I Am the President of the University

Vol 2 Chapter 386: Joining of Xia Run Group

"Guanghua University's response is here! Net Red President Chen Hao directly fired on NatureWorks!-The Paper"

"Shocked! Facing the ridicule of NatureWorks, President Chen Hao of Guanghua University had to bet against him! The bet turned out to be his...-The Beijing News"

A series of news reports, coupled with the fact that it was in the evening, except for the workers who enjoyed the 007 blessings, most of the people who eat melons clicked on this news at home.

A few minutes later, the comment area that was still blank suddenly became 99+.

"It's a cowhide, I'm very much of Guanghua University, I'm really proud of the Huaxia people!"

"What are you striving for? This is brain damage! One month's time to research lactide technology, if he can make me live and eat shit!"

"Hehe, there are fewer cheaters these days, but there are more cheats for eating. What shape and taste you want upstairs, I'll bring it to you myself."

"I am in Beijing and just got off the plane. As a veteran in the industry, I am not optimistic that Guanghua University can research it within one month. Whether it is the synthesis process or purification process of lactide, it is quite difficult! Take Guanghua University's I still think it is possible to make breakthroughs in talent reserves and materials in a year or a half, one month? I don’t believe it!"

"I lied to eat another one. Believe it or not, I believe it! Why is it impossible? This is in China, and there is a miracle called China Speed!"

"One month is a bit rush, but it's not impossible. I think that although President Chen speaks a bit sharply, he seems to have never failed in his big words."

Guanghua University Expert Building, Room 301, Block 1.

Looking at these comments, Fang Haosen's head was big.

"When I was in the laboratory in the afternoon, Principal Chen didn't reveal a word. A depth bomb was planted this evening!"

Fang Haosen rubbed his cheeks that twitched from the news, and sighed helplessly.

"In one month, this turned me into two and I can't get out of it!"

He is very informative about lactide technology, but one month is too hasty, and he has no idea.

The two major problems faced by this lactide polymerization technology are the synthesis and purification of lactide.

And even if it can be solved, it may not work.

Why is the annual output of NatureWorks above 150,000 tons?

Domestic biotechnology companies can break through lactide. For example, Jindan Technology is engaged in this and has already made certain progress.

But it is also difficult to change the dilemma of the polylactic acid raw materials imported from NatureWorks!

Lactide cannot be polymerized. In the process of synthesis and purification, even a little change will result in low lactide yield, high energy consumption, and high cost.

The consequence is to directly affect the synthesis cost of polylactic acid, making polylactic acid expensive.

In the lactide polymerization technology, only NatureWorks does the best!

People have been doing this for decades, and they can catch up overnight.

To be honest, Fang Haosen had no score in his heart.

On the contrary, Wang Ziping, the boss of Xia Run Group, received a call from the capital, which surprised him a bit.

"Okay, I understand, I will contact the other party as soon as possible."

"Well, don't worry, just declare your attitude with the other party, and there will be no conflict."

The person who just called was a big man, who said he would get caught.

Wang Ziping sighed, "This President Chen is really a blessing!"

How powerful is Xia Run Group as a central enterprise?

Among the world's top 500 companies published by Fortune in 2019, 120 Chinese companies are on the list, second only to 126 in beautiful countries.

And Xia Run Group is not only on the list, it ranks quite high, ranking 80th!

As the head of the Xia Run Group, Wang Ziping's appointment and dismissal are determined by the central government, and the treatment he enjoys is at the deputy ministerial level.

The content of the call just now is related to the movement made by Guanghua University tonight.

Without hesitation, Wang Ziping directly dialed Chen Hao's private number.

In the Bailu International Hotel.

Chen Hao, who was talking on the phone with Qian Jiahui, couldn't help but smile when he looked at the caller ID of another mobile phone.

"Giahui, I have business affairs here, I will talk later, I will hang up first."

When I hung up, I was connected to an incoming call on another mobile phone.

"Principal Chen, it's a bit presumptuous to call me so late, I'm sorry here first." Wang Ziping said apologetically.

"It's okay, I'm just idle."

Chen Hao smiled faintly, and asked, "Wang always has something to say straightforwardly. After all, Guanghua and Xia Run Group have a strong ally."

"Ha, I didn't just read the news, I was a little curious, so I came here to ask."

Wang Ziping continued with a smile: "I don't know how President Chen's lactide technology research and development is? Can the polymerized lactide reach the level of NatureWorks?"

"It will definitely be developed within a month. As for the standard." Chen Hao paused, then exaggerated, "I'm not good at making a decision, but I can guarantee that, at least in the country, other companies can't reach it!"

As for what can be developed later, where does Chen Hao know?

Let the big talk first, and then draw the Xia Run Group into the camp.

Perhaps the success of the photon screen is ahead, and although the progress of the optical core here is slow, the experts of the think tank in Beijing agree that the probability of success is very high.

Wang Ziping also believed Chen Hao's nonsense, and a big rock fell in his heart.

"Since the lactide technology is no problem, did President Chen consider successful conversion? For example, the construction of a production line to complete the mass production of lactide?"

This is what Chen Hao waited for!

Why is the press conference held so high-profile, just to lure Xia Run into the game!

Although I think so, I still have to pretend to be on the bright side.

Chen Hao hesitated for a while, and said uncertainly: "With this consideration, but the industry has a high investment and a long return period, so I haven't figured it out yet."

Wang Ziping's eyes lit up and smiled: "As our ally of Guanghua, we Xia Run Group naturally cannot stand idly by, we Xia Run must have support!"

"However, this start-up capital is not low..." Chen Hao said embarrassedly.

"How much? President Chen, don't underestimate our Xia Run Group." Wang Ziping said dismissively.

"Not many, just 25 small goals. For Xia Run, it should be a drop in the bucket." Chen Hao said lightly, as if buying vegetables in a vegetable market.

"How much?" The prince was stunned, as if he didn't hear too clearly.

"2.5 billion yuan, accounting for 25% of the shares." Chen Hao replied.

"Why do you need so much..." Wang Ziping said in surprise.

He had thought it would be better to vote for 7.8 billion in support, but now he completely unexpectedly went beyond his expectation.

"If we don't do it at Guanghua, we will do the best." Chen Hao explained with a smile, "The Guanghua Biological Company that I plan to establish will invest about 10 billion yuan."

"Ahem, if there is a big funding gap, we Xia Run can actually afford more." Wang Ziping, who was not too much just now, said cheeky at this time.

"There is no need, besides Xia Run, there will be two partners." Chen Hao refused.

The reason why the high profile attracted Xia Run was to bring in the national team.

After all, there are three barrels of oil behind the traditional plastic industry. Polylactic acid, a biodegradable material, will erode the traditional plastic market ~www.readwn.com~ Having a national team can reduce a lot of unnecessary trouble.

And why not find it yourself?

Take the initiative to find the other party, and take the initiative to find the other party.

Although the result is the same, the effect is quite different.

Seeing Chen Hao's clear attitude, Wang Ziping sighed and gave up his previous plan.

"Who are the other two?" Wang Ziping was quite curious about this.

"You still know Mr. Wang, one of them."


Chen Hao's next answer made Wang Ziping a little lost.

"The one in Hangzhou."

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