I Am the President of the University

Vol 2 Chapter 373: 2 Gu Maolu


There was thunder and thunder outside the window, and the rain was getting worse and worse. The sudden gust of wind hit the rain on the window, and the noise made the two people in the room frowned.

"This rain is really getting worse and worse. I think you wait until the rain gets a little lighter and then go back." Professor Li Yong looked at the situation outside and couldn't help shook his head. There is no need to mention Lu Zhou, even he himself was for a while. I can't live without the office. Fortunately, I don't feel lonely when I have a book in the office.

"It can only be this way." Lu Zhou scratched his head. Before leaving the house, he looked at the gloomy weather and brought an umbrella with him. But in this kind of weather, let alone an umbrella, ten umbrellas are not suitable.

Professor Li Yong unscrewed the thermos on the table, took a sip, and curiously asked Lu Zhou: "Lu Zhou, do you have any questions about hearing this afternoon's class?"

"There is no doubt, Professor, you spoke very well." Lu Zhou shook his head.

Originally I wanted to wait for Lu Zhou to ask questions, so he could answer it. Liangliang his treasured sword was not old, but Lu Zhou didn't play the card according to common sense, making Li Yong's face stiff, and he coughed lightly, "Cough, I understand everything." ?"

"Well, it's quite simple, I'll understand after hearing you talk about it." Lu Zhou gave Professor Li Yong a strange look.

Quite simple, you can understand after listening to it again? ?

How come a pair of students come to ask questions every time after class?

Professor Li Yong was still unwilling, and found an excuse to say: "Then, I will give you a review after class. I will give you some questions and you will do them."

Without waiting for Lu Zhou's consent, Professor Li Yong got up and walked to the small blackboard next to him. He picked up the chalk and wrote "swish".

With the sound of rain outside the window, Professor Li Yong wrote with great spirit.

Even the more I write, the more excited it gets.

The topic he is now presenting can be said to be beyond the outline, and it is far deeper than the course taught today. It is replaced by other students in the class. Professor Li Yong believes that absolutely no one can do it.

But if this person is Lu Zhou...well, maybe you can't do it, right?

After finishing writing, Professor Li Yong patted the dust on his hands, turned around and smiled at Lu Zhou: "Okay, just this question."

Lu Zhou lifted his glasses, a bright light seemed to flash in his eyes.

Just stepped forward and picked up the chalk and observed the problem for a while.

Upon seeing this, Li Yong smiled slightly, "Xiao Lu, based on your current foundation, can't you..."

Before he finished speaking, Lu Zhou moved.

As silky as Dove, the hand holding the chalk seemed to be wound up, writing non-stop.

Professor Li Yong was speechless, and originally wanted to persuade him, but Lu Zhou started to solve the problem unexpectedly.

And looking at the idea of ​​solving the problem, he didn't even want to say anything.


five minutes later.

Standing in front of the blackboard, Lu Zhou checked the process with a calm expression, until one of the formulas was not standardized, causing him to frown.

With a stroke of the chalk, after finishing the revision, he nodded in satisfaction.

Mathematics is a rigorous subject.

"Professor, do you see this right?" Lu Zhou turned his head and said to Professor Li Yong.

Li Yong stared from the beginning to the end, without Lu Zhou asking now, he had an answer in his heart.

Looking at Lu Zhou, Li Yong sighed faintly, "You are even more standard than the standard answer. I have a thought in my heart: How can there be such an enchanting evil as you, it's too shocking!"

As the dean of the Mathematics Department of Ludao University and the leader of the mathematics community in Hu Province, no one would believe these words, but Li Yong's heart was really shocked.

He watched Lu Zhou without saying a word, feeling sad.

"Why is Guanghua University so lucky that it can be turned into a genius in the garbage dump."

"If you were my student, how good would be." Li Yong couldn't help sighing again.

Lu Zhou looked at Li Yong and said seriously: "Professor, am I not your student now?"

Li Yong let out a laugh, "Yes, of course it is. It's my blessing to be your Lu Zhou's teacher."

"Professor, do you want to continue to write questions?" Lu Zhou said eagerly, as if this question was just an appetizer.

"No need, I don't want to watch my jokes anymore." Li Yong shook his head, sat down, picked up a document from the table and handed it to Lu Zhou.

"I have written the English version of your paper, and see if there are any problems. If there are no problems, I will send the documents to your mailbox, and you can submit the paper after you go back."

Even though the technology is very advanced now, it is completely possible to read papers on the computer, but it still feels better to read the papers on the computer, and many professors will still print them after they have finished writing.

"Thank you so much." Lu Zhou really thanked him from the bottom of his heart.

After receiving the printed manuscript, although his English proficiency is not high, it is hard to write the paper directly in English, but the students who have passed through this period at least read the paper easily.

As a partial subject, he was admitted to Guanghua University not because he did not do well in other subjects, but because he didn't want to learn. For example, in English, he was very repulsive before, and felt that there was no need for a Chinese to learn foreigners.

But when he put aside his paranoid thoughts and put a little thought into learning, his English proficiency improved by leaps and bounds.

At least the next time I write an English paper, I don’t need Professor Li Yong’s help.

Looking at the English version written by Professor Li Yong, Lu Zhou couldn't help nodding his head, admiring it!

After all, they are professors who are based on practical knowledge, and their level is quite high, and the words and sentences are completely incapable of explaining the problem. Even those professional thesis translation companies may not be able to write Professor Lu Yong's level.

Putting down the paper, Lu Zhou said gratefully: "Professor, thank you so much, I have caused you a lot of trouble."

"What a big deal, as long as you study mathematics well, write a few more high-level papers and post them on the four majors in the future, so that the international mathematics community knows that our Chinese mathematics community is not bad!" Seeing Lu Zhou's admired gaze, Li Professor Yong smiled, a little smug in his heart.

Lu Zhou is not an ordinary student. With this guy's learning ability, he is afraid that he will surpass himself if he can't teach him for a few years.

"It's just, why didn't you fill in your name?" Lu Zhou asked blankly.

After all, Professor Li Yong helped himself a lot this time, and couldn't help modifying the content. The English version was still written by the other party, and it is normal to co-sign as the first author.

"The level of your paper is pretty good, and there is basically no need to modify it, so there is no need to add my name." Professor Lu Yong said disapprovingly.

"How can this work, you did me a favor, and..."

Lu Zhou was interrupted by Professor Li Yong before he finished speaking, “It’s just a paper from District II. It’s not easy for me Li Yong to write a few papers? Besides, it’s something like signing the paper. I know that many professors like to do this kind of thing. I don’t like this kind of ethos. I don’t like it when you do this kind of thing in the future. !"

Seeing Professor Li Yong's sudden seriousness, Lu Zhou also felt Professor Li Yong's heartfelt teaching to him, and he nodded and said, "Professor, rest assured, I will definitely not do this kind of thing."

"It's just that you are doing me a big favor." Lu Zhou scratched his head, he must give a way to return.

"How about I treat you to a meal?"

"That's not necessary. How much money can you have as a student, and there is still a lot of money for the publication of the paper. Is there enough money in your place? If it is not enough, I can temporarily lend it to you." Professor Li Yong refused decisively, and then Asked with concern.

For international journals like this, most of them have to pay a page fee, basically one to two thousand yuan is at least, and some even six to seven thousand yuan.

"No need, I still have money here. I won the Higher Education Society Cup in the previous mathematical modeling competition. The school awarded a large bonus, and the rest is pretty good." Lu Zhou shook his head quickly and rejected the kindness of Professor Li Yong. The other party had already helped. After I am so busy, how can I still let Professor Li Yong help pay for the page.

Professor Li Yong couldn't help smiling when he saw the expression on Lu Zhou's face.


I haven't finished writing yet, don't read it yet, after 1 o'clock, I'm really sorry!

Peking University Yuanpei General Education Curriculum System

1. It has not been established since its inception. This is also an important reason why it was not envisaged at the beginning of the establishment but has not been realized so far, which affects the effect of this experiment. The purpose of this experiment was to establish a general education system similar to that of the top American liberal arts colleges, but after more than ten years of operation, this goal was not achieved. You can find many commentary articles on Peking University Yuanpei General Education on the Internet, with mixed reviews. But in a word, this experiment was not successful.

2. Yuanpei College of Peking University focuses on general education, but its current training model is not to offer general education courses by itself, but to adopt a combination of general education methods. Whether this method is good or not remains to be discussed, but at present domestic It is difficult to set up independent general education courses in the educational environment of China. This may be the "experimental failure" mentioned upstairs.

The so-called platter-style general education means that students of Yuanpei College can take all the professional courses in Peking University. Therefore, Yuanpei does not offer general education courses, but students can freely combine professional courses from different departments to achieve general education. The result of education. In the sophomore year, students are divided into majors. Students can freely choose any major in Peking University as their major (of course, the right to change directions and take other professional courses), or choose Yuanpei’s special majors: such as PPE (Politics) , Economics and Philosophy), Foreign Languages ​​and Foreign History, Paleontology, Integrated Science, etc. As the name suggests, these majors combine the relevant courses of various faculties and departments as your compulsory courses.

This century is a banner of undergraduate education and teaching reform. Yuanpei College has been exploring a broad-based and broad-calibre talent training model for 13 years. It is the first batch of domestic colleges and universities to test the waters of general education. The accidents, frustrations, embarrassments and even controversies encountered by "Yuan Pei" in this talent experiment fully reflect the difficulty and pain of general knowledge.

Peking University Yuanpei is the earliest and relatively mature model of the domestic general education reform. Now general education is being rolled out in various universities, but the current results are not particularly good-but at least one step has been taken.

3. According to the talent training plan of Yuanpei College, after enrolling, freshmen can theoretically choose any course offered by the whole school. They can listen to whatever they want. The course study plan is all made by themselves; from the sophomore year, students can follow You can freely choose the direction of study for your own interests, and there is no limit in theory.

"Mental freedom, academic freedom, and learning freedom." After almost all students enter Yuanpei, their first feeling is "freedom", but after that, most people will start to be "lost."

A student who enrolled in 2004 once published an article on the Internet complaining about Yuanpei's "free system." For example, the "tutor system" that should be responsible for tutoring students in choosing courses and majors has limited effect. In fact, the freshmen of Yuanpei's 04 freshmen can't even get a course plan from the department and must go to the academic affairs department of each department. "Look at it."

Compared with these trivial matters, the freedom of course selection has become a bigger obstacle-you can listen to the classes in the whole school, but what exactly do you listen to?

At Peking University, the undergraduate course plan is divided into two parts: professional courses and general elective courses. Generally speaking, professional courses are more difficult than general elective courses. It is envisaged that after any Yuanpei student is in his sophomore year and chooses his own major, the courses of other faculties previously selected can replace the general elective courses, and they can graduate after completing the credits.

For students, such regulations are tantamount to the shackles of "free treatment": choosing courses according to their interests, once the exam results are not satisfactory, they will lose a certain degree of freedom when choosing a major.

Many Yuanpei "comers" have personally experienced the process of compromising to "unfreedom". Zhang Wanting, a student of Yuanpei Law at Peking University Level 03, told reporters that in the first few years of Yuanpei’s implementation, grade points were not a matter of importance. "Most of the students in the 02 and 03 grades choose courses according to their own interests~www .readwn.com~It was a trend to choose difficult courses at the time." But since then, the grade point orientation has become more and more important.

The existence of the "Grade Point" standard still keeps students from choosing courses.

Zhou Wenjie was admitted to Yuanpei College in 2008 and is currently the class teacher of Yuanpei College, Peking University. What he observed is that there are fewer and fewer students in the college who choose courses based on a wide range of interests, and many freshmen have a strong plan as soon as they enter the school. For example, in the first semester of the freshman year, the 13th grade freshmen choose courses in the fields of economics, management, mathematics, politics, economy and philosophy, and there are no courses with a particularly large span of disciplines.

Xu Chongren explained that the biggest difference between Yuanpei and various schools and departments is that traditional professional schools can develop on their own without any external force, while Yuanpei often requires schools to push from the back and continue to formulate special specialties that apply to Yuanpei. policy. "Professors need to do research and need their own graduate students, so they must rely on professional colleges and departments, and Yuanpei alone cannot do it alone."

Zhou Wenjie said frankly that the "freedom" provided to students by Yuanpei College is still a kind of "negative freedom" in a sense. "Students have to take the risk to choose courses without understanding what is going on in this major, and they have to remember the website of this site, www.biquxu.com, for easy reading next time, or enter Baidu. "", you can enter this site

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