I Am the President of the University

Vol 2 Chapter 381: Lecture Series

"If I refuse this again, I will be a little bit overwhelmed."

Huang Hong smiled helplessly, now she was really convinced.

Although she hasn’t published much, and basically doesn’t go to schools outside Ludao to give lectures, the quality of teaching is surprisingly high, and she is quite famous among the colleges and universities in Ludao. She left and returned the preparation.

It was only rejected by her. After all, Luda is the number one school in Hu Province, and there are many masters. After being rejected, I didn't come again. Other schools saw that Professor Huang Hong even refused to Ludao University, so they had no idea.

It's simple to say three times, but it is difficult to do it. Not everyone has this kind of mind.

"Then Professor Huang, did you agree?" Chen Hao was overjoyed, quite a feeling that the previous two efforts had been wasted.

"It's okay to go to a part-time course, and you don't need to change a job." Professor Huang Hong shook her head. She is an easily satisfied person. She is satisfied with her current life. The reason why she agreed to Chen Hao's request was only moved by the sincerity of the other party.

"It's okay, that's enough." Chen Hao is already very satisfied. Anyway, Ludao University of Finance and Economics is right next to Guanghua University. The difference is a few feet. Besides, what he values ​​is that Professor Huang Hong hits the soul directly. Thought-provoking words.

Suddenly, Huang Hong remembered something, turned his head to look at Chen Hao, frowned and reminded: "The time for this thing is charged as an ordinary part-time lecturer."

Chen Hao smiled when he heard the words, as if the thoughts in his heart had been seen through, "Okay...just as Professor Huang said."

Originally, he was thinking of giving Huang Hong and Guanghua College’s tutor 10,000 yuan an hour of class time, so he didn’t need to think carefully.

Regardless, this result has made Chen Hao very satisfied.

Reach out.

"Professor Huang, on behalf of Guanghua University, I welcome you to join!"

Huang Hong smiled, shook Chen Hao, and released it.

"Thank Principal Chen for his trust. This is also my honor."

"I just don't know how to arrange my class, half of this semester has passed."

Faced with Huang Hong's question, Chen Hao didn't think much about it. He had already thought about it.

"The courses for this semester cannot be arranged. It must be the next semester. So I plan to arrange a series of lectures in December and January, once a week. The specific duration will be given to you by the school. But how many students come and how many can stay depends on you Professor Huang." Chen Hao said pensively.

Regarding Chen Hao's arrangement, Huang Hong felt a little fresh and quite challenging. Huang Hong put his hand on his chin, and after thinking about it for a while, he said, "A series of lectures? President Chen, you really have a strange trick!"

Chen Hao looked at Huang Hong, "Then Professor Huang did you agree?"

"No problem, I'll sit down and prepare these days, and let's start next week." Professor Huang Hong, who has been coming by Xianyu, suddenly became passionate about this series of lectures.

Before, she only cared about how she should guide and impart knowledge to students, and she had never thought of a series of lectures.

If you speak well, there may be a lot of people talking; if you speak poorly and unattractively, then you will be embarrassed and talk to yourself on stage alone.

Usually only some famous artists get this treatment, after all, they have ability and reputation.

"That's great!" Chen Hao heaved a sigh of relief, and joked to Professor Huang Hong, "It seems that I won't have to go to the University of Finance and Economics to take lessons in the future."

"Hahahaha, then it seems that our female classmates of the University of Finance and Economics are going to be disappointed. They are eagerly waiting for you to appear." Huang Hong laughed, just because Chen Hao came to the class two times before. The number of girls in her course has skyrocketed, and today this course is full before it starts.

"Then Professor Huang, you can tell them, you can come to Guanghua University to take a class." Chen Hao said jokingly.

Then about the lecture, the two chatted for ten minutes, and after the end, Chen Hao went back to school directly.

Successfully persuading Professor Huang Hong to teach, it is even more joyful for Chen Hao to work part-time than to unlock the mentor problem of Guanghua College.

Although the style of study at Guanghua University has changed from the decadence since he took office, there are still a large number of students who are still banishing themselves.

It is necessary to reform the school's education system, but it is more important to eliminate the style of study!

There is a saying circulating on the Internet: First-rate universities focus on academics, second-rate universities focus on teaching, and third-rate universities focus on discipline.

As the saying goes, there can be no waves without wind. Since this sentence is circulating, it has a certain truth.

First-class universities generally refer to 985 and 211 universities, and most of them are positioned as research universities. It aims to provide material and intellectual support for scientific research and academic construction in our country, so the requirements for students will be higher, and even students can publish many papers at the undergraduate level, which is very rare among ordinary students.

Second-rate schools generally refer to non-985 and non-211 universities. These universities are not as good as first-class universities in terms of academic construction, and are mostly positioned to cultivate application-oriented talents. Therefore, the center of the school will be more inclined to teaching.

Third-rate schools have three undergraduates and junior colleges, with relatively low enrollment standards and relatively loose student self-management, especially in terms of discipline. This requires schools to pay attention to strengthening management. For example, you have abnormal hygiene inspections, disciplinary inspections, what can't be taken into the dormitory building, and trash cans that can't be put in the dormitory must be placed on the balcony, and so on.

Students from third-rate universities may not be less intelligent than those from first-class universities. The main gap lies in self-management and learning.

"You have to find a way to reverse the school's style of study, so that everyone can devote themselves to the enthusiasm of learning!" Walking on the campus, Chen Hao fell into thinking. This is a big problem.

It is not difficult to wake up a person who is asleep, but it is quite difficult to wake up a person who pretends to be asleep.

Too strict management is not good, too loose management is not good, the most important thing is to let students learn autonomously and spontaneously, and can only intervene appropriately. Excessive management will cause student resistance and disgust.

"It's hard to be a principal, but it's even harder to be a good principal~" Chen Hao sighed for a long time, thinking about these issues is simply harder than writing code.

After returning to the office, continue processing the documents.

In the afternoon, Vice Principal Zheng Qiang finally came back.

Just after returning to the office, Zheng Qiang, who hadn't gotten hot butt, Chen Hao came.

"Old Zheng, you can count as coming back! I have a few thoughts about the school's education reform, let me talk to you!" As soon as he entered the office ~www.readwn.com~Chen Hao sat down unceremoniously, and then excitedly Said to Zheng Qiang.

In order to improve the content of these reforms, he was tired for several nights.

Formulating, revising, perfecting...These are all major projects.

Perhaps the family's affairs were successfully resolved. Zheng Qiang was in a good mood and said with a smile: "Speaking of the principal, I'm listening."

Half an hour later...

Chen Hao finally finished speaking.

And Zheng Qiang also fell into silence.

After a long time, he sighed quietly.

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The update a few days ago was a bit overwhelming. I'm really sorry, but something bad happened around that affected it. After today, I will try to avoid it happening again, sorry everyone! Remember the website of this site, www. biquxu. Com, easy to read next time, or enter "" on Baidu to enter this site

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