I Am the President of the University

Vol 3 Chapter 411: The anger of Guanghua students

  Chapter 412 The anger of Guanghua students

   "I seem to have done something wrong..."

  Jin Zhihui slumped down on the chair in frustration. The floor beside the chair was full of sloppy beer bottles.

  His eyes were a little blank.

  Although he is a little bit romantic, but there is no scum when it comes to scum!

  It’s just that I change my girlfriend a little bit more frequently, but I don’t do anything like cheating.

  In fact, he is a very dedicated man, well, for every girlfriend.

   "Blame that woman!" Thinking of that woman, Jin Zhihui was furious, gritted his teeth and snarled into the air.

  He is a principled person. Before each girlfriend confirms the relationship, he declares in advance that he is only in love and will not get married, so it is a good memory.

  It’s been 0202. Everyone is still quite open-minded. You don’t have to get married if you are in a relationship.

  In addition, Jin Zhihui himself is handsome and knowledgeable. He is a Ph.D. from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and a full professor at the South Korean Academy of Science and Technology.

  I just didn’t expect to be planted in Jiang Xiuzhen’s hands.

  The other party really dare to post those videos on the Internet!

  A small place in South Korea, covering an area of ​​100,000 square kilometers, which is 1/96th of China. The total population of the country is 52 million, which is half of the population of Yuzhou Province.

  Such a big news spread all over the country in less than a day.

  The father, who had always been demanding of him, was so angry that he was hospitalized, saying that he had lost the face of the family, and even ordered that the family were not allowed to return.

   was spurned by netizens across the country, treated with strange eyes by school teachers and students, and given up by the family regarded as the last hope. Jin Zhihui, a South Korean academic star, has fallen to this point!


  Jin's wisdom brain buzzed, his eyes began to blur, and now he was full of regrets.

  After his news hit the world, John, the editor of "Science", called and said that he had misunderstood.

  John does have prejudices against China’s academic circles, but he still has professional ethics. At least Chen Hao’s academic level is not problematic, and it is said that this submission is still optical core!

  The world's first optical core paper!

  Is there any other paper that can beat this one?

  Look at the world...the answer is no!

As for "Nature", although he did not call, he roughly guessed it. Although his younger brother is not very old, he has caused a sensation in the academic world this year. No doubt.

  It's just that he is too bad. He hit the opponent at the same time and he was like a car!

   Thinking of these experiences, Jin Zhihui was in a daze, and his consciousness was a little fuzzy.

   Standing heavy, walked to the balcony step by step.

  His apartment is located on the 17th floor. Jumping down from here, there is no life!

  When his hand touched the cold railing, the phone bell suddenly rang.

   took out the phone, and when he saw Charles shown on it, his consciousness suddenly became clear.


  Jin Zhihui shuddered. Perhaps he was regaining his senses. He then noticed that he was standing on the balcony wearing short sleeves. The frost had begun to form in South Korea at the end of November, and it would be snowing in half a month.

  Closed the balcony door and returned to the heated room, Jin Zhihui's body trembling stopped.

  After some hesitation, he gritted his teeth and connected the phone.

  At the same time, in the new media center of a mainstream media in South Korea.

  One of Li Donghai’s responsibility is to publish some information on the Internet, such as Twitter and Facebook.

  But there are still more tweets.

  Each country has its own mainstream social platforms, such as the line of Sakura Country and kakaotalk of South Korea.

  Other than that, Facebook (Facebook) and Twitter (Twitter) are commonly used internationally.

  The former is similar to China's Renren.com and WeChat, and the latter is similar to Weibo.

  Especially Twitter, it is famous because a certain comrade Trump in a beautiful country likes Twitter to govern the country.

  Li Donghai "cracking" on the keyboard, the excitement in his eyes almost overflowed.

ten minutes later.

  An article titled [How dark is the Chinese academic world? The head of the dignified school even used his power to bully the famous Chinese scientist Professor Jin Zhihui! 】

  After he finished writing, he proudly patted his colleague Shen Pingxu next to him.

   "Ping Xuxi, see how I write this manuscript!"

   "Wet Maida (excellent)! Donghae xi was written so quickly? You deserve to be the minister's optimistic person!" Shen Pingxu first came over to browse the content written by Li Donghai after a rainbow fart.

After reading it, Shen Pingxu looked at Li Donghai hesitantly, "Pingxu xi, would you overwrite it?"

  The content of the manuscript is one-sided, the president of Hei Guanghua University, making him a little at a loss.

  Professor Jin Zhihui of KAIST condemned the incident of President Chen Hao of Guanghua University as a hot topic in South Korea. Shen Pingxu twisted his **** a little uncomfortably. The phone in his pocket was the photon screen phone of China.

  Being able to develop a photon screen, Shen Pingxu thinks that the other party should not have a false name, besides, is it not said that the other party is still studying optical cores on the Internet?

  Professor Jin Zhihui has achieved remarkable results, but it must be a lot worse than the photon screen and optical core... To be honest, for Professor Jin’s words, he feels that the other party is a little crazy.

  It's just that Li Donghai didn't think about this at all, but was a little dissatisfied with Shen Pingxu's words, and directly stated his position with disdain.

"Ping Xuxi, you are too conservative! China is a shameless country, and it will only steal some of our country’s traditional culture! A thief country, where can it be better academically? Besides, China’s academic reputation is It’s not high internationally, the scientists there are totally unethical!"

  "Yes, yes, Donghaixi, you are right." Shen Pingxu said with a smile.

  Anyway, he didn't want to discuss this issue with the other party. The other party was obviously radical when it came to dealing with China.

   "No, I have to modify it a bit, I have to describe China's shameless side more vividly!"

   Li Donghai read his press release again and muttered a little dissatisfied.

  So, he made changes again, and many of his words became stronger, and it could even be said to be abusive.

  Such a manuscript passed the review of the department head and was published on Twitter’s official account as quickly as possible.


  Huaxia, Guanghua University.

  When Zheng Tianyu saw the translation of this press release on Weibo, his anger was directly exploded!

  Zhang Lei was also out of anger~www.readwn.com~ raised his right hand, then raised his head to look at the teacher who was teaching on the stage, and put it down again in frustration.

  If not in the classroom, he would really like to slap on the table.

   is really deceiving too much!

   "Tianyu, the words of Bangziguo media are getting more and more ugly. This is not only insulting our principal, but also our school, students and the country are being scolded in!"

   Zhang Lei’s eyes are almost red. This Weibo was posted on Weibo by a Chinese student studying in South Korea with a translation attached.

The content is all accusing Chen Hao, President of Guanghua University, and also claiming that Guanghua University is a garbage university. The students in it are also a group of ignorant students who only know how to eat, drink and have fun. Then they rise to the national level. Scientists are immoral copyists...

  Speaking is as ugly as it is!

  If it weren't for a country, he would want a real PK!

  Zheng Tianyu didn't even think about it, and snorted coldly.

   "Fight back, you must fight back!"

  Ps: Ask for a recommendation ticket, ask for a monthly pass!

  (End of this chapter)

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