I Am the President of the University

Vol 3 Chapter 430: The Affiliated Hospital’s Affiliated Hospital

  Chapter 431 The Affiliated Hospital's Affiliated Hospital

"This is impossible!"

  Chen Hao hadn't finished speaking, Professor Zhai Yang couldn't help but interrupt directly.

You don’t even need to spend a minute thinking about it. Zhai Yang said bitterly, “President Chen, although Lu Dao has 10 affiliated hospitals, most of them are affiliated with Lu Dao University. They are all publicly owned. How do you let us change hands?"

  Of course, there is one more word that Zhai Yang didn’t say. Even if it belongs to Ludao University, it’s impossible to change hands!

  Hospital industry, it can be said that it will not be eliminated at any time.

  Medical, education.

  These two industries will not be affected no matter how the times change.

  After all, these two are people's livelihood industries, and people will not be able to avoid dealing with them all their lives.

  It's just that Chen Hao listened to a black line. Doesn't he know these?

   "Professor Zhai, I haven't finished speaking yet! I mean to say that several hospitals under the Luda Group cooperate. For example, these hospitals are linked to one of our Guanghua University."

  There’s no other way. Ludao is so big, and medical resources are actually quite scarce. Compared with the provincial capital, Rongcheng, the gap lies in medical care and education.

  While the hospital cooperates with the university, they can get what they need.

  For example, for universities, the high-level clinical capabilities of affiliated hospitals can provide a good clinical education platform. Moreover, as a “rich mine” of scientific research, the hospital produces a large number of scientific research projects, scientific research results, and high-level papers every year, which are academic resources valued by universities.

  If you want to publish high-level SCI articles, you must have enough cases for you to study.

  For hospitals, listed affiliated hospitals will have more advantages in hospital level assessment. Moreover, becoming an affiliated hospital of a university means that it has relatively cutting-edge technical support and talent reserves, and the hospital can further improve its level of medical education and research.

  You will find those well-known medical schools in China, and their affiliated hospitals are also very famous.

   Therefore, this is a mutually complementary, mutual achievement of each other, which is a win-win cooperation.

   "President Chen, your news is pretty good." Zhai Yang said with a smile.

   "What do you mean? I didn't understand too much." Chen Hao was a little stunned. The reason for this idea was entirely temporary, and he took advantage of this opportunity to solve the medical school matter.

   "Principal Chen, you are still pretending to be stupid with me." Zhai Yang shook his head and told the truth.

“The Henan Provincial Health and Health Commission and the Education Department have just jointly issued a "Management Measures for Clinical Teaching Bases of Medical Colleges and Universities in Henan Province (for Trial Implementation a few days ago. The hospitals in Henan will be rectified. The situation of hospitals even being affiliated with more than a dozen universities will no longer occur."

   Speaking of the latter, Zhai Yang's tone was still full of emotion, after all, the impact of this incident was still not small.

  Hearing what Zhai Yang said, Chen Hao's heart suddenly became tense, "Then Hu Province, will we follow up?"

   "Of course, this behavior in Henan Province is just the beginning. It will be implemented in all provinces throughout the country. It will be implemented by the end of next year at the latest, and Hu Province will certainly be no exception." Zhai Yang thought and said.

  Although he is in the Department of Chemistry, the impact of this matter is still quite large. The day before yesterday, he was discussing this matter with his colleagues in the Department of Medicine.


  Chen Hao breathed a sigh of relief, with a grateful expression on his face. Fortunately, he accidentally discovered it before the last train.

  "Professor Zhai, I will trouble you to talk to President Zhang on this matter."

  "This matter can also be solved by the affiliated Xiang'an Hospital. The other nine affiliated hospitals are in charge of the Municipal Health Commission. We are only a cooperative relationship and cannot be mixed with operational decision-making."

  It was Zhai Yang who gave a solution.

  "The Health Commission is in charge of Vice Mayor Han. Now Guanghua University is the sweet potato of Ludao City Government. I think Vice Mayor Han will not refuse." Zhai Yang smiled.

   "Well, thank you Professor Zhai for the notification, I will contact you."

  After hanging up, Chen Hao's face was a little painful.

  To be honest, he doesn’t like to deal with these high-ranking government officials. Although Zhou Hanqing is the deputy mayor, after all, he has a relationship with his parents, but it’s okay.

  Uncle Jing in the provincial party committee team can also rest assured.

  As for the others... Chen Hao dare not underestimate it.

  Political intrigue is much more serious than in business. These are old foxes, and they don’t know if they are scammed.

   "But there is no way, I still have to make an appointment to talk about this matter." Chen Hao said helplessly.

  There are ten affiliated hospitals in Ludao University, of which only one affiliated Xiang'an Hospital is directly affiliated to it, and the other nine are non-directly affiliated hospitals.

There are three military hospitals among the nine non-directly affiliated hospitals: Ludao University Affiliated Chenggong Hospital (the 174th Hospital of the People’s Liberation Army), Ludao University Affiliated Oriental Hospital (Joint Logistics Support Force 900th Hospital), Ludao University Affiliated Southeast Hospital (Joint Logistics Support Army No. 909 Hospital).

  There are six families left, and one is the Ludao University Affiliated Rongcheng Second Hospital in Rongcheng (Rongcheng Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine Hospital) and a non-public Ludao University affiliated Ludao Eye Center.

The four remaining public hospitals are: Ludao University Affiliated Cardiovascular Hospital (Ludao City Heart Center), Ludao University First Affiliated Hospital, Ludao University Zhongshan Hospital, Ludao University Affiliated Women and Children's Hospital ( Ludao Maternal and Child Health Hospital).

In the huge Ludao City, the top three hospitals except those affiliated to Ludao University, the remaining three top three hospitals are also affiliated, two are affiliated hospitals of Ludao Medical College, and the other TCM hospital is affiliated to the Provincial University of Traditional Chinese Medicine Affiliated college.

   "It's really a headache. I have to fix the First Affiliated Hospital of Luda University and Zhongshan Hospital."

  The two affiliated hospitals are both general hospitals and the three most powerful hospitals in Ludao area. After being listed in cooperation with Guanghua University, they are still very important for the construction of Guanghua's medical department.

  Chen Hao put his hand on his chin, thinking about the hospital to be built, and muttered: “The attached hospital is limited in scale and there is a certain distance from Guanghua. It seems that the construction of the hospital cannot be delayed and implemented as soon as possible.”

  Chang Gung Memorial Hospital is located in Haicang District, a certain distance from Jimei District, where Guanghua is located, and the attached hospital has also been finalized, with a limited number of beds.

  In Chen Hao’s plan, the existing First Affiliated Hospital plus a newly built large-scale Second Affiliated Hospital, and two future affiliated specialist hospitals are roughly enough.

   "It seems that this Deputy Mayor Han really got to see him." Thinking about the hospital, it seemed that he couldn't get around him.

   "But I still ask Uncle Zhou about this Deputy Mayor Han."

   raised his head and reached the foot of Guanghua Tower, Chen Hao stopped his footsteps and called Zhou Hanqing.


the other side.

  South Korea, Seoul.

  Under the headquarters building of "Central Daily News".

  Cui Jae-hyo walked out of it holding a cardboard box.

  He walks slowly.

Step by step.

  Till the door.

  He turned and stared at the building stubbornly, as if he wanted to engrave the building deeply in his mind.

   "I lost..." He opened his mouth bitterly and said with difficulty.

  Behind the "Central Daily News" and "Dong-A Ilbo" are Samsung Group, but Guanghua University only named these two at the press conference this afternoon, but deliberately skipped the owners behind the two vicious dogs.

  Of course, this is a deal.

  Guanghua left Samsung with the last bit of face, UU reading www.uukanshu.com and Samsung will also introduce several people responsible for this incident, and also have to deal with the aftermath of Professor Kim's incident, at least those peachy scandals will not appear in South Korea.

  Cui Jae-hyo, who took charge of this incident, and Cao Shengmin, whom he invited to join, became scapegoats responsible for this incident.

   "I shouldn't have taken it in the first place!"

  Infinite remorse was born in his heart, and his face was full of annoyance.

  But the matter is over, it’s useless to say more.

   sighed in a low voice.

   turned and left, behind him was the place where he had spent more than 20 years of youth.

  Life is a gamble again and again. You can win several times, but you can’t lose once.

  Even if it’s just a failure...

   will make your life go another way.

  Ps: The hospital information is too complicated, and it took time to check the information, sorry!

   Ask for a recommendation ticket, ask for a monthly pass~

  (End of this chapter)

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