I Am the President of the University

Vol 3 Chapter 424: Chen Pingan

  Chapter 425 Chen Pingan

  A loud voice sounded in the classroom.

  "The establishment of chemical equilibrium: under certain conditions, the state when the positive and negative reaction rates of a reversible chemical reaction are equal."

"There are three major characteristics of chemical equilibrium. The first characteristic is that it is a dynamic process; the second characteristic is that in equilibrium, △rG=0; the last characteristic is that the composition of chemical equilibrium and the equilibrium The way has nothing to do."

  “However, there are some things to pay attention to in chemical equilibrium. Chemical equilibrium is a relative, conditional, and temporary dynamic equilibrium... Do you know what chemical equilibrium constants are next?”

  Professor Zhai Yang does not need to project PPT in his lectures. The formal expression mainly depends on the blackboard. For subjects such as mathematics, chemistry, physics, etc., the blackboard is yyds!

   Formulas and calculations are not expressed on the blackboard, there is no soul!

  I don’t know why, Professor Zhai Yang feels that taking classes at Guanghua is even more energetic than Luda’s main school.

  Yangyang finished the lesson content, looked down at his watch, and there were still ten minutes before the end of the get out of class.

   "Classmates, since there is still some time, let's review the content of the next class."

  Zhai Yang looked around the crowd and asked with a smile: "Use your favorite questioning method, then I'll call it."

  There is no need for a roster, because there are 24 students in the entire class.

Guanghua College adopts a general education system. There are 87 students in the experimental class. Generally speaking, they are free to choose courses, but there are some restrictions. For example, it stipulates two sections of physics, two sections of mathematics, one section of biology and one section of chemistry. .

  This chemistry is the subject of "University Chemistry" which he opened. The main topics are actually the basic principles of the four major chemistry, namely, inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry, physical chemistry, and analytical chemistry.

  General education is mainly to strengthen the quality education of students and inspire innovative thinking, and through various interdisciplinary content, find out the majors that interest you and suit your own development for intensive learning.

  Otherwise, you are admitted to major in computer science, but in fact, the major in physics is really suitable for you. What should I do?

  Many people will say that they change their profession!

  But do you want to transfer when you want to transfer a major?

  Different schools have different requirements. The better the school, the harder it is to transfer to a major!

  For example, it is difficult to transfer to a major at Peking University, but it is even more difficult to transfer to a popular major. The first is to get high scores in the final exam, which ranks in the top 10% in professional scores in Peking University, where the strong are like clouds.

  Being in the top 10% of Peking University's professional scores, you can transfer to a major...

  Think about who can be admitted to Peking University, not to mention that the popular majors such as finance, management, and computer require professional examinations... so let this idea go.

  Professor Zhai Yang still agrees and appreciates Guanghua University’s implementation of this characteristic system.

  A total of 24 people chose his course this semester. After two classes, they have remembered everyone's names.

  Zhai Yang's eyes swept from left to right. Most of the students held their heads upright. There were also a few students who shrank their necks for fear of being called.

   "Song Hao."

  The voice fell, and a boy in a black T-shirt sitting by the window in the third row was stunned. Then he stood up with a constipated face and scratched his head, looking a little at a loss.

  Zhai Yang raised his eyelids slightly and asked, "What is the essence of the first law of thermodynamics?"

  "The essence of the first law of thermodynamics is..."

  Song Hao's dandruff is about to come out, but he is really not interested in chemistry, but the school also requires a chemistry course. Originally, he didn't plan to report it in the first semester of his freshman year, but who would let his friends get him.

  Zhai Yang just looked at Song Hao with a smile on his face, and said nothing.

   "Ha...so what is the essence..."

  Song Hao's voice became lower and lower, his eyes turned to his side, but the other side shrugged helplessly.

  No way, the teaching building of Guanghua College is uniquely designed. In order to facilitate teaching, the classrooms are fan-shaped, which is a lot more convenient in teaching.

  24 people were sitting in four rows. This is a quiet reminder that the teacher on the stage can hear it.

Professor Zhai Yang raised his eyebrows and smiled: "It seems that Song Hao may not have a good memory. Then copy the contents of the laws of thermodynamics and basic laws ten times to strengthen the memory, and give it to me before class next week. is that OK?"

  Song Hao was crying and nodded reluctantly, "No, no problem."

  "Sit down, then." Professor Zhai Yang narrowed his eyes when he finished speaking. Someone's movements were more conspicuous just now.

   "Song Hao has been watching Chen Ping'an just now. It seems that Chen Ping'an should be clear, so let's answer this question."

  Song Hao, who just had a pair of chrysanthemums exploded, turned from sorrow to joy. He looked at Chen Ping'an gleefully, grinning silently, even winking his eyebrows.

  Looking at the **** Song Hao, Chen Ping's mouth twitched, his face calmly answered the question, and he stepped on the **** next to him quietly.

  "The essence of the first law of thermodynamics is the law of conservation and transformation of energy."

  Song Hao was stepped on, and he made a "hiss-" sound, his face was painful, and he didn't dare to skin.

  Professor Zhai Yang nodded, and said in agreement: "The answer is good. It seems that Chen Ping'an has a review after returning, so I will help strengthen it."

   "Then talk about the second and third laws of thermodynamics."

  Chen Ping’an’s expression did not change, but he paused for a few seconds, as if he was reminiscing.

  "The second law of thermodynamics reveals the direction and limits of the macro process..."

  Almost without pause, he answered the question completely in one go.

  I thought it was over, but Professor Zhai Yang smiled and spoke again.

   "It's not bad, then come up and write down the formulas of the enthalpy change and the thermochemical equation by the way. I believe this should not be a big problem for Chen Ping'an, right?"

  Chen Pingan touched his nose and walked directly onto the stage.

   Picked up the chalk and wrote sloppyly.


  【△H=H tense-H final state=△U+pV】

  【Thermochemical equation】


  Just finished writing, the bell rang after class.

  Professor Zhai Yang looked at the content of the blackboard and clapped gently.

"Chen Ping An’s writing is correct. Everyone should learn more from Chen Ping’an. Today’s class is over. We will talk about acid-base balance in the next class. Students remember to spend some time doing pre-study in the past few days. There is a review of these two lessons for the homework. Let's end the get out of class."

  The voice fell, and the students who had just been sitting tightly packed their textbooks and rushed out.

  Professor Zhai Yang smiled and cursed at the professor who was gone in a flash.

  "Are these children of the genus monkey?"

  Outside the classroom, a group of departing students are still discussing Professor Zhai Yang.

   "It's not that I said that Professor Zhai's class is the most frightening among all the teachers in our college. As long as you make a small difference, you can call up and answer questions." A student said in a grumpy voice.

"That's right, but the instructors in our school are very good, Professor Liang Yiqing of Semiconductor (has been appointed as a full professor), and the professors of the Optical Core Research Center, all of them are better than Professor Zhai. Much better!" Maybe it was because of some embarrassment in class just now, Song Hao curled his lips and said.

  Chen Ping’an frowned slightly, and couldn’t help interrupting Song Hao.

  "Lao Song, you are a little bit prejudiced. Professor Zhai is a big cow in the domestic chemistry field!"

   "What, I have reason and evidence."

Song Hao glanced at Chen Ping'an with a somewhat trivial look, and said: "The traditional four strongest Chinese chemistry circles are: Peking University, Nankai University, South University, Jilin University. There are three national key laboratories in the school of chemistry in Jilin University, although the chemistry is Ludao University. The ace professional, but it is also in the top ten in China, which is completely incomparable!"

Chen Ping’an just shook his head, “What you said is the strength of the school’s faculties, which is theoretically correct, but speaking of personal strength, Professor Zhai Yang was dug up by the President of Ludao University at MIT personally, and he is famous in China. , The position is very strong, even known as the North Huangnandi in the chemistry field, the first person in the southern chemistry!"

  Listening to Chen Ping’an’s explanation, Song Hao and others were dumbfounded. Was Professor Zhai Yang, who used to give lectures without any shelf, so good?

  But Zhai Yang himself, whom Chen Ping’an said, has just walked out of the classroom.

  Leaving the teaching building on foot, the spirits of the students on the campus are far more energetic than when he first went to Guanghua University.

  Zhai Yang thought of the students in the class just now, especially the student named Chen Ping An, and was full of emotion.

  One more pair of students from Sagishima University.

   couldn't help sighing: "The young people nowadays are really amazing!"

The Department of Chemistry of Ludao University, established in 1923, did not hurt the lifeblood of the Academy of Chemistry in the major adjustments in the 1950s. So now Ludao University is quite strong in chemistry. It has 8 academicians of both academies and colleges across the country. Ranked 8th in the ranking, it is also an A-level subject.

  However, there is a saying in Ludao University: Jingyuan, Guanyuan, and other colleges.

  From this, one can imagine how strong the management of Sagishima University is.

  Even if it is the eighth chemistry, its status in the school is still a bit embarrassing. Not to mention, the Tiankeng majors such as biochemical and environmental materials are all employment red card majors, and the eighth is useless!

  Don’t listen to some people talking about the wide range of chemistry employment, but in fact they usually go to research institutes, but most of the research institutes start out as graduate students, even if they are undergraduates in the chemistry department of Sagishima University, most of them change professions.

When the 19th chemistry department graduated, there were a total of 217 masters and Ph.Ds. Only 125 had a place to go. The rest were unemployed. This is still the eighth 985 school in chemistry, Sagishima University, and other general universities with chemistry majors... just think about it. NS.

  This is the hardship for students majoring in biochemistry, environment and materials. They want to study a Ph.D. or change careers.

  In addition, the Department of Chemistry at Luda University can be transferred to majors, which has caused many undergraduates to study hard, all in order to be able to transfer majors and get out of Tiankeng.

  Guanghua College here, perhaps because of the unique education system, students do not have much views on the majors. After all, they only choose the direction of follow-up study in the sophomore year, and they are more pure in learning.

  And he found that among these 24 students, speaking of natural talents...

   "Principal Chen is really amazing!"

  Thinking of this, Professor Zhai Yang couldn't help but look at Guanghua Building, the most prominent and spectacular building on the campus, with a deep admiration.

The 87 students in Guanghua College’s experimental class are undoubtedly the gold scoured out by the big waves. The IQs of these students are not inferior to those of Ludao University. The reason why they came here is entirely because of their uncorrected learning attitude. The problem.

  A university of 20,000 people, even if it is rubbish, dozens of good seedlings are normal.

  In the car that left.

  Zhai Yang looked through the rearview mirror and glanced at the final outline of Guanghua University, and he felt an impression in his heart.

  He smiled softly, even he himself felt a little absurd.

  "Maybe it is not impossible for Guanghua University to surpass Luda one day in the future..."

  At this moment, the phone rang.

  The Bluetooth headset is switched on.

   "Principal Zhang, what's the matter?"

  Sagishima University President Zhang Yue’s teasing voice sounded.

   "Professor Zhai, you should have finished the class at Guanghua now, right? How do you feel?"

   "Does it feel? I feel pretty good." Zhai Yang thought about it and said with a smile without concealing it.

  President Zhang smiled faintly and said, "Oh? That's right. I really want to talk to Professor Zhai about Guanghua University. I don't know when it will be convenient?"

  Zhai Yang glanced at his watch and said directly: "Just now, I just want to go to the laboratory again, and then I will see you, President Zhang."

   "Hahaha, UU reading www.uukanshu.com is good, then I will prepare tea and wait for Professor Zhai to arrive."

  Hang up the phone.

  Zhai Yang's eyes turned slightly, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

   "I probably know the reason."

  Ps: 3500 words big chapter! Ask for recommended ticket, ask for monthly ticket!

   10 pm in the next chapter.

    I have two old friends who got married today.

     One is Nobi Nobita and the other is Yuan Shizuka.

     I went to watch "Doraemon: Walk with Me 2" in the afternoon. I was so touched that Nobita finally married Shizuka!

     Every time I watch "Doraemon", I feel that the Nobita inside seems to be him. When I was young, I was stupid, always bullied, and crying, wearing round-frame glasses.

     The only difference is that I don’t have Doraemon (╥﹏╥)

     Nobita, you must be happy! !



  (End of this chapter)

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