I Am the President of the University

Vol 2 Chapter 363: This male student, get up and answer this question once

I haven't written it yet, don't read it, wait for one o'clock, I'm really sorry!


The teaching building of the School of Engineering and Technology of Guanghua University.

Many young people stood outside the door of classroom 312.

Liu Yue took a few deep breaths, but the tension in her heart did not diminish at all.

"Xiao Yu, I feel my heart is about to jump out!" She looked at her roommate Hu Xiaoyu, and asked in a panic.

"Yueyue, why are you nervous? We are from the Peking University Medical Department. Isn't it appropriate to apply for a Guanghua University?" Hu Xiaoyu said confidently.

"But, but the others are not bad!" Liu Yue quickly cried out.

Isn't Guanghua University a private two-college university?

How come the applicants in the same batch as me are all PhD 985? There are even many postdoctoral returnees, which makes her even more alarmed.

A small Guanghua University recruits full-time teachers, attracting a lot of great gods!

"It's okay, you're not bad, don't worry!" Hu Xiaoyu said comfortingly.

"I, my article is still not enough, I am afraid that I will not have the interview..." Liu Yue said, biting her lip.

The recruitment of full-time teachers in colleges and universities is generally divided into: written examination + trial lecture + interview. In these three links, the written test may be cancelled according to the number of applicants.

This time the medical school’s recruitment is free of written examinations, and it only takes 15 minutes of trial lectures + interviews.

Because the articles on her resume were not good enough, in order to increase the chance of passing, Liu Yue spent a lot of time on trial lectures these days.

For example, preparing exquisite PPT, rehearsing many class scenes in the dormitory and roommates.

Even so, he couldn't help but panic when he was on the scene.

"Hey, it's almost over to us now, isn't it useful for you to panic? Adjust your mentality, you can!" In contrast, Hu Xiaoyu, who is more minded, didn't care.

After all, as a medical school of Peking University, even if you major in basic medicine, you still don’t have to worry about finding a job.

At this time, the voice in the classroom ceased, and then a young man in a suit and leather shoes walked out of the teacher. The moment he walked out the door, he seemed to breathe a sigh of relief.

The next classmate was about to go in. A teacher wearing glasses walked out of the classroom and stood at the door and spoke to the crowd outside.

"Let's pause for ten minutes, everyone wait a moment."

When the voice fell, a middle-aged man walked out of the classroom and left in a hurry.

Liu Yue watched this scene with her mouth wide open, and her mind was puzzled.

"This, this is not an interviewer? Why did the interviewer leave?"

Although it was not her turn yet, she could still get a little bit inside while standing outside.

Among the seven interviewers, the middle-aged man sitting in the middle seems to be the same.

Less than ten minutes after the middle-aged walked, footsteps rang out around the corner of the classroom.

Liu Yue looked over subconsciously, only to see a young man wearing a short white shirt and black trousers appeared.

"So handsome..." Liu Yue stunned and muttered.

Just watched this young man walk calmly through the crowd of applicants~www.readwn.com~ and walked into classroom 312.

In classrooms.

Zhao Donglai, the dean of the First Affiliated Hospital of Guanghua University, saw Chen Hao's appearance with joy on his face. He quickly got up and greeted him.

"It's not troublesome, but I have worked hard for Dean Zhao and everyone." Chen Hao smiled and shook hands, and smiled to the other directors of the affiliated hospitals who had arrived.

"No hard work, no hard work, the principal is serious, this is what we should!"

"That's right, we are affiliated to the hospital, and we are still connected to the school after a bone break, and we are closer than our family!"

"The most difficult thing is the principal. For the school and the students, you are really a good principal!"


I haven't finished writing yet, I'm writing, I'm really sorry! Remember the website of this site, www. biquxu. Com, easy to read next time, or enter "" on Baidu to enter this site

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