I Am the President of the University

Vol 2 Chapter 407: Academician Zhong, do it with me!

  Chapter 408 Academician Zhong, do it with me!

  Ludao Gaoqi International Airport.

   "Uncle Zhou, when will Academician Zhong arrive?"

  Chen Hao stood at the pick-up gate, a rare gaffe.

   To be precise, it should be excitement!

  Because the person he wants to pick up is called Zhong Nanshan!

  Just like Zhongnan Mountain with the same homonym, this man is like a big mountain, sitting on the land of China Shenzhou, suppressing all evil!

Although    and Academician Zhong have never veiled their faces, Chen Hao admires each other extremely.

  Like his own teacher, Professor Stephen, admiration from the heart.

  Academician Zhong has many titles, such as respiratory scientist, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, member of the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, a leader in China's fight against atypical pneumonia, and so on.

  But the most powerful ones are the last two: the leader of the high-level expert group of the National Health Commission, and the national health science expert!

  There are countless achievements, but what the entire Chinese people cannot forget is the SARS in 2003 and the "war epidemic" in 2020 that described the 404.

  What is Guo Shi Wushuang?

  Academician Zhong is this!

  Someone sprays him, Chen Hao can smile indifferently, but if someone blows the clock to Academician, Chen Hao absolutely cannot bear it.

  This man has made great contributions to the Republic. Like Academician Yuan Longping, he can build temples and shrines in ancient times!

   "Xiao Hao, you have asked me about this three times." Zhou Hanqing smiled helplessly. In fact, he was a little excited in his heart. As a young and Zhuang official, he had no less admiration for Academician Zhong than Chen Hao.

   "In five minutes, Academician Zhong should be out."

  Zhou Hanqing patted Chen Hao on the shoulder, and said with a smile: “I really can’t imagine that our principal is still nervous, tusk tusk.”

  Chen Hao, Zhou Hanqing rolled his eyes and curled his lips, "You are not the same as Uncle Zhou. How many times did you look at your watch? If I remember correctly, it should have been 12 times?"

   "Cough cough, don't I have to return to the agency after the meeting, because the unit has a lot of work, and I am afraid that it will be delayed." Zhou Hanqing's face was not red and heartbeat, and he defended very thickly.

   "I really believe it!" Chen Hao said hehe, isn't this just fifty steps and a hundred steps.

  The mayor’s secretary Xiao Huang, as well as several other comrades from the media and related departments, looked at the conversation between these two people. It is no wonder that they are all uncles and nephews.

   Just as the two were fighting, there was a noise in front of them, and everyone quickly cheered up.

  The man is finally about to appear!

Academician   Wearing a pleated suit, walking steadily, with a very friendly smile on his face, he walked in front of Chen Hao, Zhou Hanqing and others.

  At this time, both hands stretched out at the same time.

  Fortunately, Chen Hao has been observing Lao Zhou with extra light. In addition, he usually exercises a lot, and his speed is still a little faster than Lao Zhou. He was the first to hold Academician Zhong's hand.

   "Hello, Academician Zhong, I am Chen Hao, you can call me Xiao Chen!" Chen Hao respectfully greeted him with a student attitude.

  "Hello, hello, I have long admired the name. I saw it today. The real person is more heroic and handsome than on the Internet." Academician Zhong has no pretensions at all, and smiles friendly at Chen Hao.

   Then he held Zhou Hanqing’s hand again, “This is Mayor Zhou, right? It’s really annoying to come here all the way.”

   "Don't worry, don't worry, Academician Zhong is really a national scholar of the Republic, this is what I should be!" Zhou Hanqing held Academician Zhong's hand with some excitement, and the tone of his speech fluctuated slightly.

  Chen Hao didn't laugh at Lao Zhou, after all, he was not much better.

  Ten minutes, the three cars started one after another.

  There were four people sitting in the middle car. Except for one driver, Academician Chen Hao and Zhong were sitting in the back row. As for the co-pilot, they were sitting a little bit resentful Zhou Hanqing.

Originally, Lao Zhou wanted to sit in the same seat with Academician Zhong, but he didn’t expect Chen Hao to directly rush him to the co-pilot, saying that the co-pilot has a better vision, and it’s hard to serve the people at ordinary times. Take advantage of this time to relax and appreciate it. Great views along the way.

  This...is it human? ? ?

  I'm so angry with Lao Zhou!

  In the car.

  Chen Hao cast a curious look and couldn't help asking: "Academician Zhong, how many days are you coming to Ludao this time?"

  "Tonight’s meeting, after attending, I will leave tomorrow."

  Academician Zhong finished speaking, looking through the window of the scenery outside, he said with some emotion: "I haven't been to Ludao for a long time, it's still so beautiful."

  "Academician Zhong, have you been to Ludao before?" Chen Hao asked.

Academician Zhong did not speak yet, but Lao Zhou seized the opportunity to mock Chen Hao.

  "Tsk, our Principal Chen doesn’t know this? Academician Zhong is our Ludao native!"

   Chen Hao was really stunned after hearing Zhou Hanqing's words.

   "Huh? Is Academician Zhong from Ludao? Wouldn't it be that we are still fellow villagers?!"

   "Yes, my parents are both from Ludao. To be precise, my mother is still on Gulangyu Island." Academician Zhong nodded and explained without thinking.

Academician Zhong was born in Jinling. His parents were from Ludao. He studied in Yangcheng in middle school, and went to Beijing in college. Finally, he returned to work and live in Yangcheng.

As if recalling a memory, Academician Zhong sighed: "Speaking of which, I still miss Gulangyu. In 1948, when I was 12 years old, I lived with my grandma on Gulangyu for a while. I remember the house number, it seems to be No. 64 Zhangzhou Road, Gulangyu, and I was climbing Sunlight Rock at that time."

  Chen Hao heard this and suddenly had an idea, and directly proposed to Academician Zhong: "Academician Zhong, after having lunch together, we will take a boat to Gulangyu in the afternoon to revisit the old place?"

  Academician Zhong did not reply immediately, because he was moved, but at the same time he was worried.

   "Will you be a little annoyed, and if you take a steamer, I am afraid that it will cause some turmoil."

  I don’t know that Chen Hao listened, and smiled and waved his hand, “No, we won’t sit with tourists.”

  "Don't sit with tourists?" Academician Zhong didn't quite understand, he was confused.

   "Just let the ferry company send a separate ship to take us there." Chen Hao said with a light smile.

  "Don't use privileges, I don't like this." Academician Zhong frowned. Although he is an academician of the two academies, he usually queues up in the cafeteria to eat and go out, just like an ordinary old man.

   "Academician Zhong, don't worry, it's not a privilege, but this kid has invested in the ferry company a while ago and is a shareholder." Zhou Hanqing touched his nose and said with a bit of uncomfortable feeling.

  Md, if you have money, you can do anything wrong!

   "That's it..." Academician Zhong was startled, and then he remembered the rich man beside him, and he couldn't help showing a wry smile.

  In addition, I really wanted to go back and have a look, and Academician Zhong agreed.

Because there are a lot of official affairs in the old week~www.readwn.com~ After having lunch together at noon, they left. Finally, Chen Hao, a receptionist from an event party and Academician Zhong and his party sat on the ferry code to go to Gulangyu. Of special trains.

  Because there is no need to go to the International Cruise Center to take a ferry, just a few minutes past the ferry terminal.

Although   Gulangyu is not big, the whole island is not small. As a national 5A tourist attraction and a world cultural heritage, it takes half a day for the whole island to walk down.

  A few people chatted and walked to the destination No. 64 Zhangzhou Road.

  On the way, Chen Hao glanced left and right, the commotion in his heart was difficult to suppress.

  He got hot in his brain, bit his lip lightly, and vomited out without passing through the brain.

   "Academician Zhong, come with me!"

  Ps: Ask for recommendation tickets, ask for monthly tickets! ! !

  Academician Zhong is really from Ludao. When I checked the information, I found out that I wanted to write it in!

  What is a national scholar, such as Academician Zhong! Call me Zhongshen!

  I wish Academician Zhong a good health and a long life! ! !

  (End of this chapter)

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