I Am the President of the University

Vol 3 Chapter 447: Luxurious multifunctional study room

  Chapter 448 Luxurious multifunctional study room

  After Chen Hao finished speaking, his mouth was dry for a while.

  Just now, I really said all my thoughts in one breath, and my saliva was dry.

   took a sip of the tea on the table, and Chen Hao looked at and noticed that the other party fell into silence.

   couldn't help but curiously asked: "Curator Gu, I have said so much, do you have anything to add?"

   "Principal, it was not what I said. Your idea is very good, but it is not practical." Gu Yuanqing sighed helplessly.

  As the curator and director of the Book and Information Center over the years, although he has not made any outstanding achievements, he has accumulated a lot of relevant experience and still knows a lot in management.

  "Why is it unrealistic?" Chen Hao raised his eyebrows slightly.

  Gu Yuanqing smiled bitterly, and explained: “Principal, if the study room is open 24 hours a day, wouldn’t it be necessary to arrange staff on duty at night? This...who wants this!”

  "Why do we need to arrange staff?" Chen Hao looked at him strangely.

   "There is no staff watching, this...it is a library after all!" Gu Yuanqing said anxiously.

   "The elevator is cut off, and all floors except the first floor are powered off and the fire access doors are locked." Chen Hao calmly continued, "As for management, the unmanned study room is just fine."

Of course, I said so, but I have already communicated with Dandan. If the library system is connected to Dandan, the library will also be controlled by Dandan. Anyway, Dandan doesn’t need to sleep, just let Dandan. The egg stared.

  Gu Yuanqing's mouth twitched slightly. It is not impossible to follow Chen Hao's arrangement.

  He gritted his teeth, and then asked: "Principal, but providing blankets, and setting up free coffee machines, free water dispensers, etc., is expensive and labor-intensive."

  Even if it is only placed in the largest study room on the first floor, the library's traffic is not low, not to mention that it is still at the end of the term, and there are more people coming and going.

  "How big can it be?" Chen Hao said indifferently, "and it is not provided all day. These benefits are provided to students who stay up late to study. If there are not enough staff, they will recruit people. As for the cost..."

  Chen Hao paused, and said domineeringly:

   "We Guanghua is not short of money. As long as it is spent on students and useful, it is not too much."

   Both machines are intelligently controlled. They are set to turn on after 10:30 in the evening, and turn off after 8 in the morning.

  As for the number of people who stay up late to study at night, there will not be too many people, which is not much consumption at all.

  Listening to the principal’s domineering words, what else can Gu Yuanqing say?

  Anyway, the head of the house doesn’t care about the money. He needs to feel sorry for the other party if he gets his salary.

Seeing Gu Yuanqing's eagerness to speak, Chen Hao also guessed what the other party wanted to ask. He curled his lips and said, "Okay, you don't know how many days it will take you to do it. I have arranged for someone to do it. , The machine will be there in the afternoon, just send someone to hand it over at that time."

  When I went back to the hotel last night, I told Zhao Yu that the blankets, coffee machine, and water dispenser were all handed over to the other party for processing.

  As far as the efficiency of school staff is concerned, it will take three or four days at the earliest to arrange all arrangements in place. To say that the efficiency is still high in the enterprise.

  Gu Yuanqing thought for a while, checked the omissions and said, “Principal, is that a notice on the library’s public account and Weibo?”

  The efficiency of the principal made him a little anxious. If nothing else, the principal meant to start tonight, and he had to hold a meeting and notify him as soon as the meeting was back.

   "Almost forgot, you reminded me." Chen Hao glanced at the other person. Although this person is a bit mediocre, it is still a bit useful.

After meditation for a while, he said, "It should not be too late. Not only your library system will be sent before 5 pm, but I will also notify the new media center at a later meeting, and the school's official accounts will also issue this notice. "

  There are thousands of universities across the country, but there are 10 or 20 universities with 24-hour overnight libraries.

  This can not only strengthen the students' sense of belonging to the school, but also an opportunity for publicity.

   "Okay, the principal, I will make arrangements."

  Gu Yuanqing finished speaking, and left hurriedly after bidding farewell.

   And Chen Hao frowned, and his lips moved.

  "Where should the candidate for the director of the library come from?"


   Guanghua University, Shaw Library.

  Hu Yang, who was writing the question, suddenly heard some slight noises in his ears.

  Libraries are generally very quiet. Of course, those couples who come to the library to talk about love are very annoying.

   Frowning and looking up, at an entrance of the library, a few workers in overalls were handling two machines.

  Even if the distance is not very close, if you look at it so roughly, the appearance of the two machines is quite delicate and a bit expensive.

   "What is this doing?"

  This question is not only Hu Yang, but most of the people in the entire study room are a little puzzled.

  After the two machines are placed, the workers and school staff also leave at the same time.

   Seeing this, Hu Yang shook his head and continued to indulge in the sea of ​​questioning.

  Until... Tang Yuan suddenly pulled down his sleeve and pushed the phone in front of him, his eyes gleaming.

   "Old Hu, look at the latest developments posted by the school's official account!" Even if he lowered his voice, Tang Yuan couldn't hide his excitement in his tone.


  Hu Yang, who was interrupted by learning, was a little unhappy, but he still looked over.

  As soon as he saw the content on the screen, Hu Yang was stunned.

  There was also a rustling sound in the study room. Looking around, many people's faces were filled with joy and shock.

   "Our school is so awesome! Even if you have a 24-hour all-night study room, it is also equipped with blankets, coffee machines, and drinking machines for free!"

Tang Yuan said with excitement, but the expression on his face suddenly became dull after he finished speaking, then he patted Hu Yang on the shoulder, "Lao Hu, won't the principal talk to you last night? What did you guys say! "

   "I didn't say anything, just what the principal asked me what I said."

  I think of the last surprise that the principal said, if not surprisingly...it should be this.

  Hu Yang was a little dumbfounded, and murmured: "The principal's action is too fast..."

   "Our principal is really awesome, I love it!" Tang Yuan was full of smiles on his face, while mumbling while taking screenshots to open QQ, "I have to post this to the postgraduate entrance examination group of Wuhan University to show off."

  Hu Yang also felt a little eager to hear it. He pursed his lips and commotion in his heart. He also took a screenshot and then opened QQ.

  "2021 East China University of Political Science and Law Postgraduate Entrance Examination Group."

  Even if the exam is approaching, there will be some learners who are in Versailles in the group. I also said that the review efficiency is not good, and I feel panic.

  As a result, when someone asked how the progress was, the learner Versailles said: It’s the third round of review.

  Hu Yang sent the screenshot to the group, and then typed a short sentence.

   "Our school library."

  Some schoolboys who were just still in Versailles, the school scum of the water group and the school scuba diving players have all been blown out!

   "It's sour, this is someone else's boss, after all, we still don't deserve it!"

   "It's another day of lemon essence..."

  "Guanghua University met such a good principal, can you change the principal with our school!"

  Looking at these discussions~www.readwn.com~ Hu Yang couldn't help but grin.

  The pride of Guanghua University in my heart spontaneously.

  Looking up at the campus outside the study room, although Principal Chen could not be seen, Hu Yang thanked him in his heart.

   "Principal, thank you!"

  Students in school, in fact, many times are not taken seriously, those principals who can listen to students’ voices are as rare as giant pandas.

  It is his blessing to meet such a good principal.

  The best reward for the school is to live up to the school’s cultivation and study hard.

  Hu Yang looked straight, and continued to devote himself to the problem.

  The difference from before is that this time the power has doubled!


  Ps: Make up yesterday's.

    went out and met a young lady jk, she was really cute, I fell in love. ()



  (End of this chapter)

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