I Am the President of the University

Vol 2 Chapter 375: Some are happy and some are sad

Since Ludao returned to the capital, Liuyue's attitude towards mobile phones has entered a state where everything is in the air.

As soon as the mobile phone sounds an SMS alert tone, wipe your hands even when taking a shower, and then look at the phone with a nervous and expectant mood.

But in the end, all expectations fell through. It was either a reminder text message from a courier or a message from a friend.

But those advertising spam messages have never been encountered since the installation of the Guanghua Security Center.

This time, Liu Yue didn't expect too much from the prompt sound of the text message. After all, after waiting for a few days, there was no result, and she was also discouraged.

However, when she looked over and saw the content on the phone screen clearly, her pupils dilated instantly!

"Hello, student Liu, congratulations on having passed the interview of our full-time faculty, and welcome to join the Guanghua University family! Doctoral graduates please sign the relevant agreement with the Personnel Office of our school before November 30, and you will be deemed rejected if required. For inquiries, please call 0592-7724525 (Mr. Xu). [Personnel Office of Guanghua University]"

After reading this message, Liu Yue's whole body couldn't help shaking!

The feeling of joy spontaneously arises from the bottom of my heart, and then spreads all over the body!

She passed!

"Xiao Yu, I got the offer from Guanghua University!" Liu Yue directly stretched out her hand excitedly, and grabbed Hu Xiaoyu's shoulder across the dining table and kept shaking.

"Uh, uh, uh~" Liu Yue's shaking force was not small, and Hu Xiaoyu was really speechless to Liu Yue, "Yueyue, isn't she just a faculty member at Guanghua University, is she so happy?"

"Guanghua's faculty salaries are high! Not to mention the relocation fee, just the salary can get more than 20 in a year, how fragrant!" Liu Yue looked happy, Guanghua University's remuneration is definitely among the best in domestic universities. , These are ordinary full-time teachers, not associate professors and full professors. Roommate Hu Xiaoyu’s family background is pretty good. She doesn’t take these seriously, but her family background is ordinary. Based on her qualifications and the gold content of the papers in her hand, it is estimated that she will get a double non-one book, and the two non-one book lecturers will be treated as well. Just barely more than half of what Guanghua gave.

"I thought I was out of play. After all, I have few papers, so I feel comfortable now." After the huge boulder hanging in his heart fell, Liu Yue's expression was relaxed, and even the big pot of rice in the cafeteria in front of him felt like abalone and sea cucumber. .

After taking a few bites, Liu Yue suddenly thought of something, raised her head, and asked Hu Xiaoyu with some worry: "Xiaoyu, check if you have received a text message, now this point should be the time for Guanghua's notification."

"No hurry, wait until dinner and watch again." Hu Xiaoyu didn't care. For Guanghua University, it was just one of her choices, not the only one.

"Let's take a look, we're ready to be together!"

"...Well, well, let me see."

But after several urgings from Liu Yue, Hu Xiaoyu reluctantly took out the phone from his pocket, and there was a new message reminder, but because her phone was often muted, there was no prompt sound.

When you opened it, it turned out that Liu Yue's text messages were basically the same, except that the title at the beginning was different.

"Here, look." Even though he didn't pay much attention to it, Hu Xiaoyu was still a little happy after seeing the passage, and then turned the phone in one direction and showed it to Liu Yue.

After seeing the content, Liu Yue was excited again.

"Great, now we can go to Guanghua University together!" Liu Yue said excitedly.

"Wait, I still decided to go, I have to think about it." Liu Yue's words made Hu Xiaoyu a black line.

Liu Yue directly helped Hu Xiaoyu make the decision, "What are you considering? Guanghua University's salary is not low, and the school environment is good, so it happens that we live in the same room."

"This..." Hu Xiaoyu hesitated, it seemed to make sense. Guanghua's campus environment was indeed very good, and it was comparable to their Peking University headquarters.

"Then it's so decided, we will report to Guanghua as soon as we graduate next year!"


Hu Xiaoyu reluctantly agreed, anyway, Guanghua was also her consideration, and the slow pace and petty bourgeoisie environment of Ludao were also her favorite.

"Great, so we don't have to be separated!" For Liu Yue, it's almost double happiness now!

So happy that she wants to have a big meal with Hu Xiaoyu in the evening to celebrate!

At the same time at noon, many interviewees received notices from the Personnel Office of Guanghua University.

While many people are happy for Guanghua University, another group is angry because of Guanghua University.

Magic City, and Xixi company headquarters.


A crisp and even harsh sound rang out. Fortunately, the office has the top ten sound insulation, and people outside have no idea what is making inside.

"Ms. Huang..." The assistant looked at the fragment of the water glass less than one meter below his feet, and then looked up at boss Huang Xuan's gloomy and terrifying face, and his heart trembled.

"This Guanghua University, I remember Huang Xuan!" Huang Xuan said with an angry face, when he mentioned the words Guanghua University, he said with gnashing teeth.

Following the east wind of the three ministries and commissions, coupled with the money-free promotion, publicity and new machine pre-installation of Huami OV's four major mobile phone manufacturers, the Guanghua Security Center app has installed more than 100 million in a few days, and daily active users have reached 70 million. Become China's third largest mobile phone security software after Fujixun Mobile Manager and 390 Mobile Guardian!

According to this trend, it is only a matter of time before surpassing the top two mobile phone security software in China!

Why not make Huang Xuan angry? ! For every additional mobile phone to install the Guanghua Security Center app, Xixi’s benefits will be reduced by a bit!

Although it will not be shaken to the foundation of Bin Xixi, the absence of big data analysis to push related products will also be a major blow to Bin Xixi.

Seeing the assistant with a look of fear in front of him, Huang Xuan shouted angrily: "What else to watch? Get out of me!"

"Yes, Mr. Huang, I'll go down first!" Huang Xuan roared, the little assistant breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly turned away from the somewhat depressed office.

Just the moment the door was closed, there seemed to be another clear voice in the office.

To say that the one who hates Guanghua University the most is Huang Xuan.

It was because of being involved in the Ari headquarters, which was also damaged by the turmoil.

The retired Ma Yun appeared in the company again.

In the chairman's office.

Zhang Yong looked sadly at Ma Yun~www.readwn.com~Lao Ma, this time Ari was planted in, and the impact on us is not small! "

Reliance on big data, their Ali is definitely the first tier team.

Fortunately, they are not like Ari and only rely on online shopping. All of the Ari family have a family name, because there are too many industries under the Ari family, and the ability to resist risks is also very strong.

"I'm also to blame this time. I underestimated Guanghua's foundation!" Ma Yun didn't look angry, but said calmly: "This time it also shows us the tip of the iceberg exposed by Guanghua. After I wake up, how should I treat Guanghua in the future?"

"How to deal with it?" This is indeed a question, Zhang Yong looked at Ma Yun.

Ma Yun squinted her eyes and said something that surprised Zhang Yong!

ps: Ask for a monthly pass at the beginning of the month!

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