I Am the President of the University

Vol 2 Chapter 408: Appoint Academician Zhong!

  Chapter 409 Appointment of Academician Zhong!


  Academician Zhong was confused and stopped, as if he didn't understand what Chen Hao had just said.

   "Ahem, no, I mean, I want to invite Academician Zhong to come to Guanghua University."

  Chen Hao finished speaking and looked sideways slightly.

Academician    was born in 1936, and now he is old, his temples are pale, and the black hair behind him is a little weak.

  Move his gaze to the left again, although Academician Zhong looks good in spirit, because he exercises a lot and his bones are also very strong.

  It’s just that Chen Hao vaguely saw the appearance of a hero who was twilight through this surface.

Before Academician Zhong could answer, Chen Hao added from the heart: "Academician Zhong, otherwise, I invite you to be the honorary dean and visiting professor of our Guanghua University School of Medicine (preparation). You are free to take a vacation. Just come to school for a few classes at a time."

Originally, he was thinking of inviting Academician Zhong to be the dean and professor of the medical school, but after seeing Academician Zhong’s white hair on the temples, he was a little unbearable. The words that he had prepared in his heart turned into at this moment. ash.

  Academician Zhong is now settled in Yangcheng, so he can't let the other party fly back and forth between the two places often.

  "Visiting Professor?"

  Academician Zhong hesitated a little, looking at Chen Hao, "I remember that Guanghua University does not have a medical school. President Chen, what do you want?"

   “Yes, the purpose of our Guanghua University is to focus on engineering, but we will also develop other disciplines. Our Guanghua University will have six faculties in the future, of which the Department of Medicine is also a very important part.” Chen Hao said frankly.

  Medical schools must be developed. It is important to know that medicine is a major export of papers. Compared with other disciplines, as long as funds, talents, and laboratories are in place, it is easy to improve the ranking.

  The newly-built medical school in other schools is just one, and Chen Hao is very good. It is a big move to go directly to the medical department!

  Medical School, School of Basic Medical School, School of Public Health, School of Pharmacy, these are four new schools!

When Academician Zhong heard this, he couldn't help but smile, "President Chen has a good idea, but this will make you take a bigger step? You can get a medical school first, and it won't be too late to develop other things after it stabilizes. "

   "For example, a hospital is very troublesome. A medical school without a hospital is rootless."

   Facing the kind reminder from Academician Zhong, Chen Hao smiled calmly.

  "Academician Zhong, you can rest assured that Guanghua now has one hospital and will reach about 3 hospitals in the future."

  The three hospitals are Chen Hao's general idea. It is not that the more hospitals, the stronger the strength. Now they are all developing into specialized hospitals. Small but sophisticated is more appropriate.

   "Already have it?" Academician Zhong said with some surprise.

  Guanghua University acquired Chang Gung Memorial Hospital and changed its name to the First Affiliated Hospital of Guanghua University. Ludao spreads widely locally, and no one knows about it in other places in the province, let alone Academician Zhong who is far away in Yangcheng.

"Well, it was acquired a while ago. I plan to purchase another one in the next two years, and finally build a general hospital." Chen Hao scratched his head, although he said that Chang Gung Memorial Hospital was obtained by gambling with Wei Gaoyuan of Longxing Group. It should be fine too.

  It is the highest-level private hospital here in Ludao that has been included in Guanghua University, and the rest are relatively ordinary, and the premium is not very high and it is difficult to acquire.

  Mainly because Ludao occupies a small area and the development history is limited, Ludao was a small fishing village one or two hundred years ago. In comparison, the medical and educational resources of Rongcheng, the provincial capital, are still much stronger than those of Ludao.

  Public hospitals are nowhere, so the only way is to build a hospital by yourself.

  "Academician Zhong, let me tell you some of the development strategies of our Medical Department." Chen Hao understands what Academician Zhong is thinking. If he changes to Ludao University's invitation, it is estimated that Academician Zhong will agree.

Coincidentally, Chen Hao was really right. Academician Zhong was thinking about this problem. At a domestic academic forum a while ago, President Zhang of Ludao University invited him, hoping to hire him as a visiting professor. Teaching at Island University.

  Now that Chen Hao has sent out an invitation again, he can't agree to both. After all, he has reached an advanced age and has limited energy.

  It is Chen Hao who speaks vigorously and talks a lot, but the main idea remains the same, just two words:

  Spend money!

  Is it useful to spend money on medicine?

  It's really useful!

  Academician Zhong thought seriously that compared to other public universities, if Guanghua can continue to spend money in medicine, it might be really difficult to get something out of it.

   "Academician Zhong, I'm finished, you take your time to consider it, this is not anxious." Chen Hao said very honestly. He holds a very humble attitude towards Academician Zhong, who is both moral and artistic.

  Walking through the deep alleys of Gulangyu Island, on both sides are buildings from the Republic of China period. The Western and Nanyang styles intersect in it, and it feels like being in the Republic of China.

  There are still unknown flowers and plants spreading on the walls. When the wind blows, the flowers and branches tremble, and a scent comes out.

  Chen Hao sniffed slightly and his face was a little relaxed. He still liked Gulangyu. It would be better if there were fewer tourists.

   "Academician Zhong, the front is No. 64 Zhangzhou Road." A staff member beside him said with a stern smile.

   "I saw it, but there is still no change."

   His eyes were just ahead, but Academician Zhong suddenly turned his head and smiled at Chen Hao:

"President Chen, I can come to Guanghua University, but I can only be a visiting professor. After all, my energy is limited. However, you can call me directly for medical school and hospital-related questions, or if you have any other help. Speak."

   "Okay, I remember, thank Academician Zhong!" Chen Hao was a little excited. With Academician Zhong's words, the road of Guanghua Medical Department will be much easier in the future.

Academician Zhong has been the president of the Chinese Medical Association. He is one of the few existing masters in the domestic medical field, and his energy must not be underestimated.

  2 minutes later, a group of people stopped outside the door of a two-story villa.

The    villa is a typical Western style. The creeper on one side not only covers the top of the fence, but also covers the upper part of the iron gate.

  As for there is a tall camphor tree in the courtyard, just looking at the fallen leaves on the ground, it seems that this family has not come back for a while.

  This is the family of Academician Zhong’s mother Liao Yueqin.

  Academician Zhong is a medical family, but many people don’t know that Academician Zhong’s mother’s family is not simple.

  The Liao family is a famous family on Gulangyu Island, and Liao Zongwen is also the grandfather of Academician Zhong.

   Four sons, the eldest son gave birth to a grandson named Yin Chengzong, a famous pianist in my country and Lang Lang's teacher.

The second son-in-law is Lin Yutang, a famous writer in my country.

  Of course the most powerful is the third son Liao Tianci.

  Liao Tianci only gave birth to one son, Liao Chaoxi, but this offspring of Liao Chaoxi is amazing!

  Liao Chaoxi has two daughters and one son.

  The eldest daughter married the famous medical scientist Dai Tianyou, and later had a son Dai Kerong (academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering); the second daughter married the famous medical scientist Zhong Shifan, who was the parents of Academician Zhong; the only son and his wife were both famous medical scientists.

  Famous family members, that's probably the case.

  So it is not easy for those who can become famous.

  There is also a sign attached to the iron gate, with a few lines on it, and the top one is [Key Historic Buildings] in eight characters.

  Below is the building's number, building age and other information.

  The last row is [Ludao Municipal People's Government].

  It shows that this is already an acquisition state.

  Academician Zhong took two steps forward slowly, until he walked to the side of the iron gate and stretched out his hand to touch the door.

  In his muddy eyes, there are printed bungalows with closed doors and windows inside.

  Here are the memories of the young academician Zhong.

  Chen Hao glanced at Academician Zhong, then turned to face the staff beside him, lowered his voice and asked, “Who owns this villa now?”

  "This villa has been nationalized..." the staff member said with a wry smile.

  Chen Hao was about to speak. At this time, Academician Zhong heard the conversation between the two and walked back to Chen Hao with a smile and said: "It's okay, just come back and have a look. I'm quite satisfied."

   "Okay." Caution Si was seen through by Academician Zhong, and Chen Hao touched his nose.

  “Most of these old villas on Gulangyu Island have changed owners, but it’s good to keep them.” Academician Zhong looked up at the grandmother’s house and said with emotion.

   "Yes, there was no way back then." The staff quickly echoed.

   "It's okay, several old villas of my house are all there." Chen Hao raised his eyebrows and said dismissively.

There are 1024 old villas on Gulangyu Island, most of which are owned by overseas Chinese. In order to make Gulangyu's application for the [World Cultural Heritage] successful, Ludao City Government decided to repair these old houses. After all, some old houses could not be applied for heritage.

  Pushing reconstruction is cheaper, two or three million is enough. But repairing is expensive, an old villa costs tens of millions!

  More than a thousand villas...that's tens of billions!

  What should we do?

  At that time, the Ludao City Government thought of a way and issued an announcement stating a period of time during which the old villas can be taken back if there is a land deed, and those that cannot be taken out are confiscated.

  The old villas then confiscated will adopt an adoption policy. As long as the rich are willing to bear the repair costs, the government will give them the right to use them for 40 years, and they can only live but not sell them.

  In this way, except for a small part of the old villas on the island, they are private, and most of them are actually adopted by the rich in the country as a place for retirement and vacation.

  Academician Zhong’s mother’s villas were all confiscated, but some of their Chen’s villas are still there.

  As soon as Chen Hao's words came out, the others fell silent and didn't want to speak at all.

  Because this villa was adopted by an unknown rich man, it was a private residence, so it was impossible to enter. Chen Hao and Academician Zhong walked to other places after watching it for a while.

  I climbed Riguang Rock all afternoon, and went to the coffee shop to chat for a while.

   Before dinner, he returned to the island. After the meal, Chen Hao satisfactorily bid farewell to Academician Zhong.

  The biggest gain of the delegation today is that I met Academician Zhong, whom I admired for a long time, and successfully negotiated the medical school.

  Young people nowadays should not chase some stars, but should chase these scientists!

  After Chen Hao turned and left, he didn't know that Academician Zhong had been watching him from behind~www.readwn.com~ Academician Zhong asked the friend beside him: "What do you think of this young man?"

  The friend pondered for a moment, and then replied: “He has ideas, courage and strength. The most important thing is that he has a very strong patriotism in his chest. It is a pretty good young man.”

  Zhong Nanshan shook his head when he heard it, and said slowly:

   "The most important thing is full of vitality, will not be afraid of difficulties and challenges, and have a heart to move forward courageously!"

  "Like our country, it is also full of vitality and vitality!"

   "It's time for us old guys to hand over the baton to these young people."

  The two smiled at each other, stopped talking, and took a strong step and turned to leave.

  In my heart, Academician Zhong still wants to say something to Chen Hao, or to the young people of Chen Hao’s generation.

  "The future of the country, please!"

  Ps: Three thousand chapters for recommendation tickets, monthly tickets! ! !


  (End of this chapter)

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