I Am the President of the University

Vol 2 Chapter 18: Next stop: the sea of ​​stars!


Ma Yun stood on the balcony, her eyes staring, her gaze seemed to want to penetrate the clouds in the sky to get a glimpse.

Seeing Ma Yun didn't speak, Zhang Yong couldn't help but ask: "2 billion is not much, but is it a bit less?"

With Ari's reserves, there is no difficulty in investing five or six billion.

In addition to the previous dialogue with Ma Yun, he is absolutely right about the attitude of Guanghua University.

This Guanghua University is a bit wicked, it seems that no matter what it does, it gives people a sense of success.

"Small is a little less, just use it as a stepping stone to show Guanghua our goodwill, Ari."

Ma Yun's eyes flashed, what is the secret of Guanghua University?

"I have also talked with several experts on lactide in the past two days. I am generally optimistic about this industry, but it is not a huge profit.\\b"

Thinking of the peach blossom with several experts yesterday, Ma Yun sighed slightly, and said with some regret: "We missed the photon screen, and the optical core was also wrong. It would be great if we could participate in the research of the other party's MR smart glasses."

"Smart glasses technology, isn't it immature now?" Zhang Yong is able to achieve his current position, not only with management skills, but also technically not bad.

And don't forget, Ari also has a Dharma Academy, where the engineers are absolutely good.

"Immature? Do you think the technology is mature before Guanghua produces the photon screen technology?" Ma Yun reminded.

On the contrary, the white clouds in front of me were gradually shrouded by dark clouds on both sides, and the sky was also a little overcast.

"That's also true. \\b" Zhang Yong was speechless by Ma Yun, and he looked down on Guanghua University.

After careful consideration, this Guanghua University really can't be underestimated, or it will be beaten in the face.

"Then just vote." Zhang Yong didn't hesitate anymore. Although it was indeed a bit less, it was better than nothing.

Besides, they are not investing in this project, but investing in Guanghua and Chen Hao.

After hanging up the phone, Ma Yun leaned on the railing with both hands.

Ari's development in recent years has been too smooth, in fact, an undercurrent has already been surging.

He was aware of some intuition, so the rapids retreated bravely, retreating to the second line at the bright moments of life.

Wind blows.

Dark clouds in the sky have enveloped most of Hangzhou. \\b

Ma Yun glanced to the right.

Under this gloomy weather, the southeast was shining with golden light.

"It's not easy..."


Pengcheng, the headquarters of Hi Tea Company.

Ari, who was far away in Hangzhou, disliked the small quota given by Chen Hao, but Zhang Yunchen was a little bit dumbfounded after receiving Guanghua's call.

"6% will invest 600 million yuan?"

Zhang Yunchen took a breath.

This is not six million, sixty million, but six billion!

600 million = six small goals = 0.93 cool.

"Originally I just wanted to solve the straw problem, but I didn't expect it to be a big game now."

Zhang Yunchen sighed slowly, but his eyes flashed with excitement.

"Although six billion is quite a lot, but you have to squeeze your teeth out! And..."

"And with the help of this wave of news, another round of financing is almost ready to go public."

It's just that he is still a little lost in his heart.

Originally, he planned to bring in funds from the Guanghua Department to strengthen his right to speak here, but it is a pity that the person from Guanghua expressed no interest in the milk tea beverage industry and refused.

But it's okay, this time I got on the Guanghua express.

"Guanghua, Ari and Xia Run, this sponsorship is really a bargain!" Zhang Yunchen said in a low voice.

If it were not for the lactide technology laboratory, which was wholly sponsored by HeyTea, it had priority in investment, otherwise they would not be able to enter the market with their size.

"It's not easy just to come up with these 600 million yuan of funds."

This is what gives Zhang Yunchen the most headache.

This kind of decision must be convened by a board of directors, must be voted, and the vote must be passed.

"I wish there were no moths."

Zhang Yunchen shook his head, called the assistant in, and asked him to notify several company directors.

Originally, he thought there were twists and turns in this matter, but to his surprise, several directors almost supported it one-sidedly.

Especially after the meeting, a director from Dragon Ball Capital expressed his willingness to lead the next round of financing.

Dragon Ball Capital was established in 2017 and is the industrial investment fund of Meituan. Behind Meituan is Fujisun.

Zhang Yunchen felt a little surprised.

To say that entrepreneurs like to accept acquisitions or financing, of course it is Fujisun rather than Ahri.

Dragon Ball Capital's investment in Hey Tea is nothing more than to lay out the consumption field. To say how enthusiastic it is, it is only on the surface.

Because of the straw, he accidentally reached a cooperation with Guanghua University.

When he sponsored the other party's laboratory wholly, he was opposed by several senior executives of the company. In the end, he pushed for the implementation of this matter under pressure.

Unexpectedly, it has actually gained a lot. At least several senior executives of the company have been taught a lesson by the master behind them, and now they are all honest in the face of him.

Sitting in the office, Zhang Yunchen was overjoyed.

"If you have a chance, thank you Guanghua University and President Chen!"



Chen Hao, who was sitting in the office, couldn't help but sneezed.

He touched his nose, "Who is this talking about me?"

"Unexpectedly, it should be Weber from NatureWorks scolding me?" Chen Hao couldn't help but snorted.

After responding to the other party last night, the other party also stood up and expressed acceptance of this bet.

The deadline is one month. Guanghua University wants to develop lactone, or he will have to apologize in major media around the world.

The gambling between Chen Hao and Weber attracted a lot of media reports, and there was even a special mention of this incident on a talk show in a beautiful country.

Of course, they are all optimistic about Weber and belittle him.

"Waiting to see my joke? It's so naive."

The source of his self-confidence is Professor Fang Haosen, both of which are used, and if he loses, he can jump into the Baodao Strait.

There is one thing more important than this.

Chen Hao glanced at the time. It was 4:28 in the afternoon, which was exactly 12 hours and 2 minutes away.

"I have to go back to bed early tonight." Chen Hao gave a wry smile.

Because the Chang'e-5 probe was launched at 4:30 am on November 24, this historic moment is of course not to be missed, so go to bed early and set an alarm clock to watch it.

Fortunately, nothing happened in the school behind, and Zheng Qiang also returned to school. There are many things that don't need him to worry about.

After going back at night, I started to fall asleep after handling the matter.

4 o'clock in the morning.

Chen Hao woke up to the sound of the alarm clock.

After a brief wash, sit on the sofa in the living room and turn on the TV.

For the Chang'e 5 lunar exploration project, the channel will have a special report, live broadcast of the launch process, and the host will also explain in the live room.

The background of the live broadcast room is the countdown to the ignition time.

As time passed, the distance to 4:30 got closer and closer.

On November 24, 2020, 4:29 pm Beijing time.





After an ignition command sounded, the Long March 5 rocket equipped with the Chang'e-5 probe was ignited!

With a wave of anger, ~www.readwn.com~ rocket launch!

There was a round of applause in the command center.

A few kilometers away from the Qiongdao Wenchang Space Launch Site, many Chinese stood outside, looking up at the sky.

Seeing the Long March 5 rocket with its tail flames soaring, my heart is surging!

Since the last time the Soviet probe collected lunar samples on August 18, 1976, mankind has not updated lunar soil samples for 44 years!

All Chinese people must remember this day!

This marks that China's aerospace industry has entered a new level!

It also demonstrated China's comprehensive national strength to the world!

Next stop: the sea of ​​stars!

ps: Today is the same as the lesbians coming to the aunt, I feel helpless, really uncomfortable?? Remember the website of this site, www. biquxu. Com, easy to read next time, or enter "" on Baidu to enter this site

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