I Am the President of the University

Vol 2 Chapter 364: Hanfu Festival

"Principal, now the interview is over, then we should leave." Zhao Donglai and a few people simply tidied up, preparing to bid farewell to Chen Hao and leave.

This time I came to interview, mainly for the full-time faculty of the medical school.

Normally, there are not only full-time teachers in the medical department of a university, but also attending and chief doctors in the hospital.

Especially for clinical teachers, this kind of practical ability is very much needed.

Can't let a doctor who has never been on the operating table teach students?

On the contrary, there are some theoretical courses, many of which are full-time lecturers in schools, and others are doctors in hospitals, who take a few hours a week to attend classes at school.

Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, which is now the First Hospital of Guanghua Affiliated Hospital, will of course cooperate 100% in the face of the request from the school.

"Dean Zhao, this point is also a meal order, I don't think I would invite four of you to have a meal in the cafeteria, right?"

Chen Hao said jokingly: "Just let you guys taste the taste of the school cafeteria too!"

Zhao Donglai didn't refuse the truth, but he was happy, "Haha, since the principal said so, then we naturally have to follow our orders."

After replying to Chen Hao, Zhao Donglai turned his head and smiled at the three directors and said, "Unexpectedly, many years after graduation, we can eat the school cafeteria again!"

The three directors glanced at each other and laughed similarly.

"What Dean Zhao said is that I haven't tasted the taste of the university cafeteria for a long time. I really miss it."

"You have to thank the principal, if we didn't have the experience today?"

"Lao Liu is right. I am now, but I am looking forward to coming next September soon."

Either flattering, or feeling, in short, the scene is generally very pleasant.

Although the chief doctor is decent and highly paid, who doesn't have a college plot?

Being a university professor part-time, you can get more serious money, and you can also add a title.

Professor Liu sounds more than Director Liu.

Chen Hao was also in a better mood, and the leaders of the other two schools shouted, and the seven went to the third floor of Nanguang Restaurant for dinner.

During the meal, Chen Hao curiously asked Zhao Donglai, who was sitting across from him, "How does Dean Zhao feel about the two-day interview?"

"Feel it?" Zhao Donglai listened to the chopsticks and said without thinking, "The interview in these two days is generally very satisfactory. Many of the people who came for the interview are students from prestigious universities or top medical universities. Students. There is no problem with professional level, scientific research experience, including academic qualifications. I think the quality is okay."

As for the reasons, Zhao Donglai had heard of it for a long time.

The domestic medical profession says that it is big or not, but it is not too small.

Guanghua University recruited full-time faculty from the medical school this time, because the high salary has attracted many fresh doctoral students or doctors who have just graduated a few years ago, which has caused quite a stir in the industry.

No way, in the final analysis, I still give too much money!

Doctors, teachers, lawyers, this kind of profession is more popular with the older, and at the same time there are salaries, and the older the seniority, the higher the salary.

In contrast, the first few years after entering the hospital were not very difficult.

A few years as a resident, then a year as the chief resident, and then the attending physician.

It takes several years to get to an attending physician, not to mention the deputy chief physicians and chief physicians behind.

The years before the attending physician are not easy, and compared with the treatment of full-time teachers recruited here at Guanghua University, it is almost unnecessary to think about it!

This led to the recruitment of Guanghua University School of Medicine, and the delivery of doctoral resumes from the 985 and 211 universities of Yishui, as well as doctors from major medical universities.

"People go to high places and water flows to low places. Our school is the same every day, full of vitality. I can rest assured when recruiting people." Chen Hao said with a light smile.

The most difficult recruitment period for the school was the first September to October, when the outside world was generally not optimistic about Guanghua University.

But now is different, especially after the Bixixi incident, no one dares to despise Guanghua University. This is not an ordinary private university!

To say that among the thousands of universities in China, the most special is Guanghua University.

So far, even many big V and education bloggers are very optimistic about the prospects of Guanghua University, calling it a pioneer and horn of contemporary education reform!

Education reform has been shouting for a long time, but it is too difficult to do.

Yuanpei College of Peking University is a product of education reform, but it hasn't seen any changes in more than a decade.

Compared with the Guanghua School of Management, which has the same name as Guanghua University, it is inferior to the traditional professional colleges. The situation was once embarrassing. Fortunately, the current president of Peking University is not low in ability and has drastically changed a lot in the past two years.

Although Guanghua University is a private university, its attitude towards students, teachers, and scientific research is more friendly and valued than public universities.

The importance attached to scientific research by Guanghua University is no longer a secret among college teachers.

If a professor at a certain university is unwilling to give up because the research team hasn't produced any results, someone will persuade him to go to Guanghua University to try.

This month, the Guanghua school received many professors with topics. As long as they support the research, they are willing to move to Guanghua.

For Guanghua, this was a complete surprise.

Guanghua University already has a nickname in the circle of university teachers, called:

Timely rain for academia!

Zhao Donglai's view of Guanghua University has also changed from his initial anxiety to his happiness now, and he is particularly sad about the affairs of the school.

For example, the First Affiliated Hospital took over the campus hospital of Guanghua University and opened up the data system between the First Affiliated Hospital and Guanghua. However, all teachers and students of Guanghua University who come to the First Affiliated Hospital to see a doctor are discounted, and the hospital has a separate Guanghua University dedicated window.

A dean with ability and vision is also very satisfied and relieved by Chen Hao.

"It's just, there are one or two people who are not easy to make a decision." Zhao Donglai thought about one or two, with some hesitation on his face.

"Oh? Which one?" Chen Hao lowered his head and ate the food, still quite satisfied with the taste of the school's food.

Thinking of this person, Zhao Donglai couldn't help but smile, "It was the female classmate who called the principal to answer the question when an accident happened during the trial."

Chen Hao listened carefully, and couldn't help but twitch his mouth. The experience just now was really speechless.

Ask him to get up and answer questions. Although he is a **** learner, he has never been exposed to medicine. How do you understand this!

After he got up with a daunted expression on his face, he had to cope with the sentence "Teacher, I don't know this question", and then sit down.

Although there was a little accident, Chen Hao was quite satisfied with the female classmate's trial lecture.

"That student from Peking University School of Medicine, the teaching level is not bad, vivid and vivid, but the published articles are a bit poor." Chen Hao frowned slightly.

"Yes, the teaching level is pretty good, and the basic knowledge is solid, but the scientific research is a little bit worse." Zhao Donglai said with some regret. Scientific research and writing articles are good enough.

Zhao Donglai admired each other's level, thought about it, and couldn't help but raised his mouth, "If it's just for teaching, I think this student Liu is still quite capable. At least, among the people who tried to teach today, no more than 3 people performed better than her. ."

"Then put it into consideration for the time being, if there are better candidates in the same field, then forget it." Chen Hao said calmly.

In fact, as far as teachers are concerned, he still prefers scientific research talents in his heart.

"It depends on how you look at the principal. We are just using it as a professional reference. It is the principal who makes the decision." Zhao Donglai didn't say much. He has already done what he can do. It depends on God.

Furong Restaurant is not far from Nanguang Restaurant.

Liu Yue and Hu Xiaoyu walked out of it with satisfaction.

Hu Xiaoyu patted herself slightly puffed up, "Unexpectedly, Guanghua University's cafeteria is so good and so cheap. It's just like slamming us at Peking University. I can't wait to graduate and join the job!"

A black line appeared on Liu Yue's forehead, and she looked at Hu Xiaoyu a little speechlessly, "Xiaoyu, can you be a little prosperous! Just bought by the other party's cafeteria?"

"The cafeteria is related to the daily diet. If it is delicious, I think I will be very happy when I go to work every day." Hu Xiaoyu became unhappy and seriously retorted Liu Yue.

"Oh, it's too early to say that, you should be stable, I can't tell." Thinking of the scene that happened during the trial, Liu Yue's face showed two blushes.

"Hahaha, but your behavior at the time probably surprised Principal Chen too." Thinking of the scene Liu Yue said, Hu Xiaoyu laughed out of breath, "It's really laughing at me, Yueyue, you really are. Nobody, hahaha, no, I have to talk to them when I go back."


Peking University Yuanpei General Education Curriculum System

1. It has not been established since its inception. This is also an important reason why it was not envisaged at the beginning of the establishment but has not been realized so far, which affects the effect of this experiment. The purpose of this experiment was to establish a general education system similar to that of the top American liberal arts colleges, but after more than ten years of operation, this goal was not achieved. You can find many commentary articles on Peking University Yuanpei General Education on the Internet, with mixed reviews. But in a word, this experiment was not successful.

2. Yuanpei College of Peking University focuses on general education, but its current training model is not to offer general education courses by itself, but to adopt a combination of general education methods. Whether this method is good or not remains to be discussed, but at present domestic It is difficult to set up independent general education courses in the educational environment of China. This may be the "experimental failure" mentioned upstairs.

The so-called platter-style general education means that students of Yuanpei College can take all the professional courses in Peking University. Therefore, Yuanpei does not offer general education courses, but students can freely combine professional courses from different departments to achieve general education. The result of education. In the sophomore year, students are divided into majors. Students can freely choose any major in Peking University as their major (of course, the right to change directions and take other professional courses), or choose Yuanpei’s special majors: such as PPE (Politics) , Economics and Philosophy), Foreign Languages ​​and Foreign History, Paleontology, Integrated Science, etc. As the name suggests, these majors combine the relevant courses of various faculties and departments as your compulsory courses.

This century is a banner of undergraduate education and teaching reform. Yuanpei College has been exploring a broad-based and broad-calibre talent training model for 13 years. It is the first batch of domestic colleges and universities to test the waters of general education. The accidents, frustrations, embarrassments and even controversies encountered by "Yuan Pei" in this talent experiment fully reflect the difficulty and pain of general knowledge.

Peking University Yuanpei is the earliest and relatively mature model of the domestic general education reform. Now general education is being rolled out in various universities, but the current results are not particularly good-but at least one step has been taken.

3. According to the talent training plan of Yuanpei College, after enrolling, freshmen can theoretically choose any course offered by the whole school. They can listen to whatever they want. The course study plan is all made by themselves; from the sophomore year, students can follow You can freely choose the direction of study for your own interests, and there is no limit in theory.

"Mental freedom, academic freedom, and learning freedom." After almost all students enter Yuanpei, their first feeling is "freedom", but after that, most people will start to be "lost."

A student who enrolled in 2004 once published an article on the Internet complaining about Yuanpei's "free system." For example, the "tutor system" that should be responsible for tutoring students in choosing courses and majors has limited effect. In fact, the freshmen of Yuanpei's 04 freshmen can't even get a course plan from the department and must go to the academic affairs department of each department. "Look at it."

Compared with these trivial matters, the freedom of course selection has become a bigger obstacle-you can listen to the classes in the whole school, but what exactly do you listen to?

At Peking University, the undergraduate course plan is divided into two parts: professional courses and general elective courses. Generally speaking, professional courses are more difficult than general elective courses~www.readwn.com~ According to the assumption, after any Yuanpei student is in his sophomore year and chooses his own major, the courses of other colleges and departments previously elective can be substituted for general elective courses. Elective courses, you can graduate after completing the credits.

For students, such regulations are tantamount to the shackles of "free treatment": choosing courses according to their interests, once the exam results are not satisfactory, they will lose a certain degree of freedom when choosing a major.

Many Yuanpei "comers" have personally experienced the process of compromising to "unfreedom". Zhang Wanting, a student of Yuanpei Law at Peking University Level 03, told reporters that in the first few years of Yuanpei’s implementation, grade points were not a matter of importance. Difficult classes were a trend at the time.” But since then, the grade point orientation has become heavier and heavier.

The existence of the "Grade Point" standard still keeps students from choosing courses.

Zhou Wenjie was admitted to Yuanpei College in 2008 and is currently the class teacher of Yuanpei College, Peking University. What he observed is that there are fewer and fewer students in the college who choose courses based on a wide range of interests, and many freshmen have a strong plan as soon as they enter the school. For example, in the first semester of the freshman year, the 13th grade freshmen choose courses in the fields of economics, management, mathematics, politics, economy and philosophy, and there are no courses with a particularly large span of disciplines. Remember the website of this site, www. biquxu. Com, easy to read next time, or enter "" on Baidu to enter this site

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