I Am the President of the University

Vol 3 Chapter 410: The flood washed the Dragon King Temple

  Chapter 411 The flood rushes into the Dragon King Temple (seeking a monthly pass!)

   "Principal, something has happened!"

  "Big thing? Is there something big in the school?"

  Chen Hao was stunned. Could it be that something happened at the school?

  But it shouldn’t be. Although Guanghua University is a private university, but if you dare to come and ask for trouble, it’s really not too bored to live.

   "It's not that something happened at the school, it's the principal you!" Zheng Qiang sighed.

   "Me? What can I do?" Hearing that something was wrong with the school, Chen Hao heaved a sigh of relief. As for what could happen to him.

  "President, a professor from KAIST in South Korea convened the media to condemn you for academic misconduct. Now many domestic media have followed suit. Public opinion is very unfavorable!" Zheng Qiang said with some worry.

  "My academic misconduct?" Chen Hao was really angry. If he weren't driving now, he would really have two sentences.

   "Where am I academic misconduct? If he has no evidence, I will sue him for defamation!"

  Nowadays, many people are sensationalists. In order to attract traffic, they can do anything. For example, if a person is still rescued in the hospital, the news of his death has already spread out.

  Zheng Qiang explained: “Said it was the principal that you squeezed the cover of his next issue of "Science" and the number of the top ten scientific figures in the journal "Nature" this year."

   "I'm speechless, where do you start talking about the squeeze? I really don't know the latter, but I wondered why the article of Guangxin is more valuable than him?" Chen Hao couldn't help but complain.

   "Then this...Shall we respond?" Zheng Qiang suggested.

"If you don't respond, the rumors stop at the wise. When the next issue of "Science" is released, all these doubts will be pale!" Chen Hao frowned slightly, really taking him for anything, and responding to every question. Is he free?

   "Well..." Zheng Qiang also knew the character of his principal, so he didn't say much.

  Just after hanging up the call, another call came in. This is still a foreign call.

  Chen Hao touched his nose and connected to the phone.

   "Teacher, why haven't you rested yet?"

  Beijing time at noon, it is exactly 10 o’clock in the evening in the beautiful country. At the age of Professor Stephen, we must pay attention to the body.

  Professor Stephen's stern voice came from the phone.

   "Chen, I saw a piece of news as soon as I was about to go to bed. I wanted to ask what was going on. You wouldn't really use your relationship to squeeze the other side's quota, would you?"

  Chen Hao's face was a little helpless, but he didn't expect that even the teacher knew about it.

  Chen Hao said aggrievedly: "Teacher, this matter really has nothing to do with me, how could I be that kind of person..."

  He has nothing to do with this matter. It is normal for the world's first optical core paper to have a cover article, right?

  As for "nature", it is even more wronged. He only knew about this matter when Zheng Qiang called him. It was obviously the decision made by the editor-in-chief of "nature" Mandel.

  It is estimated that this year’s list of the top ten people of the year has already been set.

  As for when this was squeezed down, how did he know who it was.

  Although he said that there was no direct cause for this incident, there was indeed a certain indirect cause.

  After listening to Chen Hao’s explanation, Professor Stephen sighed and smiled bitterly: "Chen, do you know who this hapless scientist is?"

The term   unlucky is also true. Both things were hit by one person at the same time, which is a bit miserable.

  I just listened to Professor Stephen’s tone. Is this South Korean scientist still related to the teacher?

  Chen Hao moved in his heart and asked curiously: "Do you know the teacher?"

"Golden Wisdom, although he is a little bit worse than you, he is also an excellent graduate of our MIT and a disciple of Professor Charles. You graduated a few years earlier." Professor Stephen is not very emotional. Although he is not the same professor, they are all the same after all. University, and Professor Charles just called to ask what's going on.

  "Professor Charles's disciple?" Chen Hao was a little embarrassed. When he was at MIT, there were some EE issues that could not help Professor Charles. Isn't it because the flood rushed into the Dragon King Temple, accidentally hurting yourself?

  Steven pondered, but still wanted to persuade the two to reconcile. Both of them are geniuses who went out of school. There is no need to engage in infighting and let outsiders joke.

   "Chen, you and Jin are both our MIT students. We don't want to see this picture. If you want, the school can adjust the misunderstanding between you."

   "OK, teacher, I have no problem." Chen Hao didn't even think about agreeing.

   After hanging up the phone, Steven started to get busy. For example, to prove whether Chen Hao’s words were true, although he believed in his disciple’s character, people would become, and he couldn’t believe it just because of rhetoric.

  If what Chen Hao said is correct, it is really a misunderstanding. The next step is to contact Jin Zhihui, hoping to explain what happened to him.

  It was Chen Hao, the car drove into the campus of Guanghua University, he got out of the car, his face was speechless.

   "You can get shot while lying down!" Shaking his head, he went into Guanghua Building.

  If it weren’t for the teacher’s phone call, he would definitely not spare the other person.

  Wait until the next issue of "Science" is released, no scientist will feel that an article by Optical Core is not worthy of a cover article.

  No response is as effective as an optical core paper!

Principal's office.


  After saying hello, Deng Hui looked like he was hesitant to speak.

  Chen Hao knew what the other party wanted to say, smiled lightly, and comforted: “I know what you want to say, don’t worry, it will be solved right away, don’t worry too much.”

  When Deng Hui heard it, the tight string was relaxed. .

   Entering his own space, Chen Hao sat down, and the computer searched for the incident.

  Gold Wisdom, graduated from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology School of Engineering, under the tutelage of Professor Charles, and served as a professor at the School of Electronic Engineering at the South Korean Academy of Science and Technology (KAIST) after returning to China...

   "KAIST? This school is still possible." Chen Hao said thoughtfully.

  KAIST has heard of him, ranking 41 in the world university rankings. Many South Korean scientists return to China either to Seoul National University or to KAIST.

A South Korean friend I met before studied undergraduate here. This school is a bit like California Institute of Technology. The students are very small, only 10,000. There are 4,000 undergraduates in the school, and most of the students are from specific schools. Only a small percentage of students are enrolled from all over the country.

  There is a place in this school that Chen Haoting thinks to study. It is the full award of KAIST, which basically covers all students of the school, including undergraduates, masters and doctoral students.

  KAIST’s full prize can be maintained as long as you meet academic standards, and you can get a 1 million won subsidy every month, which is converted into RMB 6,000, so you can go out and play without worrying about food and clothing.

  To study at this university, not only the tuition fee is waived, but also the daily expenses are waived, and even a sum of money can be saved in a few years. It is really a fairy school.

  But the reason why Chen Hao was so impressed by this school was that one of his undergraduates from Harbin Institute of Technology mentioned a joke at the party.

  Because South Korea is closer to Northeast China, KAIST has more exchanges with Harbin Institute of Technology (Harbin Institute of Technology). Once at a dinner party, someone suggested that Harbin Institute of Technology stand up and have a drink, but...Swiss and more of them stood up.

  Chen Hao is a little bit special, and has some troubles inexplicably, what is this all about.

  He couldn’t help sighing~www.readwn.com~How to deal with this matter..."


  "How to deal with this matter?"

  South Korea, in a high-end apartment in Daejeon.

  Jin Wisdom regrets a little bit. When he had a drink with Park Tae-woo, he obeyed the other party's words. This is where the situation is today.

  The current situation is a little beyond his expectation. The South Korean media are like chicken blood, not only reporting domestically, but also having a big impact internationally.

  His peachy scandal has been suppressed, but now this thing is like a wild horse that has been taken off, completely out of control!

  And after two days of calming down, he remembered that Professor Stephen and his mentor Professor Charles were close friends.

  It hurts. Isn’t this accidentally hurting the friendly army?

  Ps: The mood is finally relieved a lot in the evening, and one chapter will be slightly later.

  Seeking recommendation ticket, monthly ticket! ! !

  (End of this chapter)

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