I Am the President of the University

Vol 2 Chapter 384: Is Guanghua University going to hold a press conference?

"Name: Fang Haosen

Faction: Friendly

Potential value: 92

Ability: Materials Science (8896), Scientific Research (8594), Chemistry (8389)..."

This is Fang Haosen's attribute.

And Chen Chong's is:

"Name: Chen Chong

Faction: Friendly

Potential value: 91

Ability: Materials Science (8795), Scientific Research (8693), Computer (7384)..."

When I first met Chen Chong, Chen Chong's material science was only 84. Almost half a year has passed, and his material science ability has improved by 3 points, which is already very impressive.

Above 80 is not like it is easy to improve at 60 or 70. At this stage, every improvement will be difficult. After all, once the 90 mark is broken, it is like a foundation-building immortal cultivator becoming a golden core!

Chen Hao's gaze fell on the material science of the Haosen property panel below.

"88, it just so happens that I only have 2 attribute points in my hand. Even if I have 3 of them, I have to choose. I really don't have a choice now." Chen Hao smiled bitterly.

The answer is ready to come out, of course the attribute points must be added to Professor Fang Haosen.

Once this is added, it will directly cross the 89-90 mark from 88.

Above 90, it is the level of an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

"Just in case, the epiphany should be used together!" In order to complete this task, Chen Hao directly went out!

Use all the first two items directly!

"It's just that, the gap between Lao Chen and Professor Fang is even greater."

Walking on the road, Chen Hao couldn't help but touched his nose, and comforted himself: "Old Chen, you will wait for me for a while. When I have another attribute point next time, I will definitely keep it for you."

The original gap between 88 and 87 was not big, it can even be said to be no difference.

But the difference between 90 and 87...that is the difference that turned upside down.

He has no problem, after all, Fang Haosen is the most cost-effective.

After Chen Hao left, both Chen Chong and Fang Haosen were activists, and they did what they said.

Chen Chong is the director of the Institute of Advanced Materials, and he is also in charge of the photon screen laboratory. It is not a problem to transfer a few researchers.

As for the researchers who were recruited, they were also extremely happy.

As everyone knows, Principal Chen is the most angry!

Every time a technical breakthrough is successful, a big red envelope will be issued and a bonus will be given!

It didn’t take long for this to receive the bonus of the photon screen, and it happened to come to the lactide laboratory. Once it was completed, I could continue to receive the bonus and red envelopes. The unselected eyes watched the departure of several colleagues, heartbroken. NS.


In the lactide laboratory.

"Director Chen, you are more familiar with the personnel, so let you divide it." Fang Haosen directly declined the list submitted by Chen Chong.

Chen Chong is a gentleman, and so is he.

"Okay, since Professor Fang said so, then I won't say more." Chen Chong nodded, and then added a few support personnel from the photon screen laboratory to the list of existing laboratories, and directly divided them into two. .

Group A is in charge of Chen Chong, with zinc oxide as a catalyst for the experiment.

Group B is in charge of Fang Haosen~www.readwn.com~ with stannous octoate as the oxidant.

As for the experimental equipment, because the sponsorship from Hey Tea is paid in one time, the quantity purchased is quite sufficient.

Fang Haosen said to his team members with a serious face: "Then our experiment is also ready to start. I will talk about the next steps. Use 80% lactic acid 300mI and 6g stannous octoate catalyst to add In a 500ml flask with a fractionating head, thermometer and other devices, dehydration is carried out under the conditions of a temperature of 120°C and a pressure of less than one 300mmHg..."

Chen Chong turned his head slightly and smiled slightly when he looked at Fang Haosen who was giving orders.

Then he retracted his gaze and started to assign tasks to his team members.

"My passion is about to start burning!"


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