teaching buildings under preparation.

However, the system construction funds are not in a hurry. Let’s take a look at what this talent search radar (paid version) is.

I got a [One-time Talent Search Radar] after completing the task before, and the effect was good. Lu Zhou was excavated.

Attention was focused on the items lying quietly in the inventory, and soon the attribute panel popped up.

[Item: Talent Search Radar (paid version)]

[Note: You can search for regional talents according to the selected ability, and each use needs to consume 10 million system construction funds, and the search area is 10000×10000 meters]

Looking at this explanation, Chen Hao was a little delighted.

Although 10 million system construction funds are consumed each time, which is equivalent to 12 system primary buildings, the effect is remarkable!

When there is a shortage of talents in the future, with this talent search radar, a major difficulty can be solved!

The ancients have said that Chollima often has it, but Bole doesn't often have it.

With this talent search radar, you won't be afraid to find Maxima.

"But in the future, we have to reserve a system construction fund of 20 to 30 million yuan, otherwise we will use it to build a house. When the time comes, we will be in a hurry." Chen Hao was still sober without the joy of this item. .

"Look at the new tasks!"

Just as Chen Hao was about to check the new mission, Zheng Tianyu's phone suddenly called.

Among the three of the math group, Zhang Lei is the most unreliable, with a hippy smile; Lu Zhou seems to be a person who only loves learning, as if he has no interest in others; on the contrary, Zheng Tianyu's personality is between the two, and the balance is quite good.

Zheng Tianyu usually doesn't make phone calls, and asks on WeChat if he has things.

Since it hit... then something important must have happened.

Chen Hao grinned, put down the task, and answered the phone first.

"Hey, Tianyu, what happened?"

"Not good principal! Xixi's counterattack is coming!" Zheng Tianyu's voice was anxious.

Chen Hao didn't care much, anyway, the task had been completed.

He originally planned to complete it within 3 days and it should be no problem, but he did not expect that the marketing account of the recent period has worked well. In addition, Huami OV has the top ten publicity effects. It was on the shelves from 9 in the morning to 9 in the evening, which was exactly 12 hours. Completed the task ahead of schedule.

However, the Guanghua Security Center APP is after all the software launched by the school, and it is not his character to be slapped and not fight back.

"What counterattack? Don't panic, speak slowly." Chen Hao said calmly.

"Yes, just now my roommate..."

After Zheng Tianyu finished speaking briefly, Chen Hao also understood the situation clearly.

But after understanding it clearly, he didn't panic and laughed out instead.

"Principal, why are you not in a hurry?! Should we fight back?" Zheng Tianyu was confused by the principal's reaction.

"What is the counterattack? There is no counterattack at all. Originally, it only caused continuous damage to them. Now they tossed them and directly caused a crit." Chen Hao was really happy, and Xixi went crazy. He could understand it, but Qiandu and Ari Go crazy with it, it's so fun.

Really treat him as a bully?

The four Huami OV companies together, but accounted for nearly 70% of domestic mobile phone users, how much do they underestimate the dependence of these four companies on Guanghua University?

As long as Huami OV makes a joint shot and makes an announcement, or the Alliance will stop choosing one of the two, or wait for it to be taken off the shelf.

If you switch to rice or the Huaxing family to support Guanghua, it will have little impact on the Binxixi Alliance, but for the four companies... whether it is BAT or everything, you have to weigh it.

"Principal, I didn't understand what you said, what do you mean?" Zheng Tianyu was stunned. Does the principal still have big kills?

"The biggest backer of Guanghua Security Center is not Huami OV, but the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology!"

Chen Hao smiled and said, "Ari and Qiandu got in the wrong car this time."

"Understood." Zheng Tianyu realized in an instant, and said embarrassedly, "Then I was too careful."

"You are not to blame, you can be careful."

After all, only Huami OV knows these inside stories, and no one else knows what Guanghua's trump card is.

After comforting Zheng Tianyu, the call never stopped...

Qian Jiahui, Deng Hui, Zheng Qiang, Luocheng, Chen Chong, Zhu Chen... and even Professor Ren Hong called to remind them.

The good intentions are correct, but it is too tiring.

Huami OV four also called, but they asked if they wanted to make a move.

This Chen Hao naturally refused, resolutely not to make a move.

If the four major manufacturers make a move, how will this scene continue to sing?

Let this second-choice storm blow for two days first, and when things get violent, there are naturally "people" to clean them up.

In one night, the impact is not small.

After the rhythm led by the Beijing News in the past few days, many netizens have learned a lot about the serious loss of privacy in the era of big data.

And Xixi, Ari and Qiandu's actions are like a thunderbolt, in less than an hour directly on the three major platforms of Zhihu, Weibo and Douyin.

#光华安全中心APP was sniped, and one of the two options reappears. Can we still have the right to privacy?

This is a hot search on Weibo.

As for the promoters, unfortunately, it was the Beijing News.

The Beijing News, which has always been infamous, played a positive role in this parallel incident, which is also surprising.

As for the reactions of netizens, they generally support Guanghua University.

"If there is no torch, Guanghua is the only light!

These IT giants kidnapped users and made users choose one of them countless times. This time the software launched by Guanghua obviously moved too many people's cakes, and we must support it! Let the two choose one to die! "

"If you don’t have permission, it won’t work? If you don’t uninstall Guanghua Security Center, it won’t work? OK! Then I will uninstall! Tonight I will uninstall all the software that participated in this counterattack! Go to nm to choose one of the two! We, netizens, though It's leeks, but it's not slaughtered arbitrarily!"

"It's a blessing, really! Fortunately, Gou Tengxun did not participate. There are Fujixun products that can be replaced. It is a big deal that you don't need Ari and Qiandu series! I hope that Fujixun will not follow blind Jiebao, otherwise... Grass, that would be difficult."

"It really disgusts me. I uninstalled nmlgb! Labor and management did not uninstall. I thought it was ten years ago?!"

Huang Xuan, Ma Yun and others thought that the Guanghua Security Center had no resistance in front of the three major factions, but they did not expect it to arouse the resistance of netizens.

However, numb people still account for the majority.

I can't say that I don't understand it, but...

In modern society, there are more and more refined egoists.

Why stand up?

Anyway, someone will come forward ~www.readwn.com~, just let them stand up and speak up. Wouldn't it be beautiful to sit back and enjoy their achievements?

No exaggeration, at least 90% of people think so.

Most people watched the resistance of a small number of people.

Things got worse and worse, until the next night.


A little south in the middle of the sea, a middle-aged man wearing a white shirt and black trousers came to the side of a kindly elderly man, and whispered a few words in his ear.

After listening.

The elder frowned.

ps: Ask for recommended tickets, ask for monthly tickets!

It's been too long, I'm really sorry! Because it was recommended, I refreshed my collection every few minutes and found that the increase was not large, which affected my mentality a bit, so I cried. Remember the website of this site, www. biquxu. Com, easy to read next time, or enter "" on Baidu to enter this site

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