I Am the President of the University

Vol 2 Chapter 398: Professor Ruan's teaching

Professor Ruan Jianchang was the former head of the core cloud team at Fudan University. When Guanghua University sent a request for support, Professor Ruan Jianchang agreed directly without hesitation.

The students in the team were still a little puzzled. After all, he was the boss of the research group when he was in Fudan. Now he is only in the top ten in the Guanghua University Optical Core Research Center.

This one after another, the gap is not small.

Facing a student’s question, Professor Ruan Jianchang smiled and shook his head and said, “Science knows no borders, but scientists do! Since Guanghua University’s optical core has a high probability of being developed, why not support it?”

"In the face of national interests, I am willing to be a contributing person!"

This is the direction of his heart!

Among the other teams that came to Guanghua to support, some professors had the same ideas as Professor Ruan Jianchang, and of course some agreed to come because of the persuasion of the secretary.

But no matter what the purpose is, as long as it comes to support, it is always commendable.

Professor Ren Hong looked at Ruan Jianchang and laughed happily: "Professor Ruan, I called you over today but I have good news to inform you!"

"good news?"

Ruan Jianchang was taken aback, didn't understand what the other party meant, frowned, "What good news, is there a big breakthrough in the optical core?"

"It's not, it's related to your team."

"Appreciate further details."

"President Chen talked with me for a while, and planned to let our center publish some papers on "Science" in the near future. Isn't the XX papers that your team is responsible for are almost written? I see the first paper by you Start." Professor Ren Hong said with a smile.

As a fellow in chip research, Ren Hong recognizes Professor Ruan Jianchang in terms of his character and level.

In addition, the thesis of Ruan Jianchang's team is indeed almost finished, so there is no personal subjective tendency in it.

The entire optical core research center has more than 300 scientific researchers, each of whom has many major and minor research directions.

Moreover, optical core is currently the most cutting-edge research in the world. Even the science and nature journals of the top international academic journals are eagerly waiting for them to publish.

"Okay, I have no problem here. I can finish it the day after tomorrow at the latest." Ruan Jianchang nodded, all at their level. Although there are not many published articles such as "Science" and "Nature", a few articles are basic.

Looking at Ruan Jianchang's calm appearance, Ren Hong knew that the other party must have not watched the latest news. The paper award plan announced by Guanghua University just last night caused an uproar on the Internet.

Ren Hong directly told Professor Ruan Jianchang about this matter.

After listening to this, Ruan Jianchang's face was a little moved, and he immediately understood what Professor Ren Hong meant by giving this opportunity to their team.

Ruan Jianchang hesitated for a moment, and then gratefully said to Ren Hong: "Thank you very much, Professor Ren, this has helped me a lot."

Ren Hong waved his hand with a smile. There are many doctoral tutors, some who are responsible to the students and some who are not.

They all belong to the former. They will not exploit their students like other tutors, but teach very seriously, and they will be more concerned about the lives of their students.

Young people today are under too much pressure.

2 million Even if the tutor gets the big head, the students who are divided down can get a lot, which is enough to relieve a lot of anxiety.

Although it is almost clear, Ren Hong has one last sentence to remind the other party.

"Professor Ruan, there is one last point that I want to tell you. After the paper is completed, hand it over to me, and I need to check it again to prevent no central data leakage."

Facing Ren Hong’s reminder, Ruan Jianchang nodded, “This is natural. I will urge you as soon as possible after I go back.”


After leaving the office, Ruan Jianchang felt much more relaxed physically and mentally.

Several doctoral students in his team are in the stage of getting married. The house, car, and bride price are completely inaccessible. It is the time when there is a shortage of money.

The paper they have now, isn't it here to put out the fire?

Thinking of this, Ruan Jianchang couldn't help speeding up and walked back to the laboratory with good news.

"Everyone listen to the work at hand, I announce an important thing." Ruan Jianchang slapped his hands and said in a loud voice.

Seven or eight members of the team listened and looked over curiously.

But looking at Professor Ruan's expression, it should be good news.

When Ruan Jianchang finished his road, everyone fell into joy, and this happiness came too soon!

Looking at the cheering people, Ruan Jianchang couldn't help showing a relaxed expression.

Because of this incident, the entire team seemed to have been given a buff, their morale was very high, and their efficiency was surprisingly high.

Until noon, after walking out of the cafeteria.

A boy in his 30s wearing retro round glasses pulled off Professor Ruan Jianchang's clothes.

"Teacher, can I talk to you about something?"

"Yes." Ruan Jianchang thought a little, nodded, and then talked to a few students, and the two went to another path.

This boy is called Xu Jie, one of the doctoral students he led. He is currently in his fifth year and will graduate next year. He is regarded as the oldest one in his team.

The Ph.D. at Fudan University takes 3-6 years. However, those who graduate in 3 years are outstanding, and it is generally 4 to 5 years to graduate. It is not impossible to postpone graduation until seven or eight years when encountering a cheating mentor.

five minutes later.

Ruan Jianchang stopped directly, stood on the spot with a serious expression, and rebuked Xu Jie, "Xu Jie, you are a big brother, so let’s forget it. You should know that this paper is different from others. It’s impossible to let you Recklessly!"

"Teacher, the girlfriend I'm talking about must have a house and a car at home, and the gift is not low. The pressure on my head is great!" Xu Jie looked bitter, and he was a little ashamed.

"Xu Jie, if I put you in the first work, it would be an unfair behavior for your juniors and sisters! Ruan Jianchang, my life is magnanimous, will never do such a thing." Ruan Jianchang resolutely refused.

Just now Xu Jie told him that he hoped to be the first author of this paper, but Ruan Jianchang refused without hesitation.

Although the relationship between them is still in the original unit, Guanghua University is supported by several sister universities here. This paper award plan also includes the Optical Core Research Center. If this paper is successfully published, according to President Chen Hao's latest standards, this would be a bonus of 3 million yuan.

According to work, of course, the corresponding author and the first author are the highest.

In the research groups of many universities, once SCI papers are published, no matter who contributes the most, the tutor usually posts the corresponding author, and the seniors and sisters post one work, and the juniors and sisters all have to rely on the second work.

He Ruan Jianchang did not allow this behavior to happen in his team.

According to this contribution, there are two first authors, and Xu Jie can only be the second author.

Looking at Xu Jie, a little frustrated, Ruan Jianchang patted the other person on the shoulder, enlighteningly comforted: "Xu Jie, you know my criteria for being a person, I will definitely not agree to this kind of thing. But if you have a big gap, The teacher also has some savings here, you can use it first, and then post more papers and make money before paying it back."

"Teacher...Thank you, thank you!"

Listening to Ruan Jianchang’s words from the heart~www.readwn.com~Xu Jie was ashamed for a while. He wanted to infringe on the interests of his juniors and younger sisters through the relationship of the mentor. Although the mentor refused, he was willing to lend his own money. he.

He lowered his head, covered his face, choked to silence.

"You are still young now, and the road ahead is still long. So you must walk straight, walk right, and do well. Once you go on a crooked road, your life will be ruined, you know?" Ruan Jianchang also sighed. Teaching said.

The two figures called a mistake in the sun, and walked slowly towards the Guangxin Research Center.

And in the Guanghua Building.

Principal's office.

A crisp keyboard sound rang without stopping.

Chen Hao looked at the computer screen piercingly, without feeling tired at all.

ps: This chapter is a bit delayed. I wrote it for more than two hours. I want a recommendation ticket and a monthly ticket! Remember the website of this site, www. biquxu. Com, easy to read next time, or enter "" on Baidu to enter this site

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