I Am the President of the University

Vol 2 Chapter 399: Learn the correct way to open the valve

What is the difference between publishing an SCI paper and a CNS regular paper?

The former can be done by one person, while in the latter, it is completely impossible to focus on personal work!

If you want to post a "nature" or "science", it almost always requires the cooperation of the entire team.

For example, a big guide who provides direction support, a small guide who provides specific guidance, a school that provides financial support, brothers who help you complete data analysis and visualization, foreign language writers who do language editing for articles, and work as a research atmosphere group on weekdays. Various classmates with whom you communicate and discuss.

Of course, even if it is produced by a team, it can be a work in which they can work together, usually they have outstanding contributions and have good abilities.

But as a work, it usually makes outstanding contributions. But if you want to walk sideways with confidence, at least you need to prove your ability to produce stable output.

Is there anyone who single-handedly produced CNS publications?

It's almost a fairy tale to lead a single-core team that doesn't rely on the platform, but... there really is! It's just that this kind of person can even be said to be a person born to do scientific research.

For example, a big guy like Cao Yuan can lead the team with a single core.

For this kind of character, you can even say to your mentor: You are really the worst mentor I have ever brought!

Chen Hao's own scientific research ability is not bad, and after systematic instillation, whether it is photon screen or this industry that extends to related materials, it is no exaggeration that people are completely at the level of the world's first person.

A paper on the photon screen is being formed.

This paper is the cover article he is going to publish in "nature". It has been written for a while. Since the task requires ten CNS cover articles, the fastest speed is of course to publish it together in two journals, so at least It's much faster than publishing a journal.

It's just that the keyboard sound suddenly stopped.

"There is still a little data support. I have to go to the laboratory." Chen Hao frowned slightly without delay, and got up to go out.

The weather in Ludao at the end of November is the best time. The weather of more than 20 degrees, neither cold nor hot, plus the breeze coming from time to time, makes the whole person refreshed.

Chen Hao went straight to the Institute of Advanced Materials, and then to the photon screen laboratory.

In the laboratory, there are still not a few researchers who are busy wearing white coats at the moment.

Although Guanghua University's comprehensive strength is not good, the scientific research institute is still quite good, neither the scientific research environment nor the level of the team's ability can be said.

Coupled with the fact that Guanghua’s salary is not low, it is already very satisfying for these researchers. Without worries, they have invested more energy in scientific research.

"Let's do this experiment again..." Zheng Haoran, the current director of the Photon Screen Laboratory, was discussing the problem with the researchers, and suddenly a familiar voice came from behind him.

"Director Zheng."

Zheng Haoran looked back. After seeing the appearance of the person, he was really taken aback. It's noon now.

"Principal, why are you here? Is there something wrong?"

In the end, Zheng Haoran was a little uneasy. Could it be that the laboratory personnel had a problem?

Fortunately, Chen Hao's next sentence dispelled his worries.

Chen Hao chuckled and said, "I need a piece of data to support, so I came to the laboratory."

Zheng Haoran breathed a sigh of relief, and then said with some enthusiasm: "Principal, what experiment do you need to do? I will personally check it for you!"

It was not a time-consuming experiment anyway, and Chen Hao directly told the other party.

Zheng Haoran listened and said confidently: "Principal, just leave this to me, and I will send you the data after I get it right."

"Anything, by the way, there is some good news to tell you."

Chen Hao recounted the matter roughly, and finally emphasized: "How long will you have to complete your paper? Try to write it well. This time it’s okay to be on "nature", but you have to see whether it can be on the cover. Good luck."

But even so, Zheng Haoran was still very excited, and there was no reason to refuse!

This is "nature", one of the top international academic journals. If it can be published on it, it doesn't need to say how significant it represents, right?

"Principal, don't worry, I will do this thing well." Zheng Haoran's eyes flashed with excitement.

As the director of the photon screen laboratory, Zheng Haoran has good abilities, but he is still a bit short of the standard of the "Yangtze River Youth" talent hat. Then he will post one or two CNS regular journal corresponding authors or first authors, which is almost the same. Things can stabilize.

Yangtze River Youth + Outstanding Youth, that is a half-step academician!

I stayed in the laboratory for a while, and guided the researchers on the spot by the way.

Finally, under the adoring gaze of some young researchers, Chen Hao slowly walked out of the laboratory.

At this time, as the school time was approaching, there were gradually more people on the road.

Zhang Lei and Zheng Tianyu's dormitory walked on the way to the teaching building.

While walking, they are also chatting.

"The principal is really generous. It doesn't matter if a paper awards 2 million yuan, but now it has been increased to 3 million yuan, which is terrible!"

Zhang Lei said sourly: "If only I could publish a paper on it, it would be great."

The corner of Zheng Tianyu’s mouth twitched. Zhang Lei’s words just made him really speechless and couldn’t help but vomit and replied: “Old Zhang, I think you’re thinking about sister paper and wanting to be stupid! Want to post a computer paper on NS, Do you know how difficult it is?"

Although both NS journals are comprehensive, they generally mainly include highly innovative or high-performance papers, and they are more inclined to biochemical and environmental materials.

"How difficult is it? I, Cao Shen, have all published seven or eight "nature"?" Zhang Lei said with a look of admiration.

Even if Zhang Lei is only an undergraduate, but Cao Yuan also knows the prestige of the great god.

The blue veins on Zheng Tianyu's forehead are almost violent. Many people who don't understand scientific research think that they will be so clear, but because he has been more concerned about scientific research recently, he still understands these things.

"There are many 985 and 211 colleges and universities that have not published a regular journal of nature and science since they were founded."

Zheng Tianyu gave Zhang Lei a blank look and asked: "Old Zhang, do you think the full professors and doctoral supervisors in 985 schools are good?"

"Awesome." Zhang Lei replied without even thinking about it.

"Then do you know how many of these doctoral supervisors can publish an NS official journal?" Zheng Tianyu shook his head and said with emotion. The main issue, how difficult is it, you say?"

Don't look at what Cao Yuan published seven or eight "nature" in a few years or Yan Ning published two or three CNS a year, but in fact, there are only a handful of people who can actually post on it.

"Is it so difficult..." Zhang Lei was a little embarrassed, because he thought that the difficulty would be only one or two years away, so he was envious.

This is also the opinion of most netizens, who feel that a paper is very simple to post.

But in fact, the output of scientific research results is uncertain. Don't think it is simple if you look at other people's papers. In fact, even an SCI of the lowest level will not be less than a year of research.

If you want to publish a CNS official journal, it may take 5 years of accumulation, or even 10 years, and the reward is not one person. In this way, the two or three million yuan is actually not much.

"I don't know what happened to the principal..." Zheng Tianyu raised his head, looking towards Guanghua Building with some worry.

Because of the principal’s video response in the morning, the incident’s popularity has skyrocketed again, and it is now fourth on the Douyin Hot List.

Most people don’t see other people’s favors. The essay award program launched by Guanghua University has really caused a lot of disturbance. Even if some people are protecting Guanghua, most of the netizens are still in Hei Guanghua.

As the president of Guanghua University, there must be a lot of pressure now, right?

Professor Ruan Jianchang has the same idea as Zheng Tianyu.

Perhaps with a heart of gratitude, Professor Ruan Jianchang and the students of the team are working on the paper together, which originally had to be completed tomorrow, but when he passed by Professor Ren Hong at 10 o’clock in the evening, the paper was transferred to Chen Hao’s mailbox .

"Corresponding authors: Chen Hao, Ruan Jianchang."

"First author: Lin Dong, Wang Xuan."

"Second author: Xu Jie..."

Chen Hao looked at his name at the forefront, a little bit dumbfounded.

"Professor Ruan is also true, it's useless if I want the corresponding author."

The most important part of the paper is the corresponding author and the first author. After the second work, the gold content has dropped drastically.

Chen Hao himself is the principal, and he is not a promotion. There is little difference between whether there is or not.

But he didn't modify it either. Instead, he sent an email to Irving, the editor of "Science".

If you add your own name to this paper and send it in your own mailbox, it will be a completely different review result!

Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes. Since there is a circle in the academic circle, it shows that there are indispensable human sentiments.

For example, foreign countries always criticize China's academic level. Is this true?

it is true!

For example, recently the rebirth of a boiled egg can be published in a journal.

But is the beautiful country and Sakura country clean?

It's just fifty steps and a hundred steps!

When Chen Hao was still a Ph.D. student at MIT, because his tutor Professor Stephen was a big cow, he often participated in the peer review of journals, and he helped Professor Stephen review many papers, and one of them was a beautiful country. The professor of the school, nearly 70 years old, is an absolute leader in the industry!

This big cow submitted the manuscript to a journal with more than 12 points. The editor gave Professor Stephen a review. Then Professor Stephen was busy with work and handed it to Chen Hao to review the manuscript.

Most science and engineering subjects are single-blind, that is, the reviewer knows the author and the author does not know the reviewer.

When Chen Hao finished reading it, he really had a headache. The journals that voted for 5 points for this article are barely, let alone 12 points...

Therefore, Chen Hao wrote down detailed comments and handed them to Professor Stephen, and at the same time suggested rejecting the manuscript. A few days later, Professor Stephen also read it again and felt that the level was really worrying, and he also suggested rejecting the manuscript.

Peer review generally requires two or three industry experts to review. Not only did Professor Stephen make this choice, the other two experts also chose to recommend rejection of the manuscript. The editor rejected the manuscript without much thought.

It will be interesting later... After receiving the rejection message, this man was very dissatisfied. He personally called the editor to criticize, and the editor contacted three experts for a second consultation. However, Professor Stephen still insisted on rejecting the manuscript. , The other party is a big cow, and Professor Stephen is also the same, there is no need to counsel, okay?

Later, the editor-in-chief rejected the manuscript again, and the article failed to appear.

However, the reversal came.

Half a year later, Chen Hao saw this article in a journal with more than 16 points, almost unchanged...

The one who voted for 12 points failed, changed to a higher-scoring journal, and the result passed... What does this mean?

Just kidding, could it be that Professor Stephen, the winner of the Turing Award, missed it?

This is not a case, a Stanford University friend Chen Hao knew.

I am going to publish an SCI paper from a top journal in the industry, and then this friend's mentor is a pioneer in this field and a fighter in Daniel.

At first, I used my account to submit the article, and the corresponding authors were himself and his own mentor, but it was rejected by the second.

There was a showdown behind this guy.

I re-submitted the manuscript with my mentor’s account, and did not change a single word, except that I changed the submission account.

The result was immediately different, and it was submitted for review... it was directly accepted...

Will this happen to the three top international academic journals "science", "nature" and "cell"?

A certain professor from Sakura Kuniu submitted a paper to "nature", and it only took 3 days from submission to acceptance, and he jumped in and placed it in the latest issue for publication.

This kind of speed like riding a rocket...

Know what you know.

What is a school valve?

To submit an article of the same quality to the same journal, the editor and reviewer must first see the identity of the corresponding author, and then the content.

The more famous the journal, the more important the position of the corresponding author.

Therefore, Daniel can go through the green channel to pass the manuscript, and the students under the Daniel can also let him post the manuscript and pass the manuscript quickly.

This acted as a school valve.

Ordinary tutor students, if they want to be famous, can only climb step by step from low-scoring journals; while big cattle students can skip these links and reach the top step by step.

Therefore, if you are a graduate student to find a mentor, you don’t care if the other party has time to train you under the Daniu sect. As long as your mentor is a big cow in the industry, you will get an admission ticket.

Just like the gradually solidified class in the country, what everyone hates is not the school clan, but the hatred that you are not a member of the school clan.

In the past, Chen Hao grew up under the protection of Professor Stephen.

Today, the accumulation in the past few years has been brought about by the impact of the photon screen.

A school leader headed by him is taking shape.


Beautiful country, "science" editorial department.

When Owen made his coffee as usual, he slowly sat in his seat and opened his work mailbox.

What caught my eye was a lot of emails, and he swept them away. The main gaze was still on the submission account~www.readwn.com~. He just took a few glances, and his sight has been locked by an account in the sixth row. .

"Chen has finally finished his manuscript!"

Irving couldn't help but yelled excitedly, especially when he read the title of the submitted paper clearly, his mouth was open enough to fit an apple.

"Oh my god!"

Because this paper is about photonic chips!

The academic community is completely confused about the optical core being developed by Guanghua University, and no papers on the progress of the subject have been published in the journal.

And start today.

The world's first paper on optical cores will be published in the journal "Science"!

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