I Am the President of the University

Vol 3 Chapter 1: The loss of 2 academicians in Japan, China's grief!

  The loss of two academicians in one day, China’s grief!

  On May 22, 2021, at 13:02 Beijing time, Academician Wu Mengchao, the father of Chinese Hepatobiliary Surgery, passed away.

  On May 22, 2021, at 13:07 Beijing time, Academician Yuan Longping, the father of Chinese hybrid rice, passed away.

   was in the code, and suddenly heard that the two academicians passed away. For a while, he felt uncomfortable. The head seemed to be knocked by a blunt instrument, and it kept buzzing, and tears flowed down without stopping.

  In this life, only this life, not only this life.

  There are people like the vast sea, unparalleled scholars, and high mountains.

  Some people are like swords and halberds, with mixed reputations and fame.

  There are people like ghosts, parasitizing in the darkest corners of the world, full of prosperity and hustle and bustle, but what you see is unbearable souls.

  Today really staged a joke. In the morning, Grandpa Yuan Longping is still being rescued. Some shameless media have begun to spread fake news about the death. I really want to eat it when I think about it now!

  Grandpa Yuan Longping once said: My lifelong pursuit is to keep everyone away from hunger.

  However, some people do this kind of thing without a bottom line when they are full!

  Fuzhou, there is an exhibition hall of academician Wu Mengchao's deeds. I have been there several times before. It is really exciting to watch the past of Academician Wu Mengchao on the wall!

  If I want to evaluate Grandpa Yuan Longping and Academician Wu Mengchao, what comes to mind is Gu Yanwu’s description of Jingwei:

  I would like to level the East China Sea without changing my body and mind.

  There is no peace in the sea, and my heart is endless.

  Grandpa Yuan Longping, Academician Wu Mengchao, the two will last forever!

farewell! !

  China's prosperity and the rise of China are inseparable from the contributions of your two elders, please go with peace of mind! The country will become stronger and stronger, and one day, China will become the world's largest country! That day's flourishing age, we will see it with your own eyes!

  Finally, long live China!

   (Attached is the encyclopedia of Grandpa Yuan Longping and Academician Wu Mengchao, for some young people who do not understand the two deeds of the same subject!)


  Yuan Longping (September 7, 1930-May 22, 2021), male, Han nationality, born in Beijing, person without party affiliation, from De'an County, Jiujiang City, Jiangxi Province. The Chinese hybrid rice breeding expert, the pioneer of the research and development of hybrid rice in China, is known as the "father of hybrid rice in the world". Former Director of National Hybrid Rice Engineering Technology Research Center, Hunan Hybrid Rice Research Center, Former Vice Chairman of Hunan Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering, Academician of National Academy of Sciences, Fellow of China Invention Association, Honorary President of Hunan Agricultural University, Sixth to Twelfth Member of the Standing Committee of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference.

  Yuan Longping is committed to the research, application and promotion of hybrid rice technology, invented the "three-line method" indica hybrid rice, successfully developed the "two-line method" hybrid rice, and created a super hybrid rice technology system. UU reading www. uukanshu.com also proposed and implemented the "Three-Yield and Four-Yield Project", using the technological achievements of super hybrid rice, published 6 monographs in Chinese and English, and published more than 60 papers.


Wu Mengchao (August 31, 1922-May 22, 2021), Fu Jianmin Qing, famous hepatobiliary surgery expert, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, pioneer and one of the main founders of Chinese liver surgery, Lizhuang Tongji Hospital Lifetime Honorary Dean, known as the "Father of Chinese Hepatobiliary Surgery" and one of the mainland Chinese scholars who may win the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine.

Wu Mengchao was the first to put forward the new insights into the "five-leaf and four-segment" liver anatomy in China. He pioneered the method of intermittent hepatectomy under normal temperature in China. He was the first to break through the forbidden area of ​​the body's middle lobe surgery and established a complete liver cavernous blood vessel. Early diagnosis and treatment system for tumors and small liver cancers. He presided over the establishment of the Hepatobiliary Surgery Disease Treatment and Research Specialty Center, which has successively won 24 national, military and Shanghai Science and Technology Progress Awards, published 19 medical monographs such as "Atlas of Abdominal Surgery" and "Hepatic Surgery", and published 220 papers More articles.

I wrote this book because I wanted to make the country stronger in the book and let the flag of China fly on the top of the world. However, due to the limited writing style of the author, I am sorry that I did not give you a good reading experience. Feel sorry!



  (End of this chapter)

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