I Am the President of the University

Vol 3 Chapter 423: The young people nowadays are really amazing

  Chapter 424 The young people today are really amazing

  Seoul, Incheon International Airport.

   1:30 pm.

  After checking the baggage, Jin Zhihui came to the security checkpoint and queued up.

  Because it is in the afternoon, as the airport with the largest throughput in South Korea, the number of passengers is not a small number.

  Jin Zhihui’s face was a little uneasy, turning his head around and watching, there was a panic in his eyes.

  Looking at the ticket in hand again, the flight number is written on it: MF872, the departure time is 2:30 pm, and the arrival time is 6:15 pm.

  Destination: Ludao.

  There are two flights from Seoul to Ludao, one is Korean Air's KE5887 flight, and the other is Ludao Airlines' MF872 flight.

  The reasons for choosing Ludao Airlines are one because the time is very coincidental, and the other is safety.

  After passing the security check and walking on the way to the boarding gate, Jin Zhihui dialed a call.

   "Well, I have arrived at the airport. If there is no delay, the arrival time should be around 6:15 pm."

  Across the phone, Chen Hao's loud voice came.

   "Professor Jin, I will pick you up at the airport, I will arrange the rest, don't worry!"

   "That's too much trouble for you, Principal Chen." Jin Zhihui's face moved slightly. He thought he was just sending school staff to pick up the plane. Unexpectedly, it was Chen Hao who came in person, and he couldn't help but feel a little moved.

   "It's not troublesome. Although they are not the same tutor, they all graduated from MIT and are alumni, so they should." Chen Hao said with a smile.

  After a few more words, the call ended.

  After hanging up the phone, Jin Zhihui slowly exhaled a stale air, and some of the worries in his heart seemed to be emptied with a vent.

  The noon sun outside the window hit Jin Zhihui Junxiu’s face. At this moment, he seemed a little relieved, and his spirit was much better than before entering the airport.

  Golden Wisdom stopped, did not raise his hand to block this dazzling sunlight, but looked directly at the past.

  The sunlight is dazzling, and Jin Zhihui closed his eyes, as if all his cells were cheering in the sunlight.

   "There are still dozens of minutes, and I will be free." Jin Zhihui murmured.

Being able to graduate from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology with a Ph.D., Jin Zhihui is naturally not an idiot. After a few days of reflection, he also understands that his friend Park Tae-woo seems to have played a role in the previous peachy scandal, and this time he condemned the President Chen of Guanghua University. It was also instigated by the other party while drinking.

After   was awake later, with Chen Hao's ability and level, it seems that there is no need to squeeze him down through relationships, but he can only say that he was hit by bad luck.

  In addition, his tutor, Professor Charles, called to mediate the conflict between the two, and there was such a plot later.

   Play a play with each other!

  At 2:05 pm, Minister Cui Zaixiao from the "Central Daily News" called.

   "Yun, good Minister Choi, I'm already on the way, I will be there soon."

   "Okay, I'm causing you trouble."

  In order to prevent the other party from hearing the sound of the airport broadcast, Jin Zhihui deliberately went to the toilet to connect, and under the pretext of driving, he hung up after a few simple words.

  After hanging up the phone, Jin Zhihui flashed a trace of hatred on his face.

  It was these media that caused him to die in South Korean society. After the girl stabbed the matter out, these media swarmed with sharks smelling blood and reported every day!

  Especially the "Central Daily News" these companies are the most excessive, and directly use the headlines to publish his scandal!

  The stereotyped parents could not accept the strange look of others, so they were admitted to the hospital directly with anger, and then broke off the relationship with him directly.

  He hasn't forgotten all this.

  However, it’s time for the other party to pay the bill!


  Outside the lecture hall of Four Seasons Hotel Seoul.

  After several calls and no response, Cui Jae-hyo went straight to Liushen.

   "What can I do! Now the media inside are waiting for Professor Jin, but people can't find it!"

  It was less than five minutes away from 2:30. Once the spokesperson Jin Zhihui did not show up, it was estimated that the inside would explode, which would be a shame.

  Compared with Cui Jae-hyo's gaffe, Cao Shengmin is still calm, after all, he has always been a little uneasy with Professor Jin in his heart.

  Cao Shengmin promptly arranged and said: "The only thing I can do now is to find Professor Jin as soon as possible. As for the inside..."

  His face changed slightly, he took a deep breath, and said coldly: "As for the inside, I will go on stage to explain, but I can only find an excuse to change the time and hold the press conference."

   "But where can Professor Jin look for?!" Choi Jae-hyo stamped his foot in place anxiously.

   "Idiot, this is how you climbed to the position of minister?" Cao Shengmin stared at the opponent with hatred of iron and steel, and was not angry.

   "Hurry up and report to the head office, so that the head office can use its strength and can't find someone who farts!"

  In South Korea, Samsung is the absolute overlord, even if the current President Wenda has been targeting Samsung.

   "Oh, yes, I will call now!"

  Cui Jae-hyo woke up like a dream. When he thought of the head office, he suddenly had a backbone in his heart, so he hurriedly made a call to go out.

  The middle-aged man on the other end of the phone heard Choi Jae-hyo’s help, he immediately shouted, and then hung up.

  Cao Shengmin also walked to the speech stage in the lecture hall when Cui Zaixiao called. Under a flash of light, he made an excuse and turned around and left.

  The major media at home and abroad below, there seems to be a flame burning in their eyes!

  At the most critical moment when criticizing China, the person involved, Professor Jin Zhihui, did not come to power?

  What does this mean?

  There must be something wrong and people are gone!

  The various media in the lecture hall started to make calls while leaving the hotel, using their relationships to inquire about intelligence.

  And just after Choi Jae-hyo’s phone call, in just a few minutes, all the power of the South Korean overlord Samsung Group was used to search for a person’s whereabouts!

  At 2:34 pm, Professor Jin Zhihui’s whereabouts were found!

  The other party’s plane has taken off!

  If you are still at the airport, with Samsung’s energy, it can still be detained between takeoffs.

  Especially the destination is Ludao...

   After Cui Jae-hyo answered the phone, his whole body was like a pool of water, and he was sitting directly on the ground, his eyes and pupils dilated, his mouth was open, as if he wanted to say something, but there was no sound at all.

  Cao Shengmin stood by the window, staring at the clouds in the sky.

  There seemed to be something above the clouds that attracted him deeply.

  He shook his head, smiled helplessly, and whispered in non-standard Chinese:

  "The young people nowadays are really amazing..."


  "The young people nowadays are really amazing..."

  In the unique teaching building of Guanghua College, Guanghua University~www.readwn.com~Professor Zhai Yang from Ludao University's Department of Chemistry, looked at the dozen or so students in front of him, and sighed with emotion.

  Ps: Ask for recommendation tickets, ask for monthly tickets!

  The bad condition yesterday should be the cause of the cold. I just took the medicine and it’s a little better. I hope I’ll be fine tomorrow. It’s still very troublesome to catch a cold in this troubled autumn...

   Thanks to TPCERP Fengqing Nature students for their 100 starting currency rewards!

     Thanks to book friends 20210526155934730 for their 100 starting currency rewards!

     Thank you, Dongjun, Lonely classmate for the 500 starting currency reward!

     Thanks to book friends 20210527121758295 for the 500 starting currency reward!

    Thank you for the reward of 1500 starting coins!

     Thank you for your support, thank you!



  (End of this chapter)

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