I Am the President of the University

Vol 2 Chapter 379: Can you get shot while lying down?

"Gentlemen and girls, welcome to the great NatureWorks company press conference!"

In front of the microphone, Mark Webber looked at the media below with a smile, without a trace of stage fright.

"Today's press conference is mainly to explain some things yesterday to the public. We, NatureWorks, respect the China Market and respect every partner company. Zhenhai Biological Company, because it violated the contract Some terms."

Weber said with a shrug, "Yes, that's why the present scene appeared. I don't like the dismissal of confessions that you call. I think this is a dissolution of cooperation, a very common business practice."

Weber talked on stage for about ten minutes, briefly explaining the ins and outs of the matter.

Anyway, it means that our company’s act of cutting off the supply of Zhenhai Bio-tech is in line with business logic, and it is not because the other party wants to study lactide on its own and impose sanctions on the other party.

Many reporters below held back a smile, as long as a few reporters from China looked resentful.

Need to talk more?

Who believes who is a fool!

Finally came to the most anticipated questioning session of the media.

Weber looked around and clicked on a man in the front row.

"Hello Mr. Weber, I am Smith, a reporter from The Wall Street Journal. I would like to ask if your company is targeting Zhenhai Biological Company this time or including all China's cooperative enterprises?" The male reporter in a suit and leather shoes stood up, with a clear face on his face. With a smile, it gives people a feeling of hiding a knife in the smile.

Weber raised his brows and shook his head directly and said: "This behavior was only because Zhenhai Biotechnology Company violated the cooperation agreement, so it was only in contact with this company. Huaxia made our NatureWorks company's second largest overseas market. For Huaxia, We have absolute sincerity."

But immediately, he went on to say: "Of course, if individual companies breach the contract, our NatureWorks company will never tolerate it. Of course, we will continue to maintain a good cooperative relationship."

A reporter from "The Wall Street Journal" Smith understood in seconds. What does the other party's remark mean?

The subtext is that Zhenhai Biology is just killing chickens and monkeys, so long as everyone cooperates honestly.

But if there is a company in the back that learns that Zhenhai Biology has to polymerize lactide technology by itself, then this time Zhenhai Biology’s processing method may be staged again.

Then Weber ordered another reporter from the UK.

The questions raised by this reporter were also quite sharp, but they were also fortunate. They were all within Weber's expectations.

After all, the media likes to ask some tricky or even trap-digging questions, just to grab attention.

It was the third reporter from Sakura Country, and he was a little dazed by the questions he asked.

"Dear Mr. Weber, I’m Taiichi Mitsui, a reporter from the Asahi Shimbun in the Sakura Country. According to the news I received, Guanghua University in China has set up a lactide synthesis technology laboratory some time ago. Many netizens are very optimistic, thinking that Guanghua University will break the dilemma that polylactic acid raw material lactide needs to be purchased by import. I don't know what Mr. Weber thinks about it?" The reporter from Sakura Country sat down after asking the question.

The following media whispered to each other, feeling very at a loss as to what the reporter from Sakura Country asked.

Isn't this a press conference about NatureWorks' sanctions against Huaxia Zhenhai Bio?

Why did you suddenly enter a university?

Also, what kind of school this "Guanghua University" is, it seems a bit familiar, but it will not be remembered for a while...

However, there are individual media with good memories. After hearing the four words of Guanghua University, the memory instantly revived.

There are many incidents caused by Guanghua University in the past six months. Of course, the main issue is the photon screen. In addition, the global launch of Huaxing mobile phones and rice phones equipped with photon screens a few days ago has caused many media reports, and the focus is on this Guanghua. University.

Weber on the stage was a little surprised. It was a kind of biological material, and he was no stranger to Guanghua University. After all, the photon screen that led the mobile phone industry was born in this university.

However, he just learned from reporters that Guanghua University is also engaged in lactide?

He was speechless.

Isn't this company focusing on developing optical cores? Why is there still time to get lactide...

The thought of a bad wolf coming to grab his own territory~www.readwn.com~Webber was a little displeased.

Regardless of the impact, the other party has already done so, so what else can be said.

"Mr. Mitsui, thank you very much for your information, but you want to ask me how I view this problem?"

Webber paused, with a mockery on the corners of his mouth, and sneered: "I still know about Guanghua University, but this **** luck is not a second time! The success of the photon screen is purely because of their good luck, and the synthesis of lactide Technology, our NatureWorks company is an absolute authority in the industry, I don’t think Guanghua University can develop it!"

"I personally think that this is a hype! Here, I strongly condemn Guanghua University's behavior, which is totally funny and ridiculous!"


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