I Am the President of the University

Vol 3 Chapter 421: Professor Jin is missing!

  Chapter 422 Professor Jin is missing!

  Sun Yat-sen University, referred to as Zhongda, is one of the universities directly under the Ministry of Education.

  In 1924, the founding father Sun Yat-sen personally integrated many universities in the Guangzhou area to establish the National Guangdong University. The school was named National Sun Yat-sen University in 1926.

  The ranking of Sun Yat-sen University in the country is a bit embarrassing, and it has been swaying among a dozen or twenty places. Speaking of discipline construction, in the evaluation of disciplines by the Ministry of Education, only ecology is ranked first in the country, and the second in the country is business administration. There are more than a dozen majors ranked 4-10. .

  As a comprehensive university, Sun Yat-sen University's reputation is still in medicine!

  No. 4 in clinical medicine in the country!

  Fifth in the country in basic medicine, stomatology, public health and preventive medicine!

  The Zhongshan Medical College of Sun Yat-Sen University is definitely a trump card college!

  Chinese Western Medicine started from Zhongshan Medical College, which has ten affiliated hospitals!

  No. 1 in ophthalmology, top 3 in cancer, top 10 in the first affiliated hospital, top 5 in clinical medicine...

  As the number one ophthalmology department in the country, Yu Hongyuan is also the head of the State Key Laboratory of Ophthalmology in our school, and his status is evident.

  But at this moment, his face is a little tired.

   "Professor, what should I do then!" Meng Wen asked anxiously.

   "What else can I do, of course it's cool to do..."

  Yu Hongyuan sighed slowly. It is true that the "Nature" magazine chose to cooperate with Guanghua University.

The reason why Mandel proposed to Chen Hao to jointly organize a high-level academic conference with Guanghua University was inspired by Yu Hongyuan. If it weren't for Guanghua University, "Nature" magazine proposed to Professor Yu Hongyuan of Sun Yat-sen University. Already have a lot of heartbeat.

   "It must be the President Chen of Guanghua University who bought the editor-in-chief of "Nature". After all, he is three generations rich and has money!" Meng Wen gritted his teeth.

  Who is not angry that the peaches have been picked suddenly?

  If they are better than Sun Yat-sen University, such as Tsinghua University, Peking University, and Shanghai Jiaotong Fudan, they will endure it. After all, they are indeed strong.

  But Guanghua University...not to mention that the other party is not a 985 or 211 university.

  Mainly a private university!

  Can this have the strength of Jill?

   "Xiao Meng, your idea is too biased."

  Yu Hongyuan shook his head. Although he was very depressed after seeing the news, he did not attack the other party with words.

"Professor!" Meng Wen was anxious, his face was full of anger, and his tone was very excited. "What qualifications does Guanghua University have as a partner of the official publication of "Nature"? And this is the first cooperation in China. This should belong to us. From Sun Yat-sen University!"

  Like a game, the audience only pays attention to who the champion is, not someone remembers the name of the runner-up.

  As the first domestic university to cooperate with the official journal of "Nature", holding an international high-level academic conference is a reputation for Sun Yat-sen University itself, and it is also an honor.

  But now, this honor has been cut off by Guanghua University!

   "Xiao Meng!"

  Yu Hongyuan looked serious, and asked in a heavy voice: “We must be objective and fair when dealing with problems! We can’t mix in too many personal and subjective judgments!”

  "Although I was disappointed by the choice of "Nature" to cooperate with Guanghua University, the status of Guanghua University's materials science in China is not inferior to that of our ophthalmology in China!"

   "He, their Guanghua... is just a private university!" Meng Wen flushed, trying to refute Yu Hongyuan's words, but in the end it only turned into this sentence.

  Because of what Professor Yu Hongyuan just said, he also understood in his heart that he just kept deceiving himself and others.

  This is actually what many people think in their hearts.

  In their view, private universities are not as good as public universities, even if your strength is strong.

  That is, the students of 985 University will look down on the students of 211 University, and the students of 211 University will look down on the students of General One, and the students of General One also look down on the students of the second and third books...

   "You have too much prejudice against Guanghua University."

  Yu Hongyuan sighed and taught Meng Wen in a serious tone: "It's true that people are private universities, but the strength is really here. How can you ignore this."

   "In terms of materials science, Guanghua University has already emerged as a new force, so it should not be underestimated!"


  Part of the disciplines of Guanghua University have grown to a point where others would not dare to take it lightly.


  Guanghua Building, in a small meeting room.

  There are only seven or eight people in the conference room, all of whom are from the top of Guanghua University.

Chen Hao looked around at several school leaders and said in a heavy voice: "This time the cooperation with the "Nature" magazine is relatively rushed. It will last for three days, from December 22 to 24. So we will not be in this month. During the time, plan and prepare for the relevant topics, special guests, keynote speakers, venue, forum format and other specific matters of this international conference!"

  Today is the end of November, and the time given is actually in the early 20 days.

  Several school leaders glanced at each other, and their eyes were a little helpless.

  One of them opened his mouth and said: "Principal, this keynote speaker and special guest, are we in charge or are they in charge of "Nature"?"

Chen Hao replied indifferently: "The participants in this forum are all well-known scholars at home and abroad. The threshold is still not small. The domestic ones are invited by our Guanghua. As for the scholars other than our China, they will be handed over to "Nature" to solve the problem. ."

  It is certainly not a problem to invite some well-known professors in the industry on the basis of Guanghua’s domestic card, but away from China... this appeal is negligible.

  Hearing what Chen Hao said, several school leaders also felt relieved. The most difficult problem of inviting guests was solved and it was easier to do more.

  About the holding of this forum, we discussed for more than an hour. If it weren't for many things, Chen Hao would directly make a decision. I really don't know when to discuss it.

  When the meeting was over, Zheng Qiang deliberately slowed down, and after standing side by side with Chen Hao, his face was a little sad.

  "President, South Korean Professor Kim’s question, is it really okay?"

   "Don't worry, no problem!" Chen Hao said vowedly.

  However, Zheng Qiang is still not at ease.

  This is not to blame him~www.readwn.com~, but because many domestic and foreign media and big Vs are spraying on him, which affects the road population too much.

  Chen Hao, as the head of Guanghua University, although he does not need to sell people, he still has to maintain his image!

  Seeing that Zheng Qiang was still not at ease, Chen Hao couldn't help but smile, looked around, then lowered his voice and said a word.

   Zheng Qiang was stunned when he heard it, his eyes filled with shock.

   "The principal...is this true?"

   "Of course it's true. The other person won't be able to laugh for two or three days at most." Chen Hao's mouth curled up slightly, and it was not his character to sit and wait for death.

  Because he is holding a big move!

   Chen Hao, who was about to discuss with Zheng Qiang about the juvenile class, suddenly frowned and found an excuse to go to the toilet and escape.

  In the toilet, Chen Hao's eyes flickered.

  Because the system just reminded him that the progress of lactide research and development has reached 50%!

  The second treasure chest can be opened again!

  Ps: Ask for recommendation tickets, ask for monthly tickets!

  (End of this chapter)

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