I Am the President of the University

Vol 3 Chapter 417: 1 fire with 3 stars

  Chapter 418 A fire added by Samsung

  There are three things that a South Korean cannot avoid in his life: the first is paying taxes, the second is death, and the third is Samsung.

  The government of flowing water, the Samsung of iron.

  Samsung is the largest chaebol in South Korea and the oldest chaebol. The group output is equal to 20% of South Korea’s annual GDP, and the annual tax is equal to 10% of South Korea’s.

  The Samsung Group has more than 80 subsidiaries including Samsung Electronics, Samsung C&T, Samsung Aviation, Samsung Heavy Industries, and Samsung Life.

  Subsidiaries have more than 150 subsidiaries under Samsung Electronics alone. How many companies are in the entire Samsung Group is unknown.

  It’s interesting that 55% of Samsung’s shares are foreign, up to thousands of companies, while the Li family holds less than 10% of the shares.

  Whose Samsung is Samsung?

  It is necessary to demonstrate whether there is a black hand behind the thousands of foreign investors who is hidden by cross-shareholding.

  Samsung Electronics Group, in a certain office.

   "Are you out?"

   A faint voice sounded.

  Li Yuyun, the current vice chairman and CEO of Samsung Electronics, sat in a chair and looked at his subordinates without emotion.

  "Vice President, the information from the Advanced Institute of Technology said that it has failed 41 times and still has not breached the photon screen technology. It is said that problems such as the malleability of diamonds have not progressed." The subordinates said shiveringly.


  Although he had a premonition, Li Yurun could not help but furiously scolded: "Without the photon screen, our mobile phone business will be affected by the eyes!"

  If Apple did not take down the photon screen, at least there is still a difficult brother.

  It’s good now. Huaxia’s Guanghua doesn’t let up at all, while the old rival Apple has already reached a cooperation with Guanghua. Now China’s four major mobile phone manufacturers eat meat first, and then give Apple soup.

  And they Samsung...

  The other party has no intention to bring Samsung to play!

The impact brought by the photon screen is barely acceptable. After all, Samsung still has a lot of technology reserves, but after the optical core is developed, then... the consequence is that China’s mobile phone manufacturers will become the first sequence of the mobile phone industry, Apple Followed by, and their Samsung will be out!

  Although the Samsung Group is extremely large, the proportion of Samsung Electronics in it is still not low, and it is natural that this phenomenon cannot be tolerated.

  When facing Li Yurun, the subordinates just bowed their waists and bowed their heads, completely afraid to speak.

  The class consolidation in Japan and South Korea is serious, and the strict hierarchical system cannot be understood by Huaxia people.

Li Yurun smashed a folder on the table directly on the other party and shouted angrily: "It's really waste, get out! And go to the Institute of Technology to reply to me, 41 times failed without breaking, then continue to do it, I don't care. Did it fail 55 times, 66 times, or 99 times, until I broke it!"

  Subordinates responded and left the office quickly.

  In the office, after the subordinates left, Li Yurun's face showed decadence.

   "West Eight!"

   He shouted in a low voice, and he didn’t know whether he was scolding his subordinate or Lee Jae-yong at the headquarters, or the current South Korean President Moon Jae-yin.

  Since the death of Samsung’s big boss at the end of last month, the entire Samsung has had huge management problems!

  Li Jianxi had three daughters and one son, and the huge Samsung Group was divided up by four people. Among them, Lee Jae-yong won the most as the heir.

  It’s just that Li Zayong has been sentenced to 2 years and 6 months in prison because of his alleged bribery scandal with the former president, because he has not served his sentence on probation.

  It's time to get in, just to see when you get in.

  Now the entire Samsung Electronics has internal and external troubles. The internal trouble is that Moon Jae-yin is suppressing all chaebols including Samsung. The foreign trouble is that the Huaxia faction headed by Guanghua and Huaxing is rising.

  When it comes to Wen Zai Yin, Li Yurun is even bigger.

   "This lunatic, he won't be arrogant for long!"

  Li Yurun frowned. This Wen Zai Yin was almost like a dead star. Not only were they three stars, but several other chaebols also had the same headache.

  As we all know, if you want to say what the most dangerous profession in the world is, then the president of South Korea can definitely rank in the top three!

  1993-1998 Jin Yongsan, expelled.

  1998-2003 Kim Dae-jung, imprisoned.

  2003-2008 Roh Moo-hyun committed suicide.

  2008-2013 Li Mingbo, 17 years (fixed-term imprisonment)

   Before 1993, he was either assassinated or imprisoned, lifeless, and exiled.

  Basically, none of them can end well.

  And the current Wen Zai Yin... once he steps down, he will definitely end up worse than any previous term.

Why do you say that?

  South Korea is the South Korea of ​​the chaebols, not South Korea of ​​the South Koreans, and the chaebols control the economic lifeline.

   Li Yurun, with a distraught face, seemed to think of something suddenly, and a cold light flashed under his eyes.

   "Although the photon screen can't be cracked, but I have to trouble the other party!"

  All real-time messages from the Huaxia and Guanghua University’s Guanghua Department of Enterprises will be transmitted from Huaxia to Samsung’s think tank.

  Recently, Professor Jin Zhihui from KAIST in his home country condemned Chen Hao, President of Guanghua University. He paid no attention to it.

  This matter has attracted a certain range of attention in the international community, and for the principal Chen, it is also a big negative impact.

  And now, what he has to do is to add another fire to this incident!

  Even if it can't cause any substantial harm to the other party, you should feel sick to the other party.

  Without much thought, Li Yurun directly picked up the phone on the desk and made several calls in just half an hour.

  He wants to send a big gift to President Chen of Guanghua University!


  The next day, morning.

  The sun is shining in the sky, the sky is exceptionally blue, and there is no trace of yesterday's gloomy weather.

  Chen Hao was originally in a good mood, because yesterday’s lecture was very successful, and the feedback from the students surprised him unexpectedly.

Especially when a student took a video and uploaded it to Douyin, it received a lot of likes. Other colleges and universities in the same city~www.readwn.com~ such as Huaqiao University and Ludao University, there are many students who plan to do so. Come to listen to Professor Huang Hong's lecture next week.

   But this also reminded him.

   "It seems that from now on, Professor Huang Hong's lectures must be videotaped throughout." Chen Hao thought for a while, and felt that this arrangement should be made as soon as possible and should not be delayed.

  This way, students can watch it again in the future, and the effect will be more remarkable.

  Guanghua University is not only good at scientific research, but also the problems of students’ style of study and teachers’ faculty are urgently to be solved.

  It's just that his good mood didn't last long before being destroyed by Zheng Qiang who came over.

  Zheng Qiang sat down with Chen Hao, smiled bitterly, and said in a bewildered manner:

  "Principal, a good news and a bad news, which one do you want to hear first?"

  Ps: Ask for recommendation tickets, ask for monthly tickets!

  It’s really speechless to check Samsung’s data in this chapter. I can’t get the code. I’ll see if I can update it tomorrow. I’m very sorry!

  A total of 14 chapters of monthly pass plus changes were owed in the first two months, and the repayment will begin today. This is the first chapter.

  (End of this chapter)

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