I Am the President of the University

Vol 3 Chapter 418: Break through the lactide synthesis process!

  Chapter 419: Break through the synthesis process of lactide!

  "A good news and a bad news?"

  Chen Hao had a black line, his eyes wandering on Zheng Qiang, he looked up and down and said: "Old Zheng, you have changed. Before, you could not talk about it."

"Have it?"

  Zheng Qiang was getting goosebumps on Chen Hao's sight, and he coughed to hide his embarrassment.

  It may be the time to pay the salary in a few days. When I think of my high salary, I can laugh out loud when I step on a pile of cow dung.

  Chen Hao gave too much!

  "Tell the bad news first, and listen to the good news later."

"The bad news is that since last night, there has been a sharp increase in negative news about our school at home and abroad, and... the principal, you have been hacked very badly." Speaking of the latter, Zheng Qiang first glanced at Chen Hao, and then cautiously said. come out.

Fortunately in China, the relationship between the media circle and Guanghua University is still very good, not to mention that Chen Hao pulls a group and sends red envelopes in the group from time to time, and the relationship between Guanghua and the country is there, public media will not appear at all. Negative news, as for those private companies...After being told several times by Chen Hao, they are also much more honest, at best pretending to be Chinese customers.

  Generally, the main force of Heiguanghua University in China is Weibo, some big Vs in the public account, and public knowledge. These people can hardly wait for Guanghua University to immediately close down and Chen Hao to get out of China.

  Zheng Qiang’s temper has exploded after watching a few, if he let the principal watch this, why not?

  "Is it caused by the incident with Professor Jin from South Korea?" Chen Hao said with a grin.

  Zheng Qiang nodded.

   "This matter."

  Chen Hao smiled relaxedly, without worrying at all, waved his hand and said: "Don't worry, they dance more joyfully now, they will slap more faces later, and tell the good news."

   "Strictly speaking, there is more than one good news."

  A smile appeared on Zheng Qiang’s face. After half a year, Guanghua is now basically on the right track. Don’t exhaust him when he first came to Guanghua. He thought of resigning several times on the way back from get off work.

  The main thing is to give too much.

"The qualifications and approval procedures for the juvenile class have been completed; after this period of recruitment, the school's teacher reserve has also been greatly enhanced, and many contracts have been signed. We will wait for unified pre-job training in June next year; there are also some schools. New buildings are also being completed one after another..."

  The essay reward program is costly, but the effect is not small, attracting many green peppers to submit resumes to Guanghua University.

   "It's really great. Now the school's infrastructure is almost completed, and the future plans will follow."

  Chen Hao smiled happily, but did not relax.

Guanghua University will have no shortage of things for at least the past two years. For example, after the winter vacation, it has to start preparing for the national enrollment screening of the junior class; there will also be a transfer of students for the postgraduate entrance examination next year; and the college entrance examination season next year, while reducing the number of enrollments and increasing enrollment majors, etc. Wait.

  In Chen Hao’s vision, the total number of students at Guanghua University will not exceed 20,000, and the number of graduate students is greater than that of undergraduates. The ratio of 6000-8000 undergraduates and 8000-10000 graduate students is the best.

  The number of enrollment has decreased, but the majors have increased. In the end, the number of admissions for each major may be even smaller, and even a major only enrolls 1-2 people in a province.

"Principal, do we want to respond?" Zheng Qiang is still a little uneasy. After all, looking at this trend, I am afraid that it will not stop these days. Looking at the college entrance examination season, there is only half a year left. The school's reputation and reputation are not bad. Pay special attention, otherwise he won't come directly to Chen Hao's office.

   "No, this event will end within three days at most, don't worry." Chen Hao smiled and calmed Zheng Qiang.

   "Well, since the principal has planned, then I can rest assured."

  For Chen Hao, Zheng Qiang was still very convinced, he was relieved, and then left.

  After Zheng Qiang left, Chen Hao sat in his seat, and the computer opened Weibo to look at the hot search list, and he was on the list as expected.

  #Guanghua University Internet celebrity president suspected of suppressing famous South Korean scholars! #

  #Professor Jin Zhihui from South Korea condemns President Chen of Guanghua University for using his power to suppress his personal #

   "It's interesting, it seems that the sponsor is quite rich this time." Chen Hao swiped the screen, and the number of posts from yesterday to today has skyrocketed. You don't need to think about it to know that the sponsor is making a difference.

  Guanghua has offended many people. It's hard to say who it is, even Samsung.

  Thinking of South Korea, the current presidents Moon Jae Yoon and Samsung came to Chen Hao’s mind.

  Some people say that Mun Zai Yin is an idealist, and he decided to become president for revenge. What else is Mun Zai Yin as a "lonely brave man".

  It’s very nonsense here. Reality is not a novel, but Wen is indeed very courageous. But the reason why Wen Zai Yin appeared in South Korea is the result of the efforts of many "Bun Zai Yin".

  The most funny thing is that in terms of recognition of Wen, it is not South Korean netizens who understand him the most, but the netizens of China. Most of the comments on Wen are praise.

  It can be described in a sentence by Yu Dafu: "A nation without heroes is unfortunate, and a nation with heroes but does not know how to respect and cherish is incurable."

  As for Samsung, it was also very famous this time. The current heir made the headlines with an inheritance tax of 12 trillion won.

  12 trillion won is approximately equal to 69.8 billion yuan, which is not only a record high in South Korea’s history, but also the highest in the world.

Moreover, the story of the marriage of the Samsung Princess and the security guard is widely circulated in China. It is a pity that the ending is not good. The security guard who entered the wealthy family floated behind the security guy. When the Princess was pregnant, he committed domestic violence and then divorced and divided the property. Not open.

   "Samsung... are you doing things behind your back?"

  Looking out the window, the sun is shining today, and even the mood will be much better.

  The corner of Chen Hao's mouth was raised, and if he wanted to make small moves with Professor Jin Zhihui's things, he might end up shooting himself in the foot with a rock.

   "There are two days left."


  Institute of Materials, Guanghua University, Lactide Technology Laboratory.

  A burst of cheers suddenly sounded.

   "Director Chen, we have synthesized lactide! And the yield is quite high!"

  Even Professor Fang Haosen, who has always been calm, had ecstasy on his face at this time, and his eyes were full of conviction when he looked at Chen Chong.

   "Thanks to Director Chen for your ideas, otherwise we would not be able to solve the problem of the synthesis process of lactide so quickly!"

  Originally, the two had a disagreement due to the catalyst, so they were divided into two groups at the same time at the principal’s suggestion.

  However, Chen Chongran changed his attitude to support his ideas a few days ago, and put forward many useful suggestions and strong support during the experiment, otherwise he would not have overcome one of the two major difficulties of lactide so quickly.

  Chen Chong looked around the researchers around him, with a smile on his face, and whispered: "This is not my credit alone, it is the result of all of us hard work."

  Lactic acid-concentration-lactic acid oligomers-lactide-crude lactide-lactide crystallization-filtration-drying-refined lactide-polymerization.

  The synthesis from lactic acid to lactide requires 9 steps.

  The core technology lies in the synthesis and purification of lactide.

  And they only completed the synthesis process, which is the process from lactic acid to crude lactide.

  The process from crude lactide to refined lactide is the most important and difficult purification technology in the entire lactide technology!

  Only high-purity lactide can be used to synthesize polylactic acid with high molecular weight and good physical properties.

  Chen Chong patted Fang Haosen on the shoulder, and smiled and encouraged: "Professor Fang, we have to make persistent efforts to tackle the purification process of lactide as soon as possible in half a month, and we can't live up to the principal's attention and support!"

  "Okay! Strive for an early completion, and give the principal a surprise!" Fang Haosen is also full of confidence. With Chen Chong as his partner, it is a combination of two swords and full of fighting spirit.

  After the joy, a group of researchers once again plunged into the following research deeply.

  The atmosphere in the laboratory is like the sunlight outside the house.

   Very enthusiastic and passionate.

  Ps: I guess it’s because of depression...Sometimes I feel good ~www.readwn.com~ I suddenly fall into depression and mourning. No matter whether it is eating, drinking water or codewords, I have no interest in it, and I am tired of it. I seem to have lost enthusiasm for life. I really hate this feeling. I was not like this a year ago, sigh.

   Thanks to TPCERP Fengqing Nature students for the 500 starting currency reward!

     Thanks to Mo Mingqi Miao for the reward of 1500 starting coins!

     Thank you for the reward of 100 starting coins!

     Thank you for your 500 starting coins reward!

     Thanks to my classmates for the 100 starting currency reward!

     Thank you book friend 160524132603180 for the 100 starting currency reward!

     Thanks to the classmates of Wild Ancient Star Territory for the reward of 100 starting coins!

     Thank you Xingmeng Weiwei for the 2054 starting currency reward!

     There is the next chapter thanks, thank you very much for your support! !




  (End of this chapter)

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