I Am the President of the University

Vol 2 Chapter 366: China Education Reform (Part 1)

"Student Gu, rest assured that the school will give great support in funding, venues and publicity, but I don’t want to see the evil trends in the Hanfu circle. Otherwise, I don’t want to cut off the support. It’s hard to say whether this club can exist or not. ."

   In the office, Chen Hao warned the female student in front of him.

   "Principal, don't worry! Gu Sinan, I also hate that kind of unhealthy trend, as long as I stay in the club for a day, I will definitely not let this happen!" Gu Sinan assured him with a serious face.

   As a person who really loves Hanfu and traditional culture, she also hates those who use Hanfu to be aloof.

   These people are simply mouse shit. They broke a big pot of porridge and disgusted many people.

   A lot of passerby fans, because these guys are disgusting.

   As long as you wear a costume with Chinese elements, you are the same robe. How about the mountain, how is it?

   Is it possible that you don’t **** or fart in a proper Hanfu?

   So, when the principal said these things to her, she agreed without even thinking about it.

   "Okay, I believe that classmate Gu, Teacher Xu of the Youth League Committee, I have also greeted him. If there are any needs in the future, just like him, the school will support it if it is reasonable. Go ahead and do it boldly!" Chen Hao smiled and encouraged.

   Contemporary college students should not only acquire knowledge, but also pay attention to the overall development of physical fitness, art, and labor. There is also patriotic education and traditional cultural education to keep up.

The word    person is indomitable, and you can't forget the roots, and you can't forget the origin!

   After Gu Sinan left, this matter also came to an end temporarily, at least for now, there is no need for Chen Hao to participate in it himself.

   "It's almost 5 o'clock, time flies so fast." Chen Hao glanced at his watch and couldn't help shaking his head.

   For people who are busy and doing business, time flies quickly.

   And for the idle and lazy people, time really flies so slowly

   "Just go to Chen Chong's place, and go back directly after reading it."

   cleared the table, and explained to Deng Hui by the way when he went out.

   Then take the car and drive from Guanghua Building to the Advanced Materials Research Institute.

  Because of the establishment of the Optical Core Research Center, the laboratories in the materials institute have been relocated. The coldness at this moment is not small compared to the noisy before.

   As soon as he stepped into the lactide technology laboratory, he was infected by the enthusiasm inside.

   All the researchers in white coats are busy.

   As for what Chen Chong and Fang Haosen were discussing, they didn't even notice Chen Hao walking to their side.

   Meng Xu, who came with Professor Fang Haosen, almost shouted, but was stopped by Chen Hao's booing gesture.

   "I think there is something wrong with this set of experiments. Let Xiao Meng and the others repeat the experiment several times to see if the problem lies here."

   "This is fine, then I will remind Xiao Meng."

   Fang Haosen nodded, and then turned around and was about to find Meng Xu, only then did he notice Chen Hao standing beside him, he was taken aback, and then he asked, "Principal, why are you here?"

   "That's right, the principal, you are here and don't say hello in advance. This is a surprise inspection!" Chen Chong said with a smile.

   "How can you say a surprise inspection? This is not to care about your laboratory." Chen Hao looked around the laboratory, and then asked the two of them, "How is the current progress?"

"Professor You Fang has joined, and progress is going very smoothly. It will take a few months to break through the lactide technology. By then, there will be no need to rely too much on Western countries in the field of such biodegradable materials." Chen Chong is confident. Said.

   Fang Haosen shook his head as he listened, and said modestly: "Don't dare to be, don't dare to be, this is Director Chen has emphasized too much, I am a brick, where I need to move."


   I haven't finished writing the information during the investigation. I finished writing at about 2 o'clock. I'm really sorry, there are too many information, and it takes a lot of time to sort out.

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