I Am the President of the University

Vol 3 Chapter 422: Reward for not playing cards according to the routine

  Chapter 423 Rewards for not playing cards according to routines

   "Is it 50% so soon?"

  The progress was so fast that Chen Hao's expectations were a little bit unexpected, and it was even a surprise.

  Chen Hao showed a happy expression on his face, because he saw that the progress bar of lactide had reached 54%.

  "Professor Fang and Lao Chen are progressing very quickly. This afternoon, I have to see how things are going in the laboratory."

  The toilet smells bad, so Chen Hao went back to the office after leaving.

   also deliberately washed his hands, rubbed his hands after wiping it, it seems that this can drive away the irritation.

   "It's time to witness the miracle!"

  This second treasure chest key can open good things. As the progress advances, the third treasure chest will not take too long.

  For lactide, optical core is the key!

   "Open the treasure chest!"

  The treasure chest opened slowly, and a burst of golden light burst out immediately, a little dazzling for a moment.

   "Congratulations on obtaining attribute points*1!"

  Hearing these words from the system, Chen Hao was a little lost.

   There was a look of disappointment in his eyes, the result of this was really unexpected.

   "What is the attribute point... I thought that the purification process of lactide could be developed, but I really thought it was too simple."

  Chen Hao couldn't help shaking his head, and sighed in a low voice.

  The first treasure chest opened the synthesis process of lactide. If you follow the routine in the novel, this second treasure chest should have the purification process.

  The two major difficulties in lactide technology are the synthesis process and the purification process, especially the latter is more difficult.

  However, it is gratifying that an attribute point is also opened, which is better than getting some useless things.

  Chen Hao thought for a while and said, "System, check the remaining time."

  【Research Project: Lactide Synthesis Technology】

  【Research personnel: 32 people】

  【Scientific research progress: 54%】

  【Time required: January 18 days】

  "It will take more than 1 month, which is a bit longer." Chen Hao frowned slightly. Compared with the previous 10%, it took March and 7 days, but now it has been reduced by a month and a half.

  But this is not enough!

  He bet with Weber of NatureWorks to complete it within a month, and now he is given a little more than half a month.

   "The attribute points that you just acquired have to be used before they can warm up."

   Then, Chen Hao fell into contemplation again.

  Checked the current attributes of Professor Chen Chong and Fang Haosen.

  Professor Fang Haosen still stayed at 90. As for Chen Chong, he was a little bit better than the previous check, and came to 88.

  Chen Hao’s gaze stayed on Chen Chong’s 88 value for a long time, and then regretfully moved his gaze to Fang Haosen’s attribute panel.

  If these are two attribute points, or if Chen rushes to 89, it will definitely be used by him, and in the current situation, 88-89 will be more valuable than 90-91.

  With a decision in his eyes, he no longer delays time.

  Chen Hao exhaled and said: "System, Professor Haosen uses attribute points."

  【Use of attribute points...】

  【Target: Fang Haosen】

  【Please choose the ability to use: materials science, scientific research, chemistry, biology...】

  Chen Hao directly said: "Selective Ability: Material Science!"

  【Increase material science ability by 1 point! 】

  After the system prompt ends.

  Look at the attribute value section of Professor Fang Haosen again.

  Materials has changed from (90/96) to (91/96).

  It’s not a cross-step upgrade, and the impact will not be too great. Fang Haosen, who is far away in the laboratory, just feels his head is a little swollen, as if he was hit with a hammer. Fortunately, the reaction lasted only half an hour.

The changes brought by    are not obvious, but the laboratory this afternoon is more handy.

  Chen Hao sat in the office and looked out through the window.

  The distance from the material is not close, although there are some buildings in the middle, but fortunately, the floor where he is located is relatively high, so the outline of the outside can be seen vaguely.

   "Professor Fang, Lao Chen, it's up to you next."


  South Korea, in the afternoon.

  KBS building.

  KBS, MBC and SBS are listed as the three major wireless TV stations in South Korea.

  Among them, KBS is a state-run TV station, which is equivalent to Huaxia. There are two channels-KBS1 focuses on news, while KBS2 focuses on entertainment and comprehensive programs.

  Building 5th floor, on the corridor.

   "Professor Jin, today's recording is very good, the effect is very good!" Choi Jae-hyo said complimentingly.

  Jin Zhihui seemed embarrassed and replied: "Minister Cui has passed the award. Actually, I did not perform very well today."

  Today’s main purpose is to participate in the KBS-1 set of news recordings at KBS. Of course, the content is to criticize Chen Hao. As for the whole process, Cui Jae-hyo personally revised the content on his manuscript.

  After the recording, it’s time for an interview with Donga Ilbo and Chosun Ilbo.

  Cui continued to smile on Xiao’s face, and said with some enthusiasm: “Professor Jin, let’s go to the cafe next to sit and then start today’s interview?”

  As for Cao Shengmin, he stood aside silently and looked at Jin Zhihui, trying to see what he was thinking clearly through the outside.

   "Okay, no problem." Jin Zhihui did not hesitate, and readily agreed.

  The three people left the KBS building and walked for a while to a nearby cafe.

  There were not many people in the cafe, so the three chose a place by the window to sit down.

It is reasonable to say that interviews are usually done by reporters and editors, but Professor Jin was personally ordered by the head office. Choi Jae-hyo went directly to the job, and both were promoted by reporters at the bottom. There is no problem with professionalism. .

  Turn on the recorder, Cui Jae-xiao asks the most, and Cao Shengmin doesn’t ask much, but when he speaks, there are usually some sharp questions.

  One hour later, the conversation is over.

  The entrance of the coffee shop.

   "Professor Jin, the time for the press conference tomorrow afternoon is fine." Before shaking hands and bidding farewell, Cui Zaixiao reminded him earnestly.

   "Don't worry, I will be there on time." Jin Zhihui nodded and promised.

Today’s KBS news recording, together with the exclusive interviews of "Dong-A Ilbo" and "Central Daily News", are all building momentum, just for tomorrow’s press conference, and many international media will be invited to participate, such as BBS, The Associated Press, and Russia. Society and so on.

  Professor Jin got in the car, and soon the news disappeared.

  Cao Shengmin, who was still standing there, felt a little uneasy.

   "In Xiao, I think something is wrong."

   "What's wrong? I think everything is going according to plan." Cao Shengmin didn't take Cui Jae-hyo's worries into his heart at all, and happily patted the other person on the shoulder.

   "We have had to work hard for these two days. After tomorrow's press conference is over, our task will be almost completed!"

  Cao Shengmin shook his head and sighed helplessly: "I hope so!"

  The next afternoon.

  In the lecture hall of a five-star hotel.

  The media gathered from various countries. The lineup of this press conference is not small, and the whole lecture hall is almost full.

   Watching the time approaching bit by bit, Cui’s face is not bloody~www.readwn.com~ It is more panic.

   "Why hasn't Professor Jin come here yet? It's 5 minutes before the eyes start!"

  "Have you called Professor Jin?" Cao Shengmin asked in a deep voice.

   "I hit it 20 minutes ago, saying that I was already on the road." Choi Jae-hyo felt like an ant on a hot pot, very anxious.

  Cao Shengmin had an unknown feeling, "Call me again!"

   "Okay!" Choi Jae-hyo nodded in a trembling voice.

   Then he quickly took out his mobile phone and called Jin Zhihui,

  This incident was handed over to him by the head office. It is naturally a credit to do it well, but if it fails... then he is finished.


  The phone rang a few times and no one answered it.

  Cao Shengmin and Cui Jaexiao looked at each other, their eyes were dull!

   Especially Choi Jae-hyo, his face turned pale and a little scary.

   "Oops, Professor Jin is gone!"

  (End of this chapter)

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