I Am the President of the University

Vol 3 Chapter 429: Scientific Gemini

  Chapter 430 Scientific Research Gemini

  "Name: Jin Zhihui

  Faction: Friendly

  Potential value: 92 (top talent)

  Ability: electronics (91/96), scientific research (89/93), computer (87/91), materials (85/90), teaching..."

  Chen Hao looked at the data slightly lost.

  Good guy, Lao Jin’s potential value is after he returned to China and saw that he was tied for the highest one with Dai Wenyu under the age of 40.

  The most important thing is that Dai Wenyu is still in the growth stage, while Professor Jin is already in the mature stage!

  At the age of Lenovo's partner, now it is in the prime of life, it is the peak period of scientific research!

  Have both ability and energy!

   just come to shine for Guanghua University!

   "I really made a profit this time..." Chen Hao whispered in a low voice.

   "Huh? Principal Chen what did you say?" Jin Zhihui asked with a daze on his face.

  Chen Hao made this vague voice, but Jin Zhihui didn’t know what he was talking about?

   "Aha, it's nothing, I'm just thinking about how to arrange Professor Jin's teaching work." Chen Hao hurriedly said haha ​​and found an excuse.

  Speaking of work, Jin Zhihui showed a hesitant look on his face, before speaking for a while.

   "President Chen, can I skip class? I'll just do full-time scientific research."

  Chen Hao was taken aback, and asked: "Why?"

  How can such a good attribute value of the other party be wasted? Of course, scientific research has to be done, but teaching cannot be left behind.

Jin Zhihui sighed and said with a bit of decadence: "My reputation is stinky. If I return to teaching, I think it may cause resistance from some students. Since this is the case, it is better to let me do full-time research. "

  Chen Hao also sighed. It seems that this incident has dealt a big blow to Jin Zhihui himself, and the whole person's mental outlook is completely different from before.

  If the previous Golden Wisdom was high-spirited, then the current Golden Wisdom has become taciturn.

   Chen Hao, who was about to agree, flashed before his eyes suddenly thought of a good idea.

"Well, we have a college in Guanghua University that implements general education, and there are only 87 people in the college. Otherwise, Professor Jin will come to this college? You both serve as a tutor and participate in teaching. As for the number of students in the class, it should not exceed 20. People, you can rest assured."

  Golden Wisdom, as a rising star in South Korea’s academia, is one of the best in South Korea’s electronics industry.

  South Korea is a small country, but because of the presence of the giant Samsung Group, South Korea’s electronics and semiconductor industries are quite developed.

  As for Jin Zhihui’s ability, Chen Hao believes very much. As a mentor, he is more than enough. The only worry is the peachy scandals a while back.

  "This...this..." Jin Zhihui still hesitated.

   "Professor Jin, don't hesitate. Even if the class is about to start, it will be the next semester. After a few months, everyone may have forgotten these things." Chen Hao persuaded while the iron was hot.

  As long as Jin Zhihui can control his lower body and stop repeating the same mistakes, he will definitely be a rising star in a few years!

  South Korea has abandoned Jin Zhihui, but Yang Yang Huaxia still has a place for the other side.

   "Well, since Principal Chen you have said so, I've done my best since I died." Jin Zhihui said solemnly as if making a decision.

  Chen Hao's mouth twitched, a little speechless.

  What idioms are all quoted here, I let you go to class but not on the battlefield.

   "Ahem, then let’s talk about Professor Jin’s work arrangements. Our current research group at Guanghua has..."

  Chen Hao babblingly introduced Guanghua’s existing research team, and then looked up at each other.

  "Professor Jin, according to your research field, you can join the MR smart glasses research group, or you can set up a research group by yourself if you have any good ideas.”

  At the end, Chen Hao waved his hand very generously.

   "Our Guanghua University has sufficient scientific research funds. As long as there are good ideas, the funds can be in place at any time!"

  Jin Zhihui just touched his nose, and after a little thought, he said, “President Chen, I think I’m very interested in this MR smart eye research group, and it is also the counterpart of my research field.”

There are many technologies involved in   MR smart glasses, there are many on the software level, but there are also many on the hardware level.

  For example, many electronic parts are needed.

  Like HPU is a very important place.

   Different from general-purpose processors such as CPU, HPU is an ASIC special application integrated circuit. The former is like a kitchen knife, which can be used for cutting vegetables, deboning, cutting meat, and peeling apples. It can do any job, but it may not be handy; the latter is a grater, which specializes in a skill.

  Listening to Jin Zhihui’s words, Chen Hao thought for a while, it seemed that it was really appropriate!

  As a CS background, Zhu Chen must have no problem with deep learning and artificial intelligence in MR smart glasses. It is also more appropriate to hand over the hardware to Professor Jin Zhihui.

  Like lactide technology, Fang Haosen and Chen Chong cooperate very efficiently.

  Of course, there is more than one big cow in a major research group. The more powerful the group, there will be two or three big cows and several calves.

  Zhu Chen+Jin Wisdom...

  With these two people in charge, Chen Hao, the MR smart glasses research group, is also relieved.

   "Well, Professor Jin what you said is very reasonable! Then, tomorrow... Forget it, just now! I will take you to the Computer Research Institute to meet Director Zhu Chen!"

   Originally wanted to explain the sky, but after thinking about it, it is better to hit the sun than choosing a day. It just so happens that he is also free now.

  Jin Zhihui naturally had no objection, and the two left the Guanghua Hotel and rushed to the Institute of Computer Science.

  After half an hour.

  Chen Hao walked out of the institute alone.

  Jin Zhihui and Zhu Chen met, it was simply Boya and Ziqi. The two couldn't stop talking about smart glasses. Chen Hao was like a third party, and it was a bit redundant to stand there.

  At this moment, Professor Zhai Yang called.

   "What a rare guest, why did Professor Zhai Yang call?" Chen Hao looked at the caller ID. Although Professor Zhai Yang was hired as a tutor of Guanghua College, he did not have much contact with Guanghua University, and mainly communicated with students.

   "Professor Zhai, what's the matter?"

  "I’m causing you trouble to Principal Chen. I’m calling this time to ask about the invitation to the forum organized by our school and the "Nature" magazine." Zhai Yang said embarrassedly.

  When the other party said the words "our school", the corner of Chen Hao's mouth rose slightly, and when he heard it from behind, a smile appeared on his face.

  "Professor Zhai, I see, you want to ask if Ludao University is on the list, right?"

   "Uh, that's almost what it meant."

Zhai Yang asked tentatively: "President Chen, Ludao University and our Guanghua University are also sister universities, this...should there be?"

"Alas, Professor Zhai, as you know, this cooperation with the "Nature" magazine is the first cooperation between China and the other party. Therefore, the scale and positioning of this time are also the world's top academic conferences. All the invited experts and scholars are here. This field has a very important position..."

  Chen Hao didn't finish speaking, but Zhai Yang understood it, which means that in the field of materials and semiconductors, Ludao University is well-known in China, but it is put in the world... at best, it is second-rate in the world.

  He also understands this Zhai Yang, but he only promised Principal Zhang, he couldn't break his promise.

  "President Chen~www.readwn.com~ We are brother colleges. As the saying goes, brothers are of the same heart, and it is profitable. Guanghua and Luda help each other, I help you, you help me..."

  In the middle of speaking, Zhai Yang suddenly understood.

  If Guanghua doesn’t plan to invite Luda, it doesn’t need to be so much.

  Said so many reasons...

  Professor Zhai Yang, who was still at home, couldn't help but roll his eyes. With a straight temper, he couldn't help but said directly:

   "Principal Chen, just tell me what you have!"

  Chen Hao smiled and said, "Ahem, as you said, brother colleges and universities should help each other. Our Guanghua University is preparing a medical school. As the big brother of the city’s colleges and universities, Luda should help?"

   Originally planned to invite Professor Xu Luan in the semiconductor field of Ludao University, but he didn't expect that the other party would take the initiative to send it to the door, so he would have to knock it down.

  Zhai Yang was silent, always having an unknown premonition.

   "Principal Chen, you said."

   "Ahem, isn't your Ludao University one of the ten affiliated hospitals? I think..."

  (End of this chapter)

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