I Am the President of the University

Vol 2 Chapter 372: Thoughts on teachers

I haven't written it yet, don't read it, wait for 1 o'clock, I'm really sorry!


"It seems to remember something..."

After finishing writing eight books of Reform 3.0, Chen Hao suddenly remembered something and was taken aback.

The content seems to be related to what Professor Huang Hong said in the morning.

"What's the matter?" Chen Hao frowned, who hadn't thought of it for a while, stood up and paced back and forth in the office.

I came to think about what happened around me the other day, and it seemed a bit eye-catching.

"...I seem to be a little impressed."

Chen Hao patted his head and remembered the content of the chat with Zhao Donglai of the First Affiliated Hospital yesterday.

The conversation of that day appeared in my mind.

It was a doctoral student named Liu Yue who was discussing with him. The level of the trial lecture was not bad, but his scientific research scores were a bit mediocre.

Nowadays, colleges and universities recruit people like to recruit teaching and research teachers, who can do scientific research and attend classes.

No matter how bad they are, they are scientific research teachers. They can only produce results and produce papers. As for whether they will teach or not... Leaders don't care, anyway, this has nothing to do with them.

As for pure-teaching teachers... it depends on metaphysics.

"Teaching talent?" Chen Hao put his hand against his chin, thinking about this issue.

Dean Zhao Donglai mentioned earlier that his answer at the time was as an alternate, and there was no better candidate to pass it.

But now, he has changed his mind a bit.

"It's true that you can't be too biased towards scientific research teachers, and pure teaching teachers are not impossible." At this moment, Chen Hao made up his mind.

This Liu Yue from the Peking University Medical Department wants to enroll in Guanghua University!

Not only that, but in the future, whenever you encounter a good trial lecture in the interview, you must hire it!

Many scientific research teachers are good at asking him to do scientific research, but if you ask him to go to class, some will only read the book. Isn’t it a mistake to let him come to class? !

For the scientific research type, focus on scientific research, and for the teaching type, focus on class. As for the teaching and scientific research type, you can do both.

After making up his mind, Chen Hao directly called the personnel office.


Pengcheng, the headquarters of Hi Tea Company.



1. In the American classic liberal arts colleges, all core courses are designed into three systems including humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences. The lower grades students can choose freely among these courses, and the upper grades are their own majors. Professional courses. Because the number of students and teachers is close, the courses are mostly for small class discussions, and teachers and students can even design their own courses and design credits.

2. American university courses can be divided into three categories:


Elective Course ()

General Education Course ()

General courses came into being. For example, you have chosen an engineering major, but you are also required to study literature, English, social sciences and other subjects at the same time. This type of course selection method is usually presented in the form of core courses (corecurriculum) in American universities-in addition to completing the credits of this major, you must also complete courses in other professional fields through elective methods.

What courses are provided in the general education system?

Different schools have different classifications, but the general education system of American universities can basically be divided into 9 categories:

1. Writing: Mainly teach the basic outline of academic writing, including how to make arguments, cite arguments, find evidence, and get conclusions, etc.

2. Professional writing: Teach more advanced writing skills, often combined with professional courses, to enhance students' reading and analysis skills in the professional field, and fundamentally avoid empty knowledge, but there is no ability to integrate and analyze writing.

3. Western cultural studies: involving the culture and history of Europe and the United States, for Americans and international students, no matter what industry they are engaged in, they must know the origin of this land under their feet.

4. Minority culture: refers to the study of non-Western cultures, including Asia, Africa, Oceania, etc.

5. Humanities and art: This kind of courses are usually closer to the arts and involve a wide range of subjects, such as music history, work appreciation, literary work research, and so on.

6. Language: Most schools will offer courses in various languages, such as French, German, Spanish, Japanese and so on.

7. Mathematical logic: partial to science, involving professional knowledge in mathematics, physics, programming, statistics, etc.

8. Social and behavioral sciences: including psychology, human studies, economics, sociology and other disciplines.

9. Natural sciences and technology: content involving general directions such as physics, chemistry, life sciences, astronomy and geography.

It can be seen that some subjects are intersecting and overlap with other professional courses.

Columbia University

Columbia’s practice in 1917-1919 was recognized as the starting point for general education in modern American universities. Since then, many prestigious schools have started to follow suit and even become a well-known education system in the United States and the world.

However, the curriculum of general education has been academically challenging, because it covers the basic knowledge and academic fields necessary for all undergraduate students. However, this kind of "packaged learning" can cultivate students' creativity and critical thinking, increase social understanding, and have lifelong meaning for them.

Columbia University has nine core courses. The school requires every undergraduate to complete this series of courses in the freshman and sophomore year and obtain corresponding credits.

Foreign language: 4 semesters, can pass the corresponding test.

Physical Education: 4 credits, swimming test scores or "University Health Form" are also required.

Science: 3 elective courses, at least 9 credits.

Art: Introduction to the history of Western art.

Literature: Read contemporary literary works.

Music: Appreciate the history of Western music.

History: Introduce western historical issues.

Culture: Introduction to non-Western cultures.

Logic and Rhetoric: Exercise critical thinking and clear oral and written expressions.

These nine core courses seem to involve different aspects, but in fact they are interconnected. For example, Columbia stipulates that before taking the course of "Rhetoric and Logic", you must take the two courses of "Introduction to Logic and Rhetoric" or "Critical Writing" ~www.readwn.com~ This kind of first and subsequent course arrangement It is more helpful for students to absorb the content of the course.

Secondly, the core courses of Columbia University are not disconnected from the traditional courses. Students not only have a wide choice of courses, but also can connect general courses with their own professional fields. It is a process of checking and filling vacancies. The process of pursuing a higher level.

University of Chicago

If Columbia University is the pioneer of general education, then the University of Chicago expanded the two-year system to the four-year system to form the core curriculum, which also laid the foundation for this American characteristic model.

Today, Chicago University, which has become increasingly competitive for admissions, divides its core courses into three categories:

1. Humanities, civilization, art

2. Natural sciences, physics, mathematics

3. Social Science

And optional foreign language learning. Remember the website of this site, www. biquxu. Com, easy to read next time, or enter "" on Baidu to enter this site

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