I Am the President of the University

Vol 2 Chapter 374: The difference between reasoning and seeking truth

Professor Huang Hong shook his head, "President Chen, I have already rejected it very clearly last time. I don't have much material pursuits and my family is quite happy. I don't think I need to teach at Guanghua."

People value contentment and happiness, but this contentment is difficult to achieve. After all, people's desires are infinite.

But the more Professor Huang Hong refuses like this, the more energetic Chen Hao becomes. This shows that the person he has spotted is not only the ink in his stomach, but also the high quality!

"Professor Huang, you have seen my sincerity. I think it is good for both Yu Guanghua and you to teach at Guanghua University. I hope that Professor Huang will consider it carefully." Although Professor Huang Hong is still not letting go, But Chen Hao was not discouraged either, but still said with a smile.

"How should I say this?" Professor Huang Hong was able to see Chen Hao's obsession and let out a laugh, then raised his foot, "Let's talk while walking."


The two of them walked out of the classroom one after another. On the way downstairs, they attracted the attention of many Lu Cai female students. Professor Huang Hong smiled and said, "I think President Chen should come to our place less."

"What do you say?" Chen Hao looked at Professor Huang Hong.

"If Principal Chen comes a few more times, I am afraid that the soul of the female classmates of our school will be taken away by you, so there is no way to go to class." Huang Hong laughed jokingly.

Chen Hao didn't care, but raised his brows, "Then Professor Huang, what are you waiting for? For the female students of Ludao University of Finance and Economics, you should also agree to come to our Guanghua University."

"I heard that President Chen was very knowledgeable before, but after the second meeting, I realized that his eloquence is also incredible." Professor Huang Hong smiled.

The two also walked out of the corridor. Now that the rain stopped outside, there was no need to open an umbrella, but there were puddles on the ground, making it difficult to walk.

As we walked along, Professor Huang Hong suddenly asked: "President Chen, let me ask you a question. What do you think is the difference between morality and truth-seeking?"

"Ethical and truth-seeking?" Chen Hao was taken aback for a moment, and his footsteps slowed down. He replied after thinking about it. "Moral comes from the humanistic consciousness in the development of human society. I think morality is self-discipline and improvement of one's own excellence. quality."

"Truth is the most direct, simplest and true existence and the inevitable law of its movement and development, so seeking truth is an attitude of pursuing this inevitable law. As for the difference between reasoning and seeking truth, for a while, I am true. Can't tell." At the end, Chen Hao said with some uncertainty.

Huang Hong listened indifferently, but just said with a smile: "Principal Chen still has some truth in what he said. I will talk about my views. I think morality changes and truth is eternal. This is the difference between the two. "

"Ethics can be divided into the old and the new. If we use the old morals to measure the behavior of the new era, this is called a defender who goes against the trend of history."

"But I agree with the point that Principal Chen mentioned just now." Huang Hong glanced at Chen Hao appreciatively, "Moral is for self-discipline, not for blame."

"Ethics is used to practice, not to shout out of the mouth."

"The essence of morality is self-cultivation."

"The highest state of self-cultivation is the pursuit of truth."

"Speaking of morality is to speak of great virtue."

Huang Hong's remarks made Chen Hao feel like hesitant.

At this time, Huang Hong's words came to his ears again.

"Of course, this is just my personal understanding. You can listen to it as a reference. Don't believe it completely. You must maintain your own subjective judgment and filter information."

Chen Hao understood these truths naturally, but after listening to Huang Hong's explanation of reasoning and seeking truth, he only felt that his eyes were right.

For the current students of Guanghua University, the most in short supply is people like Professor Huang Hong.

Guanghua has too many depraved students, and after a conversation with Professor Huang Hong before, he wakes up.

Students can give up themselves, but schools and teachers cannot give up students!

Teacher, teach and educate people!

Teaching is important, and educating people is equally important.

There must be a sound that hits the soul to wake them up!

"Professor Huang, you are really good. I hope you can go to Guanghua to tell our students and wake them up." Chen Hao looked at Huang Hong hopefully.

"I don't need this. My life is quite satisfactory now." Huang Hong didn't even think about it, but refused. After all, the other party decided to dig herself over. She has been at Ludao University of Finance and Economics for 20 years. , There are feelings, which is difficult to measure with money.

Chen Hao's thoughts moved, and a flash of light flashed in his eyes, "Then, Professor Huang, your file is still at Ludao University of Finance and Economics, but you only go to Guanghua University to teach and give part-time lectures, and then you will have to pay 10,000 yuan an hour before the end of the course. To calculate, how about this?"

Anyway, the main purpose is to let the other party come to Guanghua for class. Since it can't be dug, it's okay to have a part-time job.

"If you have a part-time job, you can consider it, but this 10,000 yuan per hour is not enough. You can take as much as you need. This is too high and I can't hold it." Hearing part-time classes, Professor Huang Hong was a little moved. .

"Then Professor Huang, did you agree?" Chen Hao asked.

"I have a lot of class tasks now. As for whether I want to work part-time or not, I can't say, I think about it."

Listening to Professor Huang Hong's modest remarks, Chen Hao didn't feel discouraged either. At least he has made a lot of progress from the last invitation. At least the other party's attitude has loosened a lot.

After talking all the way, Chen Hao should also leave. Before leaving, he joked to Professor Huang Hong and said, "Professor Huang, you will be really looking after the cottage next time you come. You can't refuse me anymore."


Beijing, Peking University School of Medicine.

In the cafeteria.

Liu Yue and Hu Xiaoyu brought their plates and sat down.

Because the Peking University School of Medicine is a separate campus and not with Peking University, the cafeteria is not very large, and there are many students.

Just after taking a bite, Liu Yue seemed to have something on her mind, as if she was chewing wax.

Hu Xiaoyu looked at Liu Yue's appearance, took a bite of a big chicken drumstick, and asked as he chewed: "Yueyue~www.readwn.com~ What are you doing, confession was rejected?"

"You said that it has been several days since we came back from the interview at Guanghua University. Didn't the little treeworm forum say that Guanghua University is very efficient? Why there is no answer yet, which makes me feel a little uneasy." About this matter, Liu Yue didn't have the appetite to eat, put down his chopsticks and confided to Hu Xiaoyu.

"Why, we must have no problem! Maybe we will notify you in a short time!" Hu Xiaoyu, who was very heartened, couldn't empathize with Liu Yue at all, but he gave a comforting voice.

"I hope so!" Liu Yue smiled bitterly, only feeling that she had been passed.

This time I went to Guanghua University for a trial lecture and interview, and then spent two or three days in Ludao with Hu Xiaoyu. She still liked the city of Ludao.

At the moment when her voice fell, the mobile phone suddenly sounded a text message alert tone.


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