I Am the President of the University

Vol 2 Chapter 376: 5 billion starting capital?

"For Guanghua's attitude, not only can we not stand on the opposite side, but we must also show goodwill. It is best to pull Guanghua into our Ari camp." Ma Yun laughed out of anger for the damage Guanghua caused to Ari. , Shook his head and made tea. After pouring Zhang Yong, he stretched out his hand to signal, "Lao Zhang, drink tea."

"Lao Ma, you are so anxious to say that, where can I still drink it." Zhang Yong's face was a little anxious, and he couldn't take any interest in the authentic West Lake Longjing tea that Ma Yun had prepared.

After all, as Ma Yun's successor, he was responsible for everything that happened. Ma's retirement is clean, but it hurts him.

"Hey~ You drink tea first, and I will give you a good talk."

Zhang Yong looked at Ma Yun, who was not in a hurry, and felt a little helpless. He had been working together for so long, and he admired the old Ma very much. Not only is she eloquent, she fools people one after another, and she doesn't panic when things happen, and she's very courageous.

"Okay, I'll drink, you don't want to sell it." Zhang Yong picked up the teacup, took a new drink directly, and then looked at Ma Yun.

"I thought that in the recent incident, I sent someone to investigate a lot of Guanghua's information. Guess what I found?" Ma Yun said, smiling mysteriously at Zhang Yong.

Zhang Yong couldn't touch his head, frowning and said, "What else can I find? Isn't the background of Guanghua University the same as that of Chen Hao? Although the Nanyang Chen family is a distinguished family, the Chen family has gradually declined since the death of the old man. Isn't it obvious?"

"No, no, Lao Zhang, you are sloppy!" Ma Yun shook his head, anyone can find these information.

"Is that the Guanghua company? Those of Rongwang Group and Tianma Electronics?" Zhang Yong only thought of this. It was also something that was exposed a while ago because of the autumn recruitment season of Guanghua University. Among these companies, several companies still follow suit. Ari has a cooperative relationship.

"This is not the point either, the point is Chen Hao!" Ma Yun's expression was always relaxed, and after talking about the word Chen Hao, she suddenly became serious.

Before Chen Hao returned to China, the seven or eight companies of Rongwang Group and Tianma Electronics could be valued at nearly 100 billion without being listed, but they were just a swaddled baby in front of the huge Ari Group.

But since Chen Hao returned, everything has changed.

"Chen Hao?" Zhang Yong was stunned as he listened to his memory. Recently, because he was disturbed by Guanghua, Ari was uneasy. After reading the information of Guanghua University and Chen Hao several times, he was about to memorize the content.

After a while, Zhang Yong's eyebrows and heart beat, and his heart suddenly panicked!

He wanted to understand the meaning of Ma Yun's words.

Seeing Zhang Yong’s reaction, Ma Yun was not surprised. Instead, she nodded and said with a smile: "The point is this Chen Hao. Since he returned to China, a photon screen alone has solved the domestic chip predicament. Now, not only have the major domestic mobile phone manufacturers bowed to please, but even the proud Apple company has also changed its attitude after the blow. I heard that the [Apple Yingcai Apartment] donated by Apple at Guanghua University is already under construction and has been set up. Corporate scholarships and a donation of 100 million U.S. dollars."

"Not to mention the impact caused by this photon screen, Guanghua now makes optical cores can be said to be a national key project. As long as optical cores do not declare failure, then this is the amulet of Guanghua University, and no one dares to touch them in China."

Zhang Yong is also concerned about this matter. He curiously asked: "I have discussed with some experts about Optical Core. Didn't it mean that we still can't make a breakthrough with the current level of technology?"

"Lao Zhang, have you been fooled?" Ma Yun chuckled. Ari is not involved in the chip-related hardware industry, but he himself is still very concerned about this aspect. When he heard Zhang Yong’s experts, his eyes There was a slight look of disdain, "I know that many experts have recently appeared to look at the decay core, but I am still very optimistic."

Perhaps it is that the optical core has not made a breakthrough here for a long time, and I don't know why, nor have Guanghua published some optical core-related papers. Normally, when a technology starts to research, as long as it makes a little progress, it will publish papers in the industry's top journals. It can not only create momentum, but also maintain external publicity at all times, achieving two results with one stone.

After a breakthrough in technology, another press conference and academic exchange will be held to guide the momentum to the climax.

And this Guanghua University is amazing. The optical core was exposed to the public when it became the optical core research center last time, and there was no movement at all. It seems that in the focused research, the outside world's understanding of the optical core is completely blank. .

There have been a lot of voices looking at decayed cores abroad, but the domestic ones are even more exaggerated.

In the old days, the southern department seemed to be blinded this time, but some media in the north were ready to move, and some well-known big V with bad buttocks also came out of the black light core, and many passersby were fooled into believing.

"You said that the photon screen, a technology with such a high technical barrier, can be broken in just a few months? There is something about this Chen Hao and this Guanghua University." Ma Yun was surprised, the meaning of the photon screen is really too great. No less than a material revolution, but such a terrifying technology was not broken by Tsinghua University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Harvard University, and other famous universities at home and abroad, but was born in an unremarkable dual non-university in China. .

"Hi...what you said, this Guanghua University is a bit evil." Zhang Yong took a breath, and it was indeed outrageous.

Ma Yun said calmly: "I have a hunch that the combination of Chen Hao and Guanghua University may change the current technological landscape!"

"Then we Ari...?" Zhang Yong said and looked at Ma Yun.

Ma Yun said decisively: "This express train, we Ari must get on! Quickly contact Guanghua to see if their current scientific research projects are still lacking funds, and how much we lack, we Ari can make up for it."

"If Huaxing and Apple can give it, so can Ari!"


Guanghua University, Institute of Advanced Materials.

Lactide Technology Laboratory.

"Ari has contacted you too?"

Chen Hao said to Chen Chong and Zhang Haosen.

"Yes...Ari got my contact information through my former President Huang in Beihang University, hoping to fund the research of our research group, and after the results come out, he wants to participate in the investment in the lactide factory." Zhang Haosen had a headache. To say.

Chen Chong also nodded helplessly, "I am almost the same here, all hoping to be able to participate in the study of lactide."

"This Ahri is really interesting. I used to blackmail our Guanghua with Bin Xixi before. Is this because of hate and love?" Chen Hao is a little unsure. So, good fellow, he also received news from Deng Hui. The Ari Group wanted In-depth cooperation with Guanghua University.

Not only donated money, but also donated buildings. It is said that regardless of whether it is a teaching building, a research institute or a dormitory building, you just need to put the word Ari at the beginning.

In addition, I also want to cooperate in scientific research, no matter which research group lacks funds, report the number of Ari to fill it.

Chen Chong looked at Chen Hao, "Principal, what about...?"

Chen Hao did not reply directly, but thought about asking the two of them, "If the lactide synthesis technology is breached, how much money is needed to transform the results to invest and build a factory?"

Chen Chong glanced at Zhang Haosen~www.readwn.com~ Zhang Haosen touched his nose, and said with some difficulty: "As the raw material of polylactic acid, the threshold for lactide production is not low, and the initial investment is huge. According to your principal, To break the foreign monopoly over my country on lactide, the investment in this factory may not be less than 5 billion..."

"How much?" Chen Hao asked with eyes wide open while listening for a moment.

Fang Haosen bit his head and replied:

"At least 5 billion yuan or more... even tens of billions of funds are needed..."

Listening to this number, Chen Hao fell into silence for a while.

His second uncle, so this thing burns so much money? ? ?


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This is to make up the second chapter of yesterday, and there are two more chapters today. Remember the website of this site, www. biquxu. Com, easy to read next time, or enter "" on Baidu to enter this site

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