I Am the President of the University

Vol 2 Chapter 383: Zinc oxide or stannous octoate?

"I think zinc oxide (ZnO) should be used as the catalyst. After all, zinc oxide is cheap. Most domestic companies use tin oxide as a catalyst for the synthesis of lactide."

"Director Chen, I also know that zinc oxide is cheap, but we have to consider the catalytic effect objectively. I still firmly believe that the catalyst must be stannous octoate (C16H30O4Sn)!"

"Professor Fang, I don't agree with your idea, I also think zinc oxide should be chosen!"

After listening to the discussion inside, Chen Hao probably understood.


A sudden cough made Chen Chong and Fang Haosen look over. When they saw the appearance of the incoming person, the two stopped arguing and greeted each other.



"I heard the voice of the two of you discussing when I was still outside, and I almost thought you were going to be hit." Chen Hao smiled and said jokingly.

"Principal, you have misunderstood this. Professor Fang and I are discussing." Chen Chong explained with some embarrassment.

Fang Haosen also replied: "Director Chen is right, we just discussed reasonably and there is no major problem."

"Well, what are you discussing?" Chen Hao showed a gentle smile on his face.

"That's the case. Our Professor Fang has different opinions on the catalyst of lactic acid oligomers. No one can convince anyone." Chen Chong said with some embarrassment.

"Oh, it's like this." Chen Hao raised his eyebrows and looked very interested. "Then tell me what you two think."

Although Fang Haosen has just joined Guanghua University not long ago, he also knows that the president Chen Hao is a great **** in the material world. After all, the photon screen was launched by Chen Hao.

Not to mention Chen Chong. As the second person in the photon screen technology laboratory, that is the five-body adoration of the principal. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is a little fan.

The two told Chen Hao in detail about the cause and effect.

Chen Hao nodded while listening, but he had already figured it out when he was eavesdropping.

After listening, Chen Hao thought about it and said to the two of them: "I roughly understand it. I think you two have good ideas, whether it's the zinc oxide route of Director Chen or the stannous octoate of Professor Fang. I think there is no problem with the route."

Isn't this nonsense?

Chen Chong and Fang Haosen listened to a black line, and there was no difference between what they said and not.

Looking at the expressions of the two, Chen Hao laughed, "Then divide into two groups. One group uses Chen’s zinc oxide as a catalyst for the synthesis of lactide, and the other group uses Professor Fang’s stannous octoate as a catalyst for the synthesis of lactide. Catalyst for esters."

"I think it's a good idea to divide it into two groups to form a controlled experiment."

Chen Hao's words are not unreasonable, but Chen Chong said with some worry: "Principal, but we have not many people. If we are divided into groups... I am afraid it will affect efficiency."

Fang Haosen also nodded. Although he and Chen Chong are at odds, the purpose of the two is to break through the lactide technology as soon as possible. After all, the news of the beautiful country came into their ears yesterday, knowing that NatureWorks held a press conference and mocked. Regarding school matters, it is estimated that the principal is now staring at a lot of pressure.

Fang Haosen didn't hesitate, looked at Chen Chong and said, "In that case, I support Director Chen's idea and use zinc oxide as a catalyst!"

There are two main preparation methods, namely lactide ring-opening polymerization method and direct polycondensation method. The ring-opening polymerization method is mainly used in industry.

Lactide ring-opening polymerization method, also known as two-step method, is a process in which lactic acid is first dehydrated to form oligomers, then depolymerized to form lactide, and then ring-opened polymerization.

The core technology lies in the synthesis and purification of lactide.

The synthesis of lactide is the dehydration of two molecules of lactic acid to produce lactic acid oligomers, and then the lactic acid oligomers undergo a catalytic transesterification reaction called "back-biting" under the action of a catalyst.

There are many factors that affect the synthesis of lactide, but the main ones are the type and amount of catalyst, dehydration temperature and depolymerization temperature.

As for the catalyst, there are still more types to choose from. For example, oxides, metal oxides, such as Sb2O3, P2O5, ZnO, SbF3, and tin compounds such as stannous sulfate, stannous octoate, tin octoate, and tin lactate.

This is also where Fang Haosen and Chen Chong disagree. The two can be described as the twin stars of the lactide laboratory. Anyone who comes out can be alone. Each has its own ideas, and it is difficult to convince each other.

Hearing what Fang Haosen said, Chen Chong was also a little moved. His lips opened slightly, and he begged Chen Hao: "Principal, after all, I came to school earlier than Professor Fang. I am an old man and I should take a step back. Let's go, laboratory. There is no need to divide into two groups, just use stannous octoate as the catalyst!"

Seeing the two giving way to each other, Chen Hao laughed dumbly and waved his hand directly and said, "Whether you learn from Kong Rong and let the pears be together? I have said grouping, which is more reasonable!"

It doesn't really matter who leads the laboratory, mainly because Chen Hao thinks that it is indeed a good way to divide into two groups and choose different directions.

Different catalysts and different dosages will have different effects on lactide.

For example, too much or too little amount of catalyst will reduce the yield of lactide.

A small amount of lactic acid will prevent lactic acid from forming lactic acid oligomers with large enough molecular weight. There are still many unreacted lactic acid in the steamed product, so the yield of the product is not high.

When the amount is too much, the dehydration rate becomes faster, and the molecular weight of the formed lactic acid oligomer is too large. Because the molecular weight is too high, it is not easy to depolymerize during the depolymerization process at the later stage of the reaction. The rate drops.

Therefore, the choice of catalyst and amount is a very rigorous consideration!

"But there is not enough manpower!" Chen Chong and Fang Haosen looked at each other, and then asked Chen Hao.

"Isn't it enough to select a few people from the photon screen laboratory?" Chen Hao said with a chuckle.

After hearing Chen Hao's words, Chen Chong's eyes lit up. This is really a way.

Polylactic acid is a polymer material, although it is slightly different from the photon screen, but in terms of experimental operations, it is always recruiting some experimenters who can help, and Chen Chong and Fang Haosen are the leaders in formulating general directions and procedures.

"Principal, I almost forgot! This is indeed a way!" Chen Chong said excitedly, and the problem was solved now.

"Then you two will be divided into two groups on the catalyst, and then see which group of lactide synthesizes best, and the follow-up experiment will listen to whoever." Chen Hao said, looking at the two of them, and asked with a smile. "Do you think this works?"


"I'm OK!"

Fang Haosen and Chen Chong nodded ~www.readwn.com~ They were very interested in the competition proposed by Chen Hao, and they immediately had more motivation.

"Okay, then we are waiting for your good news!" Chen Hao smiled and patted Chen Chong and Fang Haosen on the shoulders.

After talking with the two, Chen Hao walked out of the institute and stood at the door, looking up in the dazzling sunlight.

The reason why I came to the laboratory was to check the attributes of the two of them, and then make a decision on whom to add the epiphany and attribute points to.

Chen Hao shook his head and sighed:

"Old Chen, I seem to be sorry this time."

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The materials of lactide are too hard to find. Finally, I downloaded a few papers on Zhinet. I was dizzy. If there is something wrong, please don’t be true to the material majors. I will try my best... Remember this website. , Www. biquxu. Com, easy to read next time, or enter "" on Baidu to enter this site

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