I Am the President of the University

Vol 3 Chapter 425: Maybe, there is no return date

  Chapter 426 Maybe, there is no return date, right?

  Sagishima University, in the office of the president.

  "Professor Zhai, come and have tea."

  Zhang Yue had a smile on his face, his eyes especially falling on Professor Zhai Yang's body.

   "Good tea!"

  Zhai Yangpin took a sip, raised his head and looked at Zhang Yue after a compliment, and said with a smile: "President Zhang is not just to invite me to drink tea, right?"

   "What I said, it's rare for me, Zhang Yue, to invite you Professor Zhai over to drink tea?"

  Zhang Yue said in a reproachful tone, but just after his words fell off, he coughed slightly, and even said in a somewhat embarrassing manner: "Ahem, but today there is something for you to ask Professor Zhai."

  Zhai Yang had a funny face, and said straightforwardly: "I said, Principal Zhang, you can also have some twitching moments? We are old friends too, just talk about it!"

"Well, that's the case. Later next month, isn't Guanghua University and the "Nature" magazine organizing the 2020 "Nature" China Forum?" Zhang Yue said after a pause, and said with a sigh, "I would like to invite you to Professor Zhai. Please help to ask President Chen of Guanghua whether our Ludao University is on the invitation list."


Zhai Yang fell into thinking, his eyebrows wrinkled slightly and then loosened. He asked Zhang Yue a little strangely: "Principal Zhang, are you worrying too much? The relationship between Lu Da and Guanghua is still in the honeymoon period, and Lu Da is also in the honeymoon period. Ludao City, Hu Province, and South China’s No. 1 colleges and universities, Guanghua won’t not invite us, right?” (The Xiamen University in the book is stronger than in reality)

"Oh, Professor Zhai, you don't know the materials and professional strength of our school, so I am not afraid that Guanghua will not invite us by then, and their activities will be in full swing at that time, and we just watched..." Zhang Yue said awkwardly.

  There is no way, this international conference held by Guanghua University next month is really a rare way of communication. Those who engage in academic research should not stick to their own claims. They must discuss and exchange more with other scholars.

  Although Ludao University is strong, the main strengths are economics and management, social sciences, and marine sciences. Engineering...It's really not that good.

  Materials Science and Engineering, the Ministry of Education's subject evaluation is B, ranking forty or fifty in the country.

  As for the major of electronic science and technology, the subject evaluation of the Ministry of Education is still B, ranking more than 20 domestically.

The 2020 "Nature" China Forum will invite experts and scholars in materials science and semiconductors from all over the world. Although China is the main force, it will not invite too many people. If Tsinghua or Peking University is used as the host, they will not be invited. The probability of Sagishima University is really great!

  If it’s held elsewhere, it’s in Ludao, in the same city this time!

  If you are in the same city, you have not received an invitation yet, that would be a shame.

"That's right, President Zhang, what you said is right, then I next week... Forget it, then I'll call and ask Principal Chen tomorrow!" I originally planned to ask Chen Hao when I went to class next week, but Seeing the worry on Zhang Yue's face, Zhai Yang sighed inwardly, and had to change his mouth.

   "Thank you very much, Professor Zhai, I will invite you to drink some other day." Zhang Yue's expression was overwhelmed, and a huge boulder fell to the ground in his heart.

  If Zhai Yang doesn't show up, he will have to show up himself.

  He was not very good in his attitude towards Chen Hao before, and asked him to pull down his old face to ask the other party, ah, this...this is too difficult.

"drink wine?"

  Zhai Yang said, and then decisively agreed.

  "It’s better to hit the sun if you choose a day. Let’s do it today. It’s really annoying for Principal Zhang."

  Zhang Yue: "..."

  You haven't done this yet, how did you say this brazenly?

  The more the black line, he had to say with a smile: "Ha, that, that's fine too."

  A free drink, Zhai Yang was very happy.

   "Principal Zhang, you just wait for my good news."


  Gaoqi International Airport.

  6:20 pm.

  The sky on Lu Island has begun to dim, and the horizon is inlaid with a piece of sunset. When the birds pass by, it is particularly beautiful.

  You must choose a good time when you come to Ludao. For example, it is not used during summer vacation. It was too hot at that time. The best tourist seasons are April, May, and October-December. At this time, it is neither hot nor cold.

  "Professor Jin, welcome to the beautiful Lu Island!"

   "Principal Chen, hello!"

  Compared with Jin Zhihui's formality, Chen Hao is more casual and friendly.

Step forward and put the other party’s two suitcases in the trunk, then clapped his hands and said with a smile: “Professor Jin, let’s get in the car and stay in the hotel for a few days. When the expert building is cleaned, Then you can move in directly."

   "Okay." Jin Zhihui responded, his expression still a little unnatural, after all, he came to a foreign country and said that he was not nervous and it was fake.

  After getting in the car, Chen Hao drove the car steadily and glanced at the other person through the rearview mirror. His mental state was not very good. To be precise, he was quite haggard. It seems that the recent days are indeed not easy.

  Chen Hao calmly praised: “Professor Jin, you can get to school in about half an hour. By the way, Professor Jin’s spoken Chinese is quite standard.”

  "My grandma is from Huaxia. In fact, a quarter of my blood is from Huaxia, and Chinese was taught to me by my grandma." Jin Zhihui replied absent-mindedly.

   "That's it." Chen Hao nodded, and the following sentence made Jin Zhihui look over.

   "Professor Jin, then hold a press conference tomorrow afternoon, how about our counterattack?"

   "Is it three o'clock in the afternoon? No problem!" Jin Zhihui almost gritted his teeth and said, "This time we have evidence on hand, and the recording can be played on the spot tomorrow. At that time, these ugly faces of South Korea's media will be exposed!"

  Before, Cui Jae-hyo completely regarded Jin Wisdom as a member of his camp. Before thinking about it, he discussed with Jin Wisdom how to black Guanghua University. A lot of the content is completely adding fuel and vinegar. The awkward point is processing creation and ignoring the facts.

Chen Hao, who has been listening carefully, also raised his mouth. Since the release of the previous thesis award plan, it has attracted criticism from many domestic media and big Vs. Later, it was because Professor Jin condemned Chen Hao for using his power to suppress him. The domestic and foreign media were completely right. Chen Hao and Guanghua University went to death.

  It’s all right now. The victim, Jin Zhihui, not only suddenly joined Guanghua University, but also prepared to publish the recording of the conversation that Cui Jae-xiao encouraged him.

  This is undoubtedly a resounding slap for the previous media and big V.

  As for the thesis award plan, no one will dare to criticize it anymore.

  Your **** is not clean, come to Hei Guanghua?

  Your face is big?

   And the one who is hiding behind the media this time should also be restrained.

  But Chen Hao still has a very important thing to say to Jin Zhihui.

  "Professor Jin, I don’t care if your past style is a bit messy, but Guanghua University will never allow this to happen, neither a student nor a teacher!"

  Chen Hao paused, and said coldly, "If this happens again, I will clean the door myself!"

  Naughty Jin Zhihui heard this, with a relaxed smile on his face.

   "I thought Principal Chen what you were going to say, if this is the case, I can guarantee that I will never make the mistakes of the past again!"

  Because the woman caused his social death, he had to change place to start again. He never allowed himself to fall a second time in the same place.

   "This time, after the matter is over, I think I can understand it, and I will concentrate on academic research in the future." Jin Zhihui said seriously.

   "Hahaha, it's not broken or not standing! This time maybe it's not very bad, but it also brings a good side." Chen Hao's mood suddenly improved, and his face became more and more smiling.

The potential value of   Gold Wisdom is not low, as high as 90, barely stepping into the ranks of determining talents, and several values ​​on attributes are not low.

  Chen Hao hopes that talented foreigners like Jin Zhihui will come to Guanghua to shine, and can not always let the beautiful country harvest the talents cultivated by China, China should also learn like a beautiful country, harvest more foreign talents, the weak and the strong!

   Confirming that Hao Jin Zhihui will not mess around again, Chen Hao is also relieved.

  Ten minutes later, I returned to school, temporarily placed Jin Zhihui in Guanghua Hotel, and then told the front desk staff one or two to pay attention to Jin Zhihui and satisfy any requests as far as possible. Of course, this refers to basic normal help.

  In the room, Jin Zhihui stood by the window, looking at the beautiful campus outside the window~www.readwn.com~ could not help but sigh.

  'S expression was a little gloomy, and an inexplicable sadness suddenly came to his heart.

  The homeland is hard to leave, but once you leave, you don’t know when the return date will be.


  There is no return date.

  Ps: I’m too full to eat at KFC at night. It seems that as long as I eat full, I will get sleepy. I’m so sorry for one hour late...

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  (End of this chapter)

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