I Am the President of the University

Vol 2 Chapter 380: 3 Principal Chen from Gu Maolu

   "Wen Yu, is Guanghua still used to eating food?" Chen Hao asked with a look of concern.

   Chen Hao is very concerned about Dai Wenyu, who makes Xiao Dai's potential high!

   The most important thing is that not only has potential and ability, but also has good quality, but also hardworking and studious. It is simply a good seed!

   Even if you don’t see such talents, they are all in Guanghua School, and of course they cannot be let go.

   "Uh, the food is okay, the taste is even better than that of our University of Science and Technology." Facing the enthusiastic Chen Hao, Dai Wenyu replied with some embarrassment.

   "The food is okay." Chen Hao took a bite of the sauerkraut cake, chewed a few bites in his mouth, and asked Dai Wenyu again, "Is the research at Guangxin going well recently?"

   Speaking of research, Dai Wenyu came to the spirit, and said with some excitement: "At present, the research of Optical Core is still going well. Not only our Professor Ren Hong, but several other professors are very confident. It is just a matter of time."

"that's fine."

   Chen Hao nodded, it seems that the optical logic operation technology he gave last time is still very useful.

   As long as the progress of the optical core reaches 50%, the second reward can be opened. I hope that the things that will be issued by that time can be effective for the research.

   While eating, he didn't say a few words, as long as he was familiar with his face.

   It was Dai Wenyu, who looked up several times during the meal, and seemed to have something to say to Chen Hao.

   Chen Hao was a little curious, put down the delicious sauerkraut pancake in his hand, and said: "What's wrong, Wenyu, do you have anything to say?"

   Dai Wenyu and his fellow siblings looked at each other, then turned to look at Chen Hao, and asked tentatively: "Principal Chen, did you not watch the news?"

   "News? What news? I rarely read my mobile phone." Chen Hao was taken aback. Could it be that there is another big news?

   Dai Wenyu hesitated, and then said, "I just saw it when I got up. The beautiful country NatureWorks held a press conference last night."

   "Then, what did you say?"

"That is to say something irritating, it's just..." At this point, Dai Wenyu paused slightly, scratching his head and said, "It's just that a reporter asked later that Guanghua University is also studying lactide, and then NatureWorks CEO Weber said Some ugly words."

   "Unpleasant words? That's interesting." Chen Hao smiled lightly. He must be calm as a person. If he cares about other opinions and words, he will only increase his annoyance.

   "Then I have to see what this Webber said." Chen Hao was intrigued, he still wanted to see how the other party was so dark.

   Dai Wenyu, who was sitting opposite Chen Hao, looked at Chen Hao's reaction, and seemed to have no idea that this would be the case.

   Shouldn’t you be angry, angry?

   Here, Chen Hao, you don’t need to search for keywords when you open Weibo, it just hangs on the hot search list.

   "Good guy, it's still on hot search."

   Chen Hao smiled, and a media report appeared before his eyes.

   I briefly read the text report, and then clicked on the video. What appeared was edited, and it happened to be the second that the reporter from Sakura Country asked.

   Not to mention that Chen Hao, who has been studying abroad for eight years, even Dai Wenyu and others have first-class English. Naturally, these words will understand.

   Chen Hao furrowed his eyebrows slightly, saying that it is false not to be angry.

   But what about this?

   Spray it back again?

   There is no need at all. Some people in a beautiful country are proud of themselves. They are the best in the whole world. People from other countries look down on it, whether it is China, Mao Ziguo or Britain and France.

   It’s good to just do your own research with peace of mind, but the school still has to respond with some voice, otherwise some people in China think that Guanghua is persuaded.

   Chen Hao, who was about to speak, suddenly looked solemn.

   turned his head and said to the three of Dai Wenyu: "Wenyu, you continue to eat, I suddenly remembered one thing, I will invite everyone to dinner another day, and I will leave first."

Before    left, Chen Hao ate the last bite of the sauerkraut cake three times and five times, then got up and left.

After    left the canteen, Chen Hao finally breathed a sigh of relief and said to the system: "System, check the task!"

   was just watching the news, and suddenly thought of the system's prompt sound in his mind. In order to fear that Dai Wenyu would be suspicious, he had to find an excuse to leave.

   The voice fell, and a screen popped out in front of his eyes.

   Looking at this content, Chen Hao was dumbfounded.

  Developed lactide synthesis technology within one month?

   Yesterday, there were still 3 months and 7 days to check the system. It would take 2 months and 6 days to leave. What's the joke? !

   But this reward really moved him.

   "Oh, give it a try!" Chen Hao sighed slightly. It's better to have a task than no one, let's give it a try.

   walked towards Guanghua Tower and greeted school teachers and students along the way.

   has been thinking about a question in his heart.

   "How to advance the laboratory's progress?"

   After returning to the office, he still handles school affairs as usual~www.readwn.com~ Even though he is in charge of the school's scientific research, as the principal, he still needs to approve some documents. Not to mention the heavy workload after Vice President Zheng Qiang asked for leave.

   "Fortunately, Old Zheng came back in the afternoon. It is really too difficult to be a principal." Chen Hao looked at the pile of documents on the side, feeling a little bit.

   Working with documents in the office until 10 o'clock, Chen Hao stretched out, cleaned up the desk, and got up.

   greeted Deng Hui and walked out.


   Fifteen minutes later.

   Ludao University of Finance and Economics.

   Classroom 205 in a certain teaching building.

   Chen Hao looked outside the classroom. The classroom was already full of people and there was no more room.

   Looking at this scene, Chen Hao couldn't help touching his nose, and stood directly outside the classroom, leaning on the railing, just listening.

   During class, there were almost no students in the corridors of the teaching building. Occasionally, a few school faculty and staff would pass by. Most of them took a look at Chen Hao and left. Only some female teachers would look more and even look back.

   just waited like this for a full forty minutes.

   "Dingling bell~"

   As a bell rang after class, the entire teaching building seemed to be resurrected, and many young and fiery students emerged from each classroom.

   Chen Hao, who has been standing outside the classroom listening to Professor Huang Hong's lecture, doesn't feel tired, but his feet are a little numb.

   205 classroom, students began to walk out.

   waited until the students dispersed and Professor Huang Hong appeared.

   Chen Hao smiled, stepped forward, and said loudly:

   "Professor Huang Hong, I have been visiting the thatched cottage now!"

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