I Am the President of the University

Vol 2 Chapter 409: Don't suffer from lack and unevenness

   Chapter 410


   "Husband, have dinner."

  Xu Jing yelled, but there was still no movement in the study.

  She couldn't help sighing, her face was sad, just like the cloudy day outside.

   "Mom, I'm hungry, why isn't Baba coming?"

  At the table, the son who was still in elementary school tapped the bowl with his chopsticks, his mouth pouted, looking unhappy.

   "Obviously you will wait for Dad, OK?"

  Xu Jingqiang said to her son with a smile, then turned around, her cheeks covered by shadows, and walked towards the study.

  On weekdays, a family of three starts at the table, but in recent days, because of Li Chao, this family rule has become a little troublesome.


  The person in the study was actually not locked, Xu Jing opened the door handle as soon as she twisted it.

  The room is dim, and only the fluorescent light from the computer is barely driving the darkness out.

  Xu Jing sighed again, turned on the light, and walked a few steps forward.

  There is a man leaning on his back in the computer chair, looking a bit vicissitudes of life because he hasn't shaved for a few days.

   "Husband, I'm eating." Xu Jing looked at the man, a trace of helplessness, distress and sadness flashed in her eyes.

  At the beginning, he married Li Chao, who is positive about life, full of expectations for academics, and full of enthusiasm for students.

  Only in the past few years, for several consecutive years, there have been people operating in the dark in the evaluation of professional titles, and the high-scoring papers originally written should have been linked to a total of several communications, resulting in a significant drop in gold content.

  As for the others, there are more. After a few years, Li Chao, who was fearless and fearless at the beginning, has evolved into what he is now.

  Jealous of others, small-minded, red-eye, irritable.

Suddenly,    and that Li Chao were two people.

  Perhaps every man feels that he has loaded the protagonist template before he walks out of the ivory tower, just like the protagonist in the novel.

  In fact, only a few people have the protagonist template, and most people's value is to serve as a background board to set off those "protagonists".

   "Have you eaten? Well, let's go eat." Li Chao looked a little dazed, with no expression on his face, and a little numb stood up from the chair.

  Like a zombie, he walked from the dark room to the bright living room with one foot.

   was taken away by the city bureau the day before yesterday. There was no punishment. He was only released after being detained for 24 hours.

The main reason is still the behavior of instigating fans. Otherwise, the principal Chen who opened the post to spray Guanghua is fine, but he encouraged thousands or even tens of thousands of people to organize and plan in state agencies, and borrowed the power of public opinion to report. Chen Hao, this hit the red line.

   can be regarded as a warning, the next time it is committed again, it will not be as simple as 24 hours.

   But this time when he came back, Li Chao seemed to be heartbroken. He pulled a face and shut himself in the study all day long. His mental state was so bad that his son would hide behind Xu Jing when he saw him.

  After a mechanical lunch, Li Chao returned to the study.

  The eyes were dim, as if no matter what the news could attract him.

  Of course, there are exceptions. For example, whenever he sees content with the words "Guanghua University", Li Chao's eyes will fluctuate.

  The four words "Guanghua University" were lying quietly in the input box of Weibo. He numbly clicked and searched with the mouse. Every time he would search for related news of Guanghua University.

  He knows that he is the key observation object of the Internet police. As long as he organizes fans to report Chen Hao collectively on the computer again, a knock on the door will sound.


  He clenched his fists and looked at some news in front of him, feeling very angry.

  Anger gushed from the chest, and it didn't take long for it to spread all over the corners of the body.

  He saw many Weibo posts about Guanghua University’s dynamics, and some students and teachers from Guanghua stood up to support Guanghua University.

  The dissertation award plan a few days ago offended many people. After all, all universities across the country have been cancelled. Only your Guanghua University has it?

  Do not suffer from lack and unevenness.

  The media did not join, but these self-media accounts, public opinion, and some professors who were jealous of various universities also ended up tearing Guanghua University, and the words were not better than him.

  Anyway, what Guanghua University is driving backwards, Guanghua’s Chen Hao’s move will bring a heavy blow to the Chinese colleges and universities circle.

  The real heartfelt words, of course, why I didn’t use the thesis bonus, you guys have it?

  Of course this won’t work, we have to suffer together!

  At the same time, some teachers and students of Guanghua also posted Weibo, praising the principal's measures and behaviors after he took office.

Looking at the content posted by the teachers and students of Guanghua, Li Chao's eyes were about to burst into flames. He bit his lip and shouted angrily: "Why do they have no darkness, and why their system is open and transparent! How can there be a piece of white cloth in the dye vat!"

  The darkness in college circles is no less than that in enterprises and institutions. If there is no network or relationship, ordinary people will run into a lot of walls.

  Lie Chao hated it. Why is Guanghua University standing proudly in a pond full of silt like a lotus in the same environment?

  He is jealous of the teachers at Guanghua University and hates his environment.

  After that, he was a little weak. The other party was able to make some movement and was not afraid of an accident. It was entirely because the principal Chen Hao's backing was too big to be shaken.


  As he sighed and was about to close Weibo, he was accidentally attracted by the latest news.

  At this point, I can’t move my eyes at all.

  "Professor Kim from South Korea held a press conference to publicly condemn the academic misconduct of Chen Hao, President of Guanghua University!"

  Click to open the content, when the content was about this Professor Jin ridiculing Chen Hao, through small actions, all the opportunities for the top ten people of the year that were originally published in the next issue of "Science" and "Nature" were missed.

  The man who squeezed him down was Chen Hao!

   With a trembling hand, he lit a cigarette, took a sip, and read the paper from beginning to night, his face seemed radiant and his eyes gleamed.

  He Li Chao is just an ordinary teacher at Double Non-University, but this Professor Jin is no ordinary person!

  High-achieving students from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, under the tutelage of great talents!

  Holding seven or eight pieces of "Science" and "Nature" articles in his hand, he was in his early thirties, but he had gained a reputation in academia, and he was definitely the first person under 40 in South Korea's academia!

   Such an internationally renowned scholar stepped up to Chen Hao, both in terms of credibility and news value are far better than those of his posts.

  Even many international media, such as the BBC and The Associated Press, have reposted it on Twitter.

  Li Chao's excited heart and trembling hands forwarded the news with an emoticon.

  This time his role ~www.readwn.com~ has changed from a participant to an onlooker!


  Ludao Gaoqi International Airport.

  A China Southern Airlines passenger plane takes off.

The smile on Chen Hao's face slowly dissipated as the plane went away, but even so, Chen Hao was still in a good mood. After all, we had a very happy chat with Academician Zhong, and we were still a fellow countryman. The feeling of alienation between the two is not much.

  The preparations for the medical school, with the help of Academician Zhong’s network, will reduce a lot of trouble.

  The college entrance examination will be in June next year, and the preparation time for Neng Guanghua will be slightly more than half a year. It really can’t be delayed too much.

   After a brief greeting with the group of people beside him, Chen Hao got in the car and prepared to return to school.

  Just before going to school, Zheng Qiang called in the car.

  Old Zheng's tone was a little anxious, it seemed that something bad had happened.

   "Principal, something has happened!"

  Ps: Ask for recommendation tickets, ask for monthly tickets! !

  (End of this chapter)

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