I Am the President of the University

Vol 3 Chapter 415: This is their time

  Chapter 416 This is their era

   "In October 2013, Grandpa Yuan Longping shared two of his dreams with the students of Wuhan University on the Meiyuan playground of Wuhan University."

  "The first one is: Hexia's Dream of Enjoying the Cool..."

  "The second one is: Hybrid rice covers the global dream..."

  After the two dreams are finished, there is a passage that Chen Hao did not say.

  Like Grandpa Yuan, some unscrupulous media have never stopped spreading rumors against Grandpa Yuan.

  For example, the 2008 Hunan Auto Show mentioned earlier, just because he looked at Mercedes-Benz more twice, the keyboard man on the Internet directly assigned the car to Yuan Lao’s name, and finally evolved into Yuan Lao owns several luxury cars.

  Also this year, when Grandpa Yuan bought two Huawei mobile phones, he was cursed by netizens. Then the netizens turned over the mansion of Grandpa Yuan with a large fountain, and spared no effort to pull Grandpa Yuan off the altar.

  And in fact... Mr. Yuan does not have a luxury car or a mansion. That looks very high-end mansion was rewarded by the state in recognition of the achievements and glory of Mr. Yuan throughout his life.

  Furthermore, what happened to Yuan Lao driving Rolls-Royce? It is the honor of Rolls-Royce to be opened by Yuan Lao!

  A man wearing a 15-yuan shirt, 100-yuan leather shoes, and a 300-yuan watch, bows his head in the farm day after day. How can such an old man keep the unscrupulous media in the dark? ? ?

  Chen Hao really gritted his teeth. If this kind of newspaper reappears, he will directly acquire and disband this kind of newspaper. As for the reporter who writes the article, he will be banned!

  We must let this kind of wolf-hearted thing get out of the media circle. If anyone dares to take him in, then wait for it to be acquired and disbanded!

Chen Hao took a deep breath and said to everyone: "Yuan Lao’s two dreams will one day be realized. And you are like seeds. From elementary school to university, you thrive by absorbing knowledge, and finally bear a heavy burden. Ears of rice."

   "I also have a dream and two expectations."

"The dream is that China's higher education education can become the world's first. The most advanced knowledge in the world is in China, and all the ideological and academic trends meet in China! Our students do not have to travel overseas to study abroad. They want to study in other countries. student!"

"There are two big expectations. The first is that I hope that all students can serve the motherland. No matter what industry you are engaged in in the future, it can only be beneficial to the society! The second is that I hope that everyone can get rid of the decadence in the past. State, study hard!"

  Chen Hao said, glanced at Professor Huang Hong, and then looked directly at the students in front of him. His eyes were like a torch, as if he was about to ignite the upward flame in the students' hearts.

  "As Professor Huang just said, how should we face the involved society?"

   "The essence of involution is because the total amount of resources is fixed. In layman's terms, the cake has not been enlarged. Where can I break the involution?"

   "Innovation!" Chen Hao said forcefully.

"Do extraordinary things with a normal heart! Our Guanghua University is not a place to cultivate to enjoy the blessings of 996. Our students at Guanghua should not go the ordinary way! Everyone must have a sense of self-confidence, ideals, and how to think about it. To change the world! The school will give you a large enough stage and plenty of opportunities. As long as you have this energy, I believe you will do it!"

His gaze flicked across the strange faces, maybe he didn’t know their names, but he hoped that Guanghua’s students should be full of vitality like the angry morning sun, instead of indulging in vibrato all day. , Games, novels.

  He doesn’t know how many students can be awakened by Professor Huang Hong’s speech with himself, but as long as one of them wakes up, it’s worth it!

  Chen Hao bowed, and thunderous applause rang out again from the audience.

  Huang Hong also applauded and looked at Chen Hao with a smile.

  She did not misunderstand the other person.

  After the lecture, many student groups surrounded Professor Chen Hao and Huang Hong.

   "Principal, you speak really well!"

  "Principal, I very much agree with what you said just now. Great people like Grandpa Yuan and Grandpa Wu who are selflessly dedicated to the country should be remembered by our generation of college students!"

  "Professor Huang, your speech is too popular. I will listen to your weekly lectures this semester!"

  "Yes, Professor Huang, what course will you offer next semester? Are there any elective courses? I want to take your course!"

   "Me too! Professor Huang, please tell me in advance, I will go to the Internet cafe to grab a lesson!"

  Professor Huang Hong and Chen Hao looked at each other and couldn't help but laugh bitterly, but they were very relieved in their hearts.

  "Okay, okay, the enthusiasm of the students should stay in the study, otherwise Professor Huang and I will talk for nothing in the afternoon." Although Chen Hao said so, his face was full of smiles.

  The style of study of Guanghua University is reversing visible to the naked eye. In the past, the library that was only full of final exams has gradually added a lot of people.

  Are these students beside me really stupid? Are the students of three colleges and junior colleges really low IQ?

  No, no, there will be a gap in IQ, but the biggest gap with students from prestigious schools is the attitude and perseverance toward learning!

  Fortunately, the school’s security system has been very developed. Under the guidance of the school staff, the students in the teachers have also gone out one after another.

  Or three to five groups, or alone.

  Similarly, everyone no longer has the twilight of the past.

  It was almost dusk, and the last ones who walked out of the classroom were Professor Chen Hao and Professor Huang Hong.

Professor Huang Hong looked at the figures of the students who were drifting away, and sighed with emotion: "The contradictions in modern society are becoming more and more serious. There is not much time for these children to grow up. Lying flat is only for a while. You cannot lie down for a lifetime. It will only be worse."

   "Yes, but they are not alone. The school will be a strong haven for them and will give them enough nutrients for them to grow." Chen Hao said with a smile.

   and Professor Huang Hong talked to the school gate while Chen Hao folded back and returned to the parking lot, preparing to get in the car and return to the hotel.

   looked up, the whole person was dull.

  I saw a lot of light appearing in the gradually dissipating dark clouds.

  In the bright light, white clouds are faint yellow and conspicuous under the sun's afterglow.

   looks like a cloud of golden rice spikes.

  Chen Hao suddenly felt sad. He remembered Grandpa Yuan Longping and Grandpa Wu Mengchao mentioned in today's lecture.

  One is 90 years old this year, and the other is 98 years old this year. (Timeline 2020)

   Suddenly, Chen Hao's breathing sounded a little faster.

  "System, is there any kind of item that can cure all diseases or prolong life?" He asked in a hurry.

  The system was silent for a while and said: "Yes, but it is very rare. The concept that appears will be very low."

   "Just have it."

  Hearing the system say so, Chen Hao breathed a sigh of relief, with a smile on his face.

   "The system, I believe it will definitely appear. In order to allow these great men of the Republic to live a long life, it seems that the completion of the mission has to be accelerated."

  He doesn't want too much, as long as he can let these old people who have dedicated their lives to the Republic to spend a century of life peacefully.

  Because they have paid so much for the Republic, they are worth it!

  Chen Hao refreshed, got in the car and drove away.

  The focus of the school for a while, in addition to focusing on changing the school’s style of study, there is also the completion of system tasks as soon as possible.

  On the way out of the middle campus, Chen Hao Yuguang scanned some students who were going to the school library, carrying a backpack with books in it, which was their hope and future.

  The Chinese nation is a great nation.

  The Beidou satellite was successfully networked, and the "Mozi" launched successfully to achieve quantum communication;

  "Blue Whale 2" deep-sea drilling, "Jiaolong" dived 7 kilometers;

  The domestically-made large aircraft C919 successfully flew for the first time, and Tianyan FAST guarded the airspace;

  Wuhan Yangtze River Bridge spans over cliffs, and Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge spans Lingdingyang connecting Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macau.

  One after another world miracles have been created, and these immature students in front of them are the dancers of this era.

  The hope of the country lies in the youth, and the future of the nation lies in the youth.

  Is this the best time or the worst time?


  The car leaves the campus, and the outline of Guanghua University gradually shrinks behind the car.

  Chen Hao stared at the front, earnestly and deeply.

  He smiled slightly and whispered:

  "This is...the era that belongs to them."

  Ps: Ask for recommendation tickets, ask for monthly tickets! !

  Recently, there have been a lot of private goods, because the author is a perceptual person. Since encountering such a big thing, as an author, time will make people forget these things, and I want to record them in words.

In fact, these private goods are not easy to write ~www.readwn.com~ is more difficult than promoting the plot...Because you have to check the information to verify, plus many speeches are deliberated by yourself, it takes more time, and there will not be too much later. Many, the main line is advanced in the evening, and I'm sorry to everyone!

   (I want to treat Grandpa Yuan later, but I don’t know if I will get a 404... headache)

    I can’t mourn for Grandpa Yuan Longping, but Grandpa Wu Mengchao can go here.

     Because Grandpa Wu is a Minqing native in Fuzhou, he has one place in his hometown and two places in Fuzhou where he can mourn and remember.

     I think Grandpa Yuan’s place is very lively, and Grandpa Wu should not be too deserted here.

     originally decided to code one day, now I have to get up and go to Sanfang Qixiang to mourn Grandpa Wu.

     Students from around Fuzhou can also come to mourn.

     Address: Fujian Medical University Mengchao Liver and Gallbladder New Clinic, 1st floor, Sanfang Qixiang Wenrufang, No. 21 Academician Wu Mengchao Advanced Deeds Exhibition Hall.

     The following updates have to wait until the evening, so sorry!



  (End of this chapter)

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