I Am the President of the University

Vol 3 Chapter 446: Arrangements for the library

  Chapter 447 Arrangements for the Library

   "I just watched you behind you for a while, you should be preparing for the postgraduate entrance examination?" Chen Hao asked directly.

   "Yes... it's the end of this month."

   "Which school to take the exam, should it be Fashuo?"

  "Master of Laws from East China University of Political Science and Law."

   "East China's politics and law are good, a good school." Chen Hao smiled upon hearing this, and suddenly said, "Why don't you consider Peking University Law School or China University of Political Science and Law?"


Hu Yang scratched his head, and replied with some embarrassment: "Because I prefer the East China School of Political Science and Law, the scope of employment is also planned to be in the free shipping area, and only a few thousands of people from Peking University and Zhongzheng will be recorded. It is too risky. Big."

  It's too introverted now, even the boring major of law is rolled up.

  The Master of Laws at Peking University Law School only enrolls a dozen people. As a result, 4/5 of the places have been waived, and the rest are only three or four, but the number of applicants is as high as a thousand.

  The number of master's degrees in the master's degree program is scarce. Although it is not good for students who enter the postgraduate entrance examination, the gold content is still good.

   "That's right, the most important thing is to like it." Chen Hao nodded.

  The two began to discuss matters related to postgraduate entrance examinations and law studies. After a few minutes of chatting, Hu Yang's nervousness disappeared unknowingly.

  Seeing that the timing was almost the same, Chen Hao asked calmly, “Student Hu Yang, why don’t you go back to the dormitory to study outside the library at night?”

   "There are a few in the dormitory who are crazy about playing games, and I can't calm down at all to study." When he thought of the guys in the dormitory, Hu Yang could only say with a wry smile.

  Study outside the library like them, and they were even posted on Douyin and Weibo. Hu Yang also knew that some people were talking weirdly, but who wanted this?

  Generally learning like them, there is nothing more than no way.

  For example, the dormitory is noisy, or you can only enter the state of learning in the library.

  In fact, this kind of situation is more common in graduate students. In order to write a thesis, they often forget to sleep and eat until they are tired of writing.

  So some people who have never experienced it will ask questions like "Why don't you go back to the dormitory to study?" and "Why don't you go to bed and get up early to study?"

  Chen Hao said with a smile: "How would you feel if you learn to open a 24-hour self-study room that supports all night?"

  "24-hour self-study room..." Hu Yang was stunned on the spot, and then he was ecstatic. Of course, this was what he and Tang Yuan had dreamed of.

  With a 24-hour study room, it will be much easier to study at night.

  Of course, studying indoors is much better than outdoors.

  Just after he recovered, he hesitantly asked: "Principal, but...will this cause trouble for the school?"

  Chen Hao felt warm after hearing that, what a good student, he still thinks about the school.

  He waved his hand and said directly: "How troublesome can it be? It's so simple, you just wait for the surprise."

  After finishing speaking, Chen Hao patted the other person on the shoulder and reminded him: “Learning returns to studying, and your body should also pay attention to it. Don’t catch a cold and go back soon.”

   "Principal, I know, we usually go back after 12 o'clock in the study." Hu Yang replied earnestly.

  After all, there is an exam at the end of the month, so if you are sick at this time, it will definitely not work.

  Fortunately, the weather in Ludao is relatively warm. Even a coat is enough for the evening in early December.

   "That's good, go back and study quickly, come on for postgraduate entrance exams!"

  Hearing Chen Hao's words, Hu Yang's spirit was lifted. If he could show his current state, then Hu Yang must have a "Encouragement from the Principal" buff on his head at this moment!

After Hu Yang bid farewell to Chen Hao, he walked back.

  Chen Hao is standing there, looking at each other quietly, as if thinking about something.

  Until the opponent walked back, he turned around and shook his head and left with a smile.


  The next day, morning.

  Gu Yuanqing knocked on the door of the principal’s office with a nervous expression.


  Gu Yuanqing bowed his waist and greeted Chen Hao who was sitting in kind.

  Chen Hao smiled and said, "Sit down."

   "Okay, thank you principal."

   Secretly looked at the headmaster's face, he seemed to be in a good mood just on the surface, which made Gu Yuanqing, who had been a little flustered, gradually calm down.

  While Gu Yuanqing was looking at Chen Hao, Chen Hao was also observing the other party.

  Gu Yuanqing, the curator of Guanghua University Library.

  Chen Hao deliberately asked Deng Hui to find out before the other party came.

  Gu Yuanqing was originally a leader of the school, but after failing to compete for the deputy dean, he was transferred to the Book and Information Center by flattering Chen Libing as the curator and director.

  This is quite normal in college.

  Many laymen think that the librarian should be a professional in library science, but the reality is not the case.

  According to the 2014 statistics of the Ministry of Education's Graphic Work Committee, 74.8% of the directors have a non-library science major, and 9.4% of the directors have intermediate titles or below.

  Why does this happen?

  Because the library is a palace of knowledge whether it is in the East or the West.

  The head of this temple must have profound knowledge!

  This is actually a very traditional and ugly concept.

  Even the world-renowned Harvard University, the newly appointed librarian is a respected scholar, not an expert in library science.

  In addition to respected scholars serving as library curators, there is another situation like Gu Yuanqing.

  The curator of the library is the middle level of the school, equivalent to the deputy dean. There will be some people who use it as a springboard in the school competition, or choose to provide for the aged after losing the competition.

   "How many years has Director Gu stayed in Guanghua?" Chen Hao asked with a smile.

  "This year is the nineteenth year." Gu Yuanqing said with some emotion.

"That's also an old man of Guanghua. Thank you, Director Gu, for his contribution to Guanghua." Chen Hao said, turning the conversation, and said with a smile, "If I remember correctly, Director Gu should not be a library student. Right?"

   "It's not..." Gu Yuan Qingqiang said with a smile.

  He probably also knew what the principal meant to call him today.

   "As for the position of curator and director, the workload is certainly not small."

  Chen Hao was quite considerate of the other party, and said sincerely: "Moreover, curator Gu is young and old. For the sake of health, I think the position of deputy curator is suitable for the elderly. Do you think this is the reason?"

  With the development of society nowadays, people who do not understand library science become curators, and the constraints on the development of libraries are increasing.

  For example, Deng Jingkang from Tsinghua University, Liu Dachun from the National People's University, Ge Jianxiong from Fudan University, Lu Dongming from Zhejiang University, and Lu Dongming from Sichuan University. These are not from library studies. In fact, this is not very beneficial to the development of libraries.

  However, the other party is an old man after all~www.readwn.com~ Although there is no outstanding ability, at least it has not made any major mistakes. It is worthy of the other party to leave the post of deputy curator for the elderly.

  For Guanghua University to become the world's number one prestigious university, the library and library information system must also keep up. Gu Yuanqing's ability is limited, so this candidate has to dig out a talented person with a major in library science.

   "The principal is right, the workload is indeed not small, my waist always hurts." Gu Yuanqing enthusiastically agreed, but he was relieved.

  I originally thought that I would be beaten to the end, but now, it is not unacceptable to go from the director to the deputy director. After all, the school’s current salary is completely incomparable with the past, and the deputy position is also higher than the previous one.

  Gu Yuanqing looked at Chen Hao with some gratitude, and said decisively: “After the curator arrives, I will definitely cooperate in handing over all the work content. Please rest assured, the principal.”

  Looking at Gu Yuanqing's acquaintance, Chen Hao nodded his head in satisfaction. He didn't have the ability to be obedient. What was annoying was that he couldn't leave the pit because he didn't have the ability.

  "Okay, let's get to the topic next. Recently, I have a few thoughts on the library..."

  Ps: One more chapter will be delayed.

  (End of this chapter)

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