I Am the President of the University

Vol 3 Chapter 431: Continuous distillation to purify lactide (1 million words in this book...

Lactide Technology Laboratory of Guanghua University.

The laboratory is like a vegetable market, full of voices.

Chen Chong watched all the researchers in front of him participate in the discussion, with a bright smile on his face.

He tilted his head slightly and said with a smile to Professor Fang Haosen beside him, "The most important part of improving the level is to participate. If we can't do what we say, we have to cultivate our own dialectical thinking ability. What do you think of Professor Fang? "

"I think it's pretty good. Let's listen to everyone's opinions first. Maybe it will be an inspiration for us." Professor Fang nodded and agreed with this approach.

Some tutors only need to be obedient scientific research tools, but this kind of behavior is prohibited in Guanghua University.

Neither Chen Chong nor Fang Haosen are such people. Guanghua University not only needs to cultivate students with its own dialectical thinking, but also researchers with scientific research sequence.

Even if it is taken out separately in the future, it can be used to set up a research group on its own.

Guanghua does not need a tool person who can only obey without thinking, but a complete "person" who can think!


Looking around, Chen Chong saw that the timing was almost the same, clapped his hands, waited for everyone to calm down, and said with a smile: "How is your discussion? What do you think about the crystallization method?"

A ponytailed double eyelid girl boldly said: "Director, I think we should use the recrystallization method."

"Oh? Tell me about your reasons." Chen Chong did not refute, but encouraged with a smile.

As if encouraged, the ponytail girl was nervously calmed a lot just now, \\b pursed her mouth and said:

"There are many purification methods for lactide, but there are three commonly used in the industry, including recrystallization, gas-assisted evaporation, and hydrolysis. Solvent recrystallization is currently the most widely used in major laboratories, and it is also the most popular method. Commonly, I think the recrystallization method is more mature, and we also lack time. It is the safest to choose this method."

Perhaps it was the ponytail girl who came forward and brought a lot of confidence to others. After the ponytail girl finished speaking, a boy couldn't bear to jump out to refute.

"I choose the recrystallization method differently! The recrystallization yield is generally not high, so we can't prepare polylactic acid with high polymer quality at all!"

The ponytail girl didn’t panic at all, looked directly at each other, and responded strongly: “You are talking about the single solvent single recrystallization method in the past, and now a compound solvent multiple recrystallization method has been developed, which can greatly improve lactide. The yield."

"I don't think it is appropriate. Air-assisted evaporation should be chosen!\\b"

"What's wrong? Then you first tell me the improper part of the compound solvent multiple recrystallization method?" The ponytail girl glanced at the other side faintly.

"This..." The boy opened his mouth, and finally chose to remain silent.

He didn't pay much attention to this, and opposed it only because he was concerned and agreed with the air-assisted evaporation method.

However, Chen Chong glanced at the ponytail girl unexpectedly.

He remembered that the other party was called Xia Yao, who graduated from Fudan University with a Ph.D.

Chen Chong looked at each other and smiled and said, "Xia Yao said well, but I want to test you too. How much do you know about the compound solvent multiple recrystallization method?"

Xia Yao had a serious face and replied: "I read Professor Cui Qing’s article in the "" journal earlier, which mentioned this compound solvent multiple recrystallization method. Since the single-solvent single recrystallization yield is common If it’s not high, then use a composite solvent for multiple recrystallizations."

"The purity of lactide obtained by ethanol recrystallization once does not meet the requirements. So you can first recrystallize with ethanol twice to obtain a higher recrystallization yield, and then recrystallize with ethyl acetate once to effectively remove With the residual hydroxyl in lactide, the yield of refined L-lactide can reach 35.4%!"

Seeing Xia Yao's gaze, Chen Chong first gave some encouragement.

"Not bad, I can see that Dr. Xia didn't relax his study on weekdays."

Then he changed the subject and shook his head: "I have discussed the compound solvent multiple recrystallization method with Professor Fang, but the purification effect is still not enough."

The two major difficulties in lactide technology are the synthesis process and the purification process.

Lactide contains certain impurities such as lactic acid, lactic acid dimers, trimers, and trace water. Among them, lactic acid monomers, lactic acid dimers, and trimers are acid impurities, and their presence will give polylactic acid a preservation zone. It is difficult to come, and it is easy to damage the molecular chain and make it hydrolyze into lactic acid again, resulting in a decrease in the polymer quality of polylactic acid.

Therefore, the purification process is very important and will affect the quality of the final lactide.

There are three processes from crude lactide to refined lactide:

Crude lactide-lactide crystallization-filtration-drying-refined lactide.

The most difficult purification process is the step of "Crystallation".

"Director, I know what you said, but there are many challenges in choosing the gas-assisted evaporation method or the hydrolysis method. For our current form, I think the compound solvent multiple recrystallization method is not necessarily the best choice. , But it must be the most suitable choice." Xia Yao said insistently.

\\b "That's not necessarily. Is there anyone else who has their own opinions? They all speak freely!" Chen Chong pretended to smile mysteriously, and then looked at everyone with expectant eyes.

A boy took a deep breath and stood up.

"Director, I have my own views on the hydrolysis method..."

In a flash, half an hour passed.

\\bChen Chong was a little disappointed in his eyes. During this half an hour, the number of people who supported Xia Yao’s multiple-solvent recrystallization method was the largest, followed by the second hydrolysis method that came out to explain his own ideas, and the gas-assisted evaporation method was actually a supporter. The least.

"Does anyone else have any other opinions? Without me, I will announce my thoughts with Professor Fang." Chen Chong asked again.

Only this time, he didn't expect much.

Just as he was about to announce the final result, a trembling hand stretched out from the crowd.

Through the crowd, Chen Chong smiled when he saw clearly the appearance of the person raising his hand.

\\b"Tian Ziang, talk about your thoughts."

In the lactide laboratory, Tian Ziang is the only outlier.

There are more than 30 researchers, only a few are graduated with master's degree, and the rest are Ph.Ds or post-doctors from 985 universities at home and abroad.

And Tian Ziang's identity is... an undergraduate student in materials engineering at Guanghua University...

Not to mention postgraduates, even undergraduates did not graduate.

The reason why it appeared in the lactide laboratory was because it was transferred from the photon screen laboratory before requiring human support.

The reason why the other party was in the photon screen laboratory was just a work-study program, commonly known as a handyman!

It's like a husky in a pack of wolves.

The few people who were transferred with Tian Ziang looked calm. After a while, they knew how amazing this "little" friend's learning talent was!

From an undergraduate who first came into contact with the laboratory and didn’t understand anything, they couldn’t answer the questions raised later...

If anyone underestimates him, he will be slapped in the face from behind!

The other twenty or so people who hadn't had much contact with Tian Ziang looked at each other with weird eyes.

There are even a few eyes full of contempt and contempt.

An undergraduate from a double non-university university, he can also do scientific research?

He knows what a fart!

When did the threshold of scientific research drop to undergraduates?

Faced with all kinds of eyes, Tian Ziang was still a little nervous, but at this time he was not the inferior and timid self who had eaten soup and rice in the cafeteria.

He clenched his hands on the sides of his pants, bit his lip, and said, "I...I have checked a lot of literature about lactide these days, and there is a purification method of lactide which I think is quite good. The novel method called continuous distillation to purify lactide is very interesting. I, I think this method can be used as a reference."

Just after speaking, a few sneers sounded.

Then came the tide of opposition and ridicule.

"I'm so ridiculous, this method is only theoretically feasible, but it is too difficult to implement and can't be done at all!"

"I've seen this too, I really didn't think anyone would take it seriously, hahaha, talent!"

"Ahem, I think it's better to read more, you have to have a dialectical way of thinking about these ideas."

Several boys who were speechless by Xia Yao's female generation seized this opportunity to refute Tian Ziang's views from the commanding heights of experience.

Dr. Xia Yao did not stand up to speak, but her eyes flickered and she fell into thinking.

Even Professor Fang Haosen couldn't stand it and stood up~www.readwn.com~ and looked directly at the boys with a serious face.

"Is it funny?"

"I think it's you guys that are ridiculous!"

When the boys heard this, they were suddenly at a loss.

Is this undergraduate right?

Chen Chong glanced disappointedly at those people, then nodded approvingly at Tian Ziang.

"I really didn't expect that with more than 30 masters, doctors, and even Ph.Ds from California Institute of Technology and Harvard University, the most insightful one was an undergraduate..."

The sound fell, and the entire laboratory fell into silence.

ps: Fuck, 1 million words achievement reached! ! ! ??

It's really not easy, I insisted on writing 1 million words, and strive to achieve the next 1.5 million words goal!

Dear students, recommended tickets, monthly tickets have to go in a wave! ! !

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