I Am the President of the University

Vol 2 Chapter 365: Take a bold step

In the office.

Chen Hao was standing by the window, the sky outside was slightly overcast, and the rain in the south was just going to come down, and there was no sign of it.

"I don't understand Hanfu. I have to ask someone to ask." Chen Hao said.

Although he didn't know much about Hanfu, he felt that Hanfu was still a bit necessary.

Hanfu is a characteristic element of the Chinese civilization. As an ancient country with five thousand years of civilization, China must not forget its roots, and some things with traditional characteristics should be preserved and promoted.

The Hanfu Festival, like the one we saw today, is too simple, there is no school support at all, just students spontaneously, this does not work.

"Look at Jiahui, she doesn't understand." Chen Hao said, and directly called Qian Jiahui.

The call is connected.

"Oh, busy people still have time to call me, it's incredible." Qian Jiahui said jokingly.

Chen Hao said embarrassingly: "Khan, you also know that I have a lot of things here, and recently Vice Principal Zheng has asked for leave for something at home, and now I'm busy getting dizzy."

An exclamation came from the phone.

"Ah, then don't worry about your body, your body is the capital of the revolution!"

Feeling the deep care of the other party, Chen Hao smiled, "Don't worry, I'm doing exercises every day and I'm in good health. \\u001d"

"Then you won't just chat with me when you call today?"

"Ahem, there is indeed something." Chen Hao coughed twice, and asked with some embarrassment: "How much do you know about Hanfu?"

"Hanfu? I understand a little bit, but why do you suddenly ask this?" Qian Jiahui asked curiously.

"It's like this, because I was at school in the morning..." Chen Hao slowly said what he had seen in the morning.

"I understand what you mean. Actually, Hanfu is okay in general, but the current Hanfu circle is not good." Qian Jiahui said not optimistically.

"The atmosphere is not good? How to say?" Chen Hao moved his eyebrows and listened carefully.

"First, impetuous. The Hanfu circle is really impetuous, visible impetuous to the naked eye, from merchants to consumers. There are some embroidered patterns, if you change to Chinese style fashion, you have to cut down half the price and there is still left. You can buy clothes. It depends on luck and character. The design drawings of semi-finished products are all over the sky.

Second, do not know how to respect. Whether it's people or clothing, online or offline, children feel that I don't respect people. Many people wear a genuine Hanfu and think that they have inherited traditional culture. Generally, you have to step on your feet when you see the mountain style, in order to set off your nobleness. In fact, these people don't even understand what the Four Books and Five Classics are, and they talk about promoting traditional culture, but in essence they are the little luck of elitism.

Thirdly, the tears are forced into wind. Whether it is Shanzheng in the early years or the immortal man in recent years. Rip into the wind and drive up prices. In the dance video at station B, folk dancers have never said that they are not wearing genuine folk costumes. "

Qian Jiahui became more and more angry when she first saw Hanfu. She bought a lot of Hanfu and added a few circles. It was these talents that made her speechless in this circle.

"What is more likely to appear in reality? A little kid said that your two-piece chest-length skirt is a Japanese style, and then pointed to his own clothes of exactly the same style and said that this is only the orthodox Hanfu, and then he wears a Ming-made dress next to him. You all have doubts about the Tang system, who buys and who is stupid, the Ming system is the only Hanfu, and then another one said that your dress is only an ankle skirt, what kind of Hanfu is called, there are no rules at all, and then I said here again, you That looks like a mountain, what qualifications does a pangolin have to speak?... They can't say the words that are so literate in your text, it's just a weasel wearing human clothes!"

"What is Hanfu? I think simple clothing with Han elements style is Hanfu! There is no distinction between mountains and uprights! Besides, what's wrong with wearing a Hanfu and wearing white shoes? Goon seeds? Some people are really funny." Qian Jiahui complained full of grievances.

Chen Hao was silent and did not dare to speak up at this time, for fear that he would be affected by the innocent.

"Your idea is very good, but I suggest that you better understand the person of the president of the Hanfu club and communicate with the other party. If the other party is not the superficial Hanfu fan I mentioned earlier, promote it appropriately. It's not bad too." Qian Jiahui calmly analyzed after the vent.

"Okay, after you have said so much, I roughly understand it."

After hanging up the phone, Chen Hao wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"This woman is really strong in combat.\\u001d"

After sighing, Chen Hao also roughly understood the affairs of the Hanfu circle. He really did not expect that a Hanfu could be torn like this.

"It's really a little king in the temple!"

But just listening to what the family said is not good. Before the arrival of Teacher Xu from the Youth League Committee, Chen Hao directly checked relevant information and news on the computer.

After one hour.


There was a knock on the door.

"Come in!"

The door opened, and finally walked into a normal-looking young man with good features and a decent look, in his early thirties.

"Principal, do you have anything to do with me?" Xu Mingrui asked, and sat down.

Xu Mingrui was full of doubts about the principal's sudden interview with him. He is just a little teacher of the Youth League Committee, not a director or director. What can I do if I find myself?

"Do you know the Hanfu Festival event of the Hanfu Club this morning?" Chen Hao put down his pen and looked at the other party and asked.

"I know this. After all, school clubs need the approval of the Youth League Committee to organize activities in the school. The Hanfu Festival activities are also approved by me." Xu Mingrui looked at Chen Hao cautiously and asked, "Principal \\b, Is there something wrong with this Hanfu Festival?"

"The problem? Yes, but don't be nervous, listen to me slowly." Seeing that the other party became nervous, Chen Hao directly stated his position.

"I support the interaction of Hanfu Festival with Chinese traditional culture, and the school should also help.\\b"

Hearing what Chen Hao said, Xu Mingrui understood, and let go of his inner anxiety, his face seemed to be cloudy and clear, and explained: "I personally support this kind of activities, but after all, the circle is relatively small, and I am afraid of attracting them. When there are some criticisms, we have always maintained not excessive intervention and let it develop naturally."

"You can't be too careful, other schools can do this, but our Guanghua can't!"

Chen Hao directly denied the other party's thoughts, and then chuckled lightly, "We have to take steps boldly, don't be afraid of failure, if we are not sure, submit it to the school, and discuss it together before making a decision."

In the studio, the two started from the Hanfu Club to the management of the school club and talked freely for nearly an hour, and Xu Mingrui also benefited a lot. Through this call, he also had confidence in his heart, and he could no longer be afraid of the hands and feet like he used to, but let go of it!

Finally, the topic went back to the Hanfu Festival~www.readwn.com~ He looked at Chen Hao, "Principal, are you going to promote this Hanfu Festival?"

"In principle, I have this plan, but this matter is not trivial. I have to see how the president of the Hanfu Club can be selected." Although the president Gu is not bad from Xu Mingrui's words, seeing is believing. , Hearing is empty.

"Well, you ask her to come to the office this afternoon, and I will talk to the other party before talking." Chen Hao said thoughtfully.

It is necessary to promote traditional culture, but not to use this skin to become a ostentatious talk for some people.

Still have to meet the president before making follow-up decisions.

"Good principal, I will communicate with the other party later."


I forgot to write the novel I read in the awakening period tonight! The egg hurts, I guess I'm going to stay up late to catch up on the manuscript again. Watching the show is a mistake! Remember the website of this site, www. biquxu. Com, easy to read next time, or enter "" on Baidu to enter this site

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