I Am the President of the University

Vol 2 Chapter 387: The first use of Epiphany! (2 in 1)

Don't read this chapter for now, I haven't finished it...I'm writing it, it hurts, wait until 1 o'clock and read it again.

"The one in Hangzhou?"

This really stumped him.

China’s first-tier cities are called Beishang, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, but Hangzhou has become more and more developed in recent years, and it is a bit to evolve into Beishang, Guangzhou, Shenzhen and Hangzhou, which shows the status of Hangzhou.

At the same time, there are not a few companies that have their headquarters in Hangzhou.

For example: Ari, Netease, Hang Seng Electronics, Wah Haha, Wanxiang, Transhua, Greentown, etc.

However, some companies can still be excluded, such as the first Ari.

"Is it NetEase?" Wang Ziping thought about it and felt that Ding Sanshi of NetEase still had the highest probability.

"No." Chen Hao shook his head and denied.

"Wow, haha, President Zong?"


"Principal Chen, don't bend around..." Wang Ziping cried and laughed again and again, he really couldn't guess it.

"It can't be Ali?" He just said casually. Because of the Guanghua Security Center APP incident, Ali was personally investigated by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, and the loss was not small.

You can't get a slap on the front foot by Guanghua University, and cooperate with Guanghua University on the back foot, right?

But this is really hard to say, according to the several meetings between him and Mr. Ari.

This horse is always a human being, able to speak well, and able to bend and stretch, but sometimes he can't keep his mouth shut and speaks some silly things in public places.

The more he thought about it, Wang Ziping actually felt that such a possibility was really possible.

"Yes, it's Ari. The lactide we make is the raw material. I think Ari's platform is quite suitable. In addition, the other party is also showing goodwill with our Guanghua. This cooperation is not impossible." Chen Hao smiled. Said.

Yes, he has a lot of ideas.

Except for Xicha's, the other Xia Run and Ari are all his favorites, so naturally they won't let it go.

"Principal Chen is really young and promising. I admire this courage." Wang Ziping said with some emotion. Chen Hao is so old, less than 30, no matter whether it is ability, means or mind.

"Mr. Wang is overwhelmed. How can you be far-sighted? This call will take away 25% of my new company." Chen Hao said jokingly.

"Hahaha, I'm still taking advantage of the relationship."

When Chen Hao said this, Wang Ziping was in a great mood, and said boldly, "Principal Chen will have to talk to me when he comes to Hong Kong Island in the future. As the host, I have to let me treat you well."

"It's easy to talk, there must be a chance."

After speaking with Wang Ziping, Chen Hao was also relieved.

For the Guanghua Biotechnology Co., Ltd. to be established, the biggest leader is of course Guanghua, followed by Xia Run, and then Ari. As for the least... it's Xicha.

Regardless of the valuation of Hey Tea reaching 16 billion yuan, companies like Hey Tea use all the money from financing to open new stores, and the capital that can be invested in it is capped at a few hundred million yuan.

These several hundred million... In front of 10 billion, that is, entering the market to act as a background board.

Then, after talking on the phone with Qian Jiahui, Chen Hao and Qian Jiahui went to take a shower and came back to write the code for a while.

He usually goes to bed around 11 o'clock, and plans to stay up late today.

At least get around 12 o'clock in the evening.

Looking at the slowly changing numbers in the lower right corner of the computer screen, Chen Hao felt a little restless.

"Just a few minutes away."

He still remembers the situation of adding attribute points to Lu Zhou last time!

A smart person like Professor Fang Haosen may show his feet if he is not careful.

However, after listening to them in the past few days, it can be roughly determined that Professor Fang Haosen went to bed before 12 o'clock.

But this is still not insured.

Be sure to add attribute points after the opponent is asleep!

"Dandan, switch to the monitor head screen outside the expert building of Guanghua University!" Chen Hao said directly to the computer.

As the artificial intelligence life produced by the system, it grows very fast, especially after he bought a few million to purchase a minicomputer, the improvement effect is very significant.

Now there is no need to rely on typing to communicate with Dandan. Dandan can automatically identify the sound source through some computer hardware, and can also speak.

"Master, the screen has been switched." Sister Zhiling's voice came from the speaker.

Chen Hao once hesitated between Zhiling's sister and Tuantuan when it came to choosing a timbre.

In the end, I chose the former from my heart.

There is a camera outside Block 1 of the Expert Building that can just scan the area of ​​the Expert Building.

Looking at the monitoring screen displayed by the computer, three of the five rooms in the entire expert building have been extinguished.

The ones who are left on are Chen Chong on the first floor and Dr. Liang Yiqing on the second floor.

"Old Chen is still busy?" Chen Hao was a little emotional. He absolutely agreed with and appreciated Chen Chong's work attitude.

Regardless of ability or character, Chen Chong has nothing to say.

"The next time you have something good, you have to consider Lao Zheng and Lao Chen. After all, they are both veterans, so you can't wrong them."

Seeing that Professor Fang Haosen had fallen asleep, Chen Hao was also relieved.

"System, the other Professor Haosen uses attribute points, add both points!"

[Use of attribute points...]

[Target: Fang Haosen]

[Please select the ability to use: materials science, scientific research, chemistry, biology...]

Chen Hao said without hesitation: "Choose Ability Material Science!"

[Two points of improvement in materials science ability! 】

After the prompt of the system is over.

Look at the attribute value section of Professor Fang Haosen again.

Material science has changed from (8896)-9096).

As for Fang Haosen himself, who was sleeping, suddenly frowned.

Subsequently, the frown deepened.

There was also a trace of pain on his face, and beads of sweat continued to condense into small dots on his forehead, and then they continued to merge into beads of sweat.

It seemed as if I was having a nightmare.

The feelings Lu Zhou experienced at the time are now happening to Fang Haosen simultaneously.


Fang Haosen panted, seeming to be fighting with something.

This state lasted for half an hour before it ended.

Fang Haosen's eyelids trembled a few times, and then his breathing became smooth.

The stage of knowledge flow injection was finally passed through without risk.

For Fang Haosen, this night was an exceptionally long night.

In the dream, it was as if something was stuffed into the body abruptly.

Fortunately, the follow-up was slowly digested.

Early the next morning.

When Fang Haosen woke up, his nose twitched a few times, and a faint smell of sweat entered his nose, which made him frown.

After taking a shower, he woke up Meng Xu in the next room by the way before going out.

Had breakfast in the cafeteria, and then returned to the lactide laboratory.

He had come early enough, but there were still people earlier than him.

Seeing Chen Chong's busy back, Fang Haosen shook his head and smiled, and devoted himself to the experiment.

Less than two hours later, Principal Chen came again.

Why use it again?

This is because President Chen has come a bit frequently recently, basically at least once a day.


"Principal, good morning."

"Good morning!" Chen Hao replied politely.

"Principal, what are you?" Chen Chong scratched his head, obviously a little surprised by Chen Hao's arrival.

"Ahem, I just happened to be passing by, so I will come and see you by the way."

"Okay." Chen Chong nodded, the experiment on hand is busy, and he just ignores Chen Hao on the side and concentrates on the experiment.

As for Professor Fang Haosen, he was even more powerful, with a full-fledged look, except for saying hello to Chen Hao, he quickly turned his head and continued to be busy with the instruments.

"Now let's prepare for the experiment, heating and concentrating to remove the free water..." Fang Haosen ordered in an orderly manner.

I don't know why, after sleeping last night, I feel like my brain is extra clear today. Many problems that I didn't think about yesterday can be solved directly today.

"Is it breaking through the bottleneck?"

Fang Haosen thought to himself in his heart.

In any case, there is no bad effect on the body, and the overall performance is still good.

But as time passed, this feeling still did not dissipate, which made Professor Fang Haosen even more excited.

You have to take advantage of the status today to see if the synthesis process of lactide can be clarified in the steps.

On the side, Chen Hao secretly observed Fang Haosen's performance.

Thinking of the dialogue with the system last night, Chen Hao couldn't help but confirm it again.

"System, are you sure it's okay to use Epiphany at this time?"

The system quickly replied: "When the target digests the knowledge flow, the use of insight can allow the target to quickly digest the knowledge flow that is forcibly improved due to attribute points."

It turns out that the impact of the increase in attribute points is that it takes about 24 hours to digest the knowledge flow filled in in the mind.

And the function of enlightenment is to bless a state, which can also be said to be a buff. The main reason is that the current brain is only reserved for solving problems, and it must have a foundation. It is also okay to encounter super-class problems.

For example, an elementary school student has a state of enlightenment. During these 24 hours, he is invincible for all the problems in the elementary school knowledge system he has constructed!

But you put a high school problem in front of this elementary school student for him to solve... Even if he pulls out his hair to be bald, he answers it.

At this moment, Professor Fang Haosen had a flow of knowledge in his brain, but his digestion speed was a bit slow.

Chen Hao hesitated for a moment, and said silently in his heart: "System, use epiphany!"

【Please select the target of use. 】

"Fang Haosen."

[The epiphany is finished! 】

The prompt sound fell, and the epiphany lying in the inventory disappeared, leaving only the refreshing pills and the talent search radar.

After using it, Chen Hao's attention fell on Professor Fang Haosen.


Recommended today, the beginning of the change has changed four or five thousand words, the code word time has been delayed, I am really sorry!

The code is being coded. There are a thousand words left to complete before about 1 o'clock. Wait a moment, sorry!


Peking University Yuanpei General Education Curriculum System

1. It has not been established since its inception ~www.readwn.com~ This is also an important reason why it was not envisaged at the beginning of the establishment but has not been realized so far, thus affecting the effect of this experiment. The purpose of this experiment was to establish a general education system similar to that of the top American liberal arts colleges, but after more than ten years of operation, this goal was not achieved. You can find many commentary articles on Peking University Yuanpei General Education on the Internet, with mixed reviews. But in a word, this experiment was not successful.

2. Yuanpei College of Peking University focuses on general education, but its current training model is not to offer general education courses by itself, but to adopt a combination of general education methods. Whether this method is good or not remains to be discussed, but at present domestic It is difficult to set up independent general education courses in the educational environment of China. This may be the "experimental failure" mentioned upstairs.

The so-called platter-style general education means that students of Yuanpei College can take all the professional courses in Peking University. Therefore, Yuanpei does not offer general education courses, but students can freely combine professional courses from different departments to achieve general education. The result of education. In the sophomore year, students are divided into majors. Students can freely choose any major in Peking University as their major (remember the website of this site, www.biquxu.com, for easy reading next time, or enter "" on Baidu to enter this stand

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