I Am the President of the University

Vol 2 Chapter 382: The epiphany Professor Fang Haosen!

Chen Hao smiled, "Old Zheng, what do you say makes me like a capitalist."

"Isn't it?" Zheng Qiang glanced at Chen Hao bitterly, "I just came back from a leave of absence. Good fellow, gave me a depth bomb?"

"I still want to live to eighty years old and be able to survive forever." Zheng Qiang raised his head 45 degrees, his eyes were a little sad, and he felt that he was really fainted by the high salary.

It is good to say that Chen Hao is a capitalist, this is simply too much of a capitalist!

According to the six points of education reform proposed by Chen Hao, it is not enough to divide him into two!

After all, the principal Chen Hao is only responsible for scientific research, and Zheng Qiang is responsible for all other administrative aspects of the school.

"Ahem, Lao Zheng, I think you are getting smaller!" Chen Hao coughed and changed the subject.

"What kind of pattern is getting smaller?" Zheng Qiang glanced at Chen Hao.

"I think you can live to be at least a hundred years old!" Chen Hao said solemnly, "I will still be able to participate in your hundred years of birthday by then!"

He said so, but Chen Hao also made up his mind. When the next time the system prescribes medicines, pills, etc., which raises the constitution, you must give Zheng Qiang first, otherwise he is really afraid of exhausting this big housekeeper!

No matter how old Zheng has to retire for more than ten or twenty years for Guanghua.

It's still early.

"Haha." Zheng Qiang rolled his eyes, not Yazi who wanted to talk very much.

"Hey, how about my version 3.0 of Guanghua University's education reform first?" Chen Hao asked with a correct attitude.

After all, Zheng Qiang is an old educator, and working with him, to implement this education reform, two people must work together.

"This plan..." Zheng Qiang thought for a while, and then said to Chen Hao with some appreciation, "Overall I think it is still very good. If all can be implemented, it will be at most five...no, at most three years, Guanghua University It will be able to change a lot, at least squeeze into the TOP100 of the World University Rankings, no problem!"

"Only the top 100?" Chen Hao shook his head, and said disgustingly, "The top 100 is too few, I think it should be the top 50!"

Zheng Qiang has a black line. He avoids talking about this, and then asks seriously: "Principal, but do you want to know how difficult it is to implement all of these?"

"Don’t say anything else, it’s the first point of department planning. It sounds okay, but it’s difficult to do! So many faculties and departments are not available in Guanghua now, so it means that we have to prepare for the new opening... But this way the teachers , Equipment and many other issues."

Zheng Qiang was a little bit painful when he said that, he couldn't help sighing, "Not to mention the recruitment of these related teachers, and the principal decided to limit the total number of students to around 20,000?"

"That's not enough tuition fees! And our private university, the tuition fees are already as low as public universities, this...this is basically not much..." Zheng Qiang said a little speechless.

You must know that the bulk of the school's income is the student's tuition, especially for private universities, where the tuition fee is 20,000 yuan per academic year. If 20,000 students like UU Reading www.uukānshu.com, they can collect 400 million yuan a year.

Since Guanghua University started this year, tuition fees have dropped to the same level as public schools, ranging from 3,000 to 5,000, and 20,000 students have received less than 100 million yuan...

In thousands of universities across the country, Guanghua University’s behavior is definitely a scorpion shit—the only one!

"Our school does not lack this amount of money, and there is no need to set such a high tuition fee." Chen Hao shook his head. The tuition fee is what he insists on. "Besides, what is the use of keeping the tuition fee of 20,000 yuan? The school expenses are so large because There are Guanghua companies supporting it. If you rely on tuition, you can close the door as early as possible and drink the northwest wind."

Even if the tuition remains the same, what is the difference between 400 million yuan and 100 million yuan?

300 million is not enough for Guanghua to spend a month...


I haven't finished writing yet, the egg hurts, and the procrastination has relapsed. I'm really sorry, I will finish it before about 1 o'clock! Remember the website of this site, www. biquxu. Com, easy to read next time, or enter "" on Baidu to enter this site

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