I Am the President of the University

Vol 2 Chapter 385: This is 1 good news

Guanghua Hotel Lecture Hall.

Beijing time 19:48.

The stage was empty, but the audience was full.

There are still people pouring in at the door, just to participate in this media feast.

One is NatureWorks, the absolute hegemon of the market, and the other is Guanghua University, a rising star in the materials industry.

Holding the photon screen and the optical core under study, Guanghua University's position in the materials industry is not inferior to that of NatureWorks.

Ma Xiaoxiao looked around, but fortunately he didn't come too late, otherwise he wouldn't even have a place.

And many of the media present today are familiar with it.

"Associated Press, Agence France-Presse, Reuters, ITAR... It's really scary."

Ma Xiaoxiao took a cold breath. How long has the news from Guanghua come out? It's normal for the domestic media to come, but the foreign bigwigs are all here, which is a bit scary.

"Xiao Xiao, you don't underestimate the appeal of Guanghua University." Sitting next to Ma Xiaoxiao was Sun Wen of The Paper, who looked at Ma Xiaoxiao meaningfully.

Ma Xiaoxiao was startled, and remembered the first time he came to Guanghua University to do a column interview for Chen Hao, when Guanghua University was still unknown.

Only three media were present to promote the talent introduction plan: Southern Metropolis Daily, The Paper, and their Beijing News.

The important thing is that the other two were only invited by Guanghua University.

This has only passed less than half a year.

Guanghua University has quietly grown into an existence that cannot be underestimated, and every move can attract major domestic and foreign media.

"When I first came to Guanghua University, I never imagined that Guanghua University would grow to where it is today." Ma Xiaoxiao shook his head and sighed.

Sun Wen next to him also agreed.

Seeing that 8 o'clock was approaching, a figure appeared at the doorway on the side of the speaking platform.

The appearance of this figure directly attracted the attention of all the reporters present.

Guanghua University rarely holds press conferences, but in general, either Vice President Zheng Qiang will speak or President Chen Hao will personally appear.

On the speaking stage, Chen Hao smiled like a gentleman and said to the media present: "Thank you very much for coming to Guanghua University to participate in this conference. As for the content of the conference, I will definitely not let everyone go for nothing. "

The media below also smiled knowingly. Seeing this, President Chen really wants to do something again!

As for what to do, I think about yesterday, and the answer is ready to come out.

"I am the president of Guanghua University, and my position also represents the position of Guanghua University. We never provoke right and wrong, but sometimes we just want to be quiet and windy."

Chen Hao's face was still smiling, but his eyes flashed with cold light.

"Since someone took the initiative to touch us, I will respond here."

"Our Guanghua University can't touch all wild cats and dogs. When the dog's paw is stretched out, we must be prepared to be cut off!"

Chen Hao's smile became brighter.

"Please don't get me wrong, I am not insinuating someone, I am targeting NatureWorks."

Speaking of this, Chen Hao paused specially, and jokingly smiled at the media: "I have named this by name, so please don't be too implicit when reporting. You don't need anything from a certain company, no need. Think too much for our Guanghua, unless you are planning to hop to our Guanghua University."

Chen Hao's funny appearance attracted the favor of many European and American reporters, especially some blonde female reporters who looked at Chen Hao with piercing eyes. If they could spend a good night with each other, it would definitely be a night full of memories.

"To make a long story short, I won't talk nonsense."

Chen Hao intends to focus on the main point, so he spears straight in, and his voice rises.

"Isn't Mr. Weber of NatureWorks questioning our Guanghua University? He felt that Guanghua University could not develop it, and even pointed out that it was a hype."

"Since Mr. Weber dared to say these things, he must be full of confidence?" Chen Hao shrugged his shoulders, and then the corners of his mouth slightly cocked.

"Then I want to be here, with the witness of friends from the media, willing to make a bet with Mr. Weber!"

"The content of the bet is that Guanghua University will break the lactide technology within one month from today!"

After speaking, Chen Hao smiled playfully, "As for the bet is the reputation of me and Mr. Weber, if our Guanghua University fails to do so, then I will publish in major media around the world to admit that I am arrogant and apologize to Mr. Weber. The same is true. , On the other hand, Mr. Weber wanted to post a sincere apology to me and Guanghua University."

The voice fell, and flashes appeared one after another like a shower.

The major media below are all ablaze.

Compared with the ridicule of NatureWorks CEO Weber, President Chen Hao of Guanghua University's counterattack was even sharper.

Don't hit the mouth and make gestures with real swords and guns.

Chen Hao on the speaking stage was full of confidence. After the lab team, he had high hopes for Professor Haosen from the other side.

"Then the question session, I can answer three questions."

After Chen Hao finished speaking, the media present basically raised their hands.

The three questions took Chen Hao less than ten minutes to answer.

"In order to thank all the media friends for coming, the restaurant on the second floor of the hotel has prepared a rich and delicious buffet for everyone. Interested friends can try it under the guidance of the hotel staff."

The press conference ended with Chen Hao's last reminder.

Although Guanghua prepared a buffet here, very few people went there. The media hurried back to the hotel room to edit the press release and send it back to the editorial department.

At 9 p.m. Beijing time, ten minutes after the press conference of Guanghua University, relevant reports from major domestic media have been pushed to the public.

As for these foreign media, the speed is also not low, and they soon appeared in social media and interrupted news channels.

21 o'clock Beijing time.

During winter time, 7 am U.S. Central Time.

A wealthy neighborhood in Minnesota.

Webber was sitting at the dining table, enjoying his wife's hearty breakfast.

While dining, the line of sight also fell on the TV.

Breakfast time is also the time for him to read the news.

"The Ministry of Labor believes that the recovery of the domestic job market is slowing down. Data shows that my country's labor participation rate fell by 0.2 percentage points from the previous month to 61.5%, and the gap widened to 1.9 percentage points from the level in February. my country's unemployed population continued to decline in November. To 10.7 million, the long-term unemployed population who had been unemployed for more than 27 weeks increased by 385,000 to 3.9 million month-on-month, accounting for 36.9% of the unemployed population..."

Looking at the ABC report, Weber frowned slightly.

"These **** poor people, I hope this winter will be particularly cold." Weber cursed in a low voice.

An increase in the unemployed population will lead to more serious public security problems.

As a capitalist, I am eager to see turmoil in other countries, but of course I still want peace in my own country to prevent my own industry from being impacted. Especially some zero-dollar purchases are really terrible!

When I was wiping my mouth after eating breakfast, the phone rang suddenly.

"Good morning Rogers, is there any good news that you can't wait to tell me?" Webber said with a smile.

"I'm sorry, Webber, I have brought bad news." Company executive Rogers said in a deep voice.

"What's the bad news?"

"Just a few dozen minutes ago, Guanghua University in China held a press conference. For us..."

Rogers was interrupted by Weber before he finished ~www.readwn.com~.

"The response of that talented MIT graduate?"

Webber gave a chuckle, his eyes fixed on the TV screen.

"Oh, praise God! Rogers, you can't believe it. I saw the ABC report on TV at home now. But Rogers, I need to correct your previous answer."

A faint smile appeared on Webber's calm face.

He stood up and looked at the scenery outside the window.

Today is a good weather.

"I think this is good news."

ps: Ask for recommended tickets, ask for monthly tickets!

Thanks to classmate Ningzhi for the 1666 book coin reward, thank you! Remember the website of this site, www. biquxu. Com, easy to read next time, or enter "" on Baidu to enter this site

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