I Am the President of the University

Vol 3 Chapter 416: 1 life-saving rope

  Chapter 417 A life-saving rope

  Guanghua University dormitory building.

  Zheng Tianyu’s group of people in the dormitory opened the door of the dormitory and walked in while talking vigorously.

  Zhang Lei put down his backpack, and exclaimed with joy: "Professor Huang Hong spoke so wonderfully!"

   "You are right, but our principal speaks very well!" Roommate Shi Ze was unhappy and retorted directly.

   "That's true, I think the principal's speech is also good." Zheng Tianyu also nodded and expressed his approval.

Today, I heard what the principal and Professor Huang Hong said. It is a gain for people like Zheng Tianyu who are determined and that’s all. After all, they have their own ideas for the future and plans for their own lives. Listening to lectures is nothing more than listening to other voices.

  This kind of lecture, the most influential person is Shi Ze, who is bored with learning.

Shi Ze scratched his head, wanted to say something, but didn't know how to say it, and finally mumbled: "My personality is too lazy. After listening to the lecture today, I feel a lot. I don't think I can continue to be decadent. , Especially since both of you have secured research..."

  At the end, Shi Ze looked at Zheng Tianyu and Zhang Lei with an envy in his eyes.

  The environment that has the greatest impact on college students is the dormitory.

  There is a dormitory classic on the Internet asking:

  A: Are you in class?

  B: Are you going?

  A: I'll go if you go.

  B: That's not going to go?

  A: Okay, not going anymore.

People will find themselves to step down, even if it is depraved, as long as there is a guy in the dormitory who plays games all the time, then you will find psychological comfort for yourself when you play games. If you say he is also playing, then I will play. It's okay to fight.

   But if there are a few people in the dormitory who are very good and motivated to learn, it will also affect you. This is the environmental influencer.

   Under the same roof, they agreed to rush to the street together, but the two roommates beside them won the National Award, and they were still the first!

  In addition, because the school has the China University Chip Alliance, there are quite a few places in these prestigious universities.

   After all, it is impossible for him not to be sour, but he is not jealous.

  Shi Ze only hates himself for being lazy, and it takes three minutes of enthusiasm to fight, and he has no motivation to stick to it.

  Just after listening to the lecture today, he made up his mind.

  His Shi Ze also has to fight!

  He didn’t want to say something like “I knew my university a long time ago, and I didn’t play games every day”.

   Thinking, he stood up abruptly and said directly to a few roommates: "Wait after dinner, do you want to go to the library to study together?"

   "Huh? Aze, are you serious?" Roommate Chen Chu was stunned by Shi Ze's words, his eyes full of suspiciousness.

  Shi Ze has always been hot for three minutes, don't look at it at this time, he is very passionate, and after two or three days, he will show his original form.

  Zhang Lei shrugged, "Don’t you know Aze’s three-minute enthusiasm? This chicken blood is probably gone after two or three days."

  Shi Ze didn't explain any more, he just smiled, and then he cleaned up the textbooks scattered on the table with a certain look.

  There is a "prior conviction" here. He knows that no matter how much he speaks, no one will believe it. Action is the most powerful refutation.

  No matter how much we say, it’s better to show them with action.

  It was Zheng Tianyu who looked at Shi Ze thoughtfully, and there was some belief in his mind that Shi Ze could do it.

  It's ridiculous!

  But... just in case...

  That's really a **** mess!

"But Aze is right. We should study as early as possible. We don't have much time. It's almost time for dinner. After dinner, I, Zhang Lei, and Aze will go to the library. Old Chen, will you go? "Zheng Tianyu looked at the other three.

  Chen Chu and the three looked at each other, and said in unison, "Of course!"

  Zheng Tianyu couldn't help smiling brightly, "That's great!"

  Although he is easy to study, he also hopes that several roommates in the dormitory will not give up.

  Able to study together and work hard to get better.

  He is very happy to see such a picture.

  Only afterwards, he said with some regret: "Unfortunately, there is no video of today's lecture, otherwise you can always watch it and remind yourself whenever you are frustrated." Zheng Tianyu said with some regret as if he thought of something.

  Chen Chu rolled his eyes and said, "Old Zheng, don't leave Versailles. Do you still need to be depressed? I almost believed your nonsense!"


   On the other hand, Zhang Lei, who looked down at his phone, licked his lips and shouted in a high tone: "Who said no? Someone in the school group recorded the video and posted it. I downloaded it and sent it to the dormitory group for you to see."

   "Well, it's really fake? Then you have to see it!"

  The few people in the dormitory were excited to open the WeChat dormitory group when they heard it, and they saw the group video just sent by Zhang Lei.

  At the same time, among the students of Guanghua University who had listened to the afternoon lecture, word-of-mouth about the afternoon lecture exploded and spread virally.

  Many Guanghua students knew about the content and level of President Chen Hao and Academician Huang Hong who dug up, and some even compressed the video and uploaded it to Douyin.


  Zhou Ji, a junior student of a certain unpopular major in Ludao University.

  Ludao University’s reputation and strength are constantly increasing, but the huge Ludali also has students who are mixed-day, but the proportion of such people is very small, so it is not very eye-catching.

  As long as you are courageous, you can take winter and summer vacations every day.

  This sentence is very appropriate for Zhou Ji.

  At the moment, there is only one person in his dormitory. There were classes in the evening, but after dinner together, he directly asked his roommates to help roll the names, and then went back to the dormitory to play games.

   "Come on, it's Shabi, are you still clearing the line if you play a group here?"

   "I'm a special cat, any Dogecoin teammates, it's really hard to score a single row!"

  Zhou Ji was annoyed by playing a game. He saw that his crystal was about to be retired, and he was so angry that he quit the game.

   "Mentally handicapped games, there is no meaning at all! Use the vibrato!"

  He cursed and turned on the vibrato, and started to brush it up mechanically.

  It’s nothing more than sliding up, like, and occasionally when you meet a good-looking lady JK, you will choose to favorite or download the video.

  After an hour like this, a sense of drowsiness suddenly came to my heart.

   "Ahhh~~ It seems a bit boring."

  Zhou Ji yawned, and I don’t want to play a game, and I seem to be a little tired of using Douyin, so what should I do next?

  He scratched his head, exited the vibrato and swiped the phone application page left and right.

   "There are no fun games, and I have no patience to watch dramas. I'm boring to use Douyin... Then why?"

  His eyes moved from the phone to the textbook lying upside down on the side table.

  For him, a very absurd idea suddenly appeared.

  "Is it possible~www.readwn.com~to study?"

   "Don't be funny, it's the same if you don't read a book anyway, it's better to lie flat and comfortable." Zhou Ji said with a chuckle.

  As an ordinary person, he was admitted to Ludao University with extraordinary performance, and his grades have been ranked in the middle and lower reaches of the class. When I was sophomore, I wanted to study hard and strive to be strong. As a result... I was promoted by 8 in that semester, from the middle and lower reaches to the middle.

  Since the results of working hard and not working hard are the same, it is better to lie flat, as long as you can get your graduation certificate smoothly without taking a course.

  From sophomore to junior year, he held such a mentality. He went to class and listened to lectures, littered the books after class, and went to work hard to review before the final exam.

  Among them, roommates, teachers, or good friends have also talked with him alone, encouraging him to stop being so decadent and to cheer up.

  But ah... once a person is decadent for a while, that laziness goes deep into his bones.

   Decadence and decadence for a long time, people will really waste.

During   , he was awake occasionally, but after two or three days, he changed back to his usual appearance.

After several times of persuasion failed, the roommates, classmates, and teachers around him shook their heads helplessly and gave up on him.

  The people around him gave up. This is better. Zhou Ji has completely fallen. His willpower is getting weaker and weaker. Now he skips classes even in non-professional classes.

   "It's boring, forget it, continue to use the vibrato..."

  Zhou Jidi pulled his head, his eyelids opened slightly, and he took a closer look. In fact, his eyes were erratic and a bit apathetic.

  There is nothing to do, but I just can’t lift the energy to study.

   Repeated the action mechanically, knowing that this would make him more decadent, but he had no motivation to change.

  Perhaps, the vigor in his heart was dissipated, and he needed to reshape a new one to make him reborn.

  He is now in a situation like falling off a cliff and falling into an endless abyss.

  In fact, deep down in his heart, he also knew that decadence was wrong, and wanted to change the status quo.

  But it's a little weak.

  At this time, as long as there is a voice that awakens him, throw a rope at him...

  Like a drowning man, he will cling to this rope tightly.

  But, what is missing is this rope.

  The video has been refreshing, watching the roommates coming back.

  Zhou Ji suddenly found a video uploaded in the same city.

  The location is Guanghua University.

  In the video, there is a middle-aged woman who looks very friendly and is talking.

  "Modern society is becoming more and more involved. Some young people say: Oh, then I can’t scroll them, and I don’t want to follow them anymore. Then can I lie flat..."

   Zhou Ji listened, his back was straight, his eyes seemed to shine, and he stared attentively at every word the woman said in the video, even if it was a sound of drinking water.

  He seems to have found the rope climbing up the abyss!

  Hopeful gaze flashed in his eyes~www.readwn.com~ He bit his lip, and his face was cloudy.

  A Zhou Ji who is eager to be positive is fighting against a self-willing and decadent Zhou Ji.

  "Guanghua University, Professor Huang Hong..."

   Zhou Ji whispered.

  The rope has appeared, and the cage named "decadent" in his heart began to vibrate.

  As long as he listens a few more times, he believes he can struggle to come out!

  The same emotion as Zhou Ji is that there are more Guanghua University students who are listening.

  They also found this life-saving rope.

  In this world, there will be shadows wherever the light shines. But who knows that people in the shadows actually have a heart longing for the light.

  Ps: Three thousand words chapter, please referral ticket, ask monthly ticket!

There are 1-2 chapters behind   , I will try to write two chapters...

  (End of this chapter)

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