I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 131: Battle of Dormammu

After Arthur sent Wanda into the magic portal, the huge purple energy beam from Dormammu's mouth hit him instantly.

Arthur's right hand flashed a red ruby ​​red light, his body suddenly became transparent, and the purple energy beam passed through the body, but Arthur walked out of the energy beam unharmed.

"Reality Gems!" Dormammu said in shock as he looked at Arthur, this mortal could actually possess and use the Infinity Gems!

Although Dormammu is very disdainful of using the Infinity Stone, as long as the dark dimension is not destroyed, he will have a steady stream of life and energy, but he still knows that the power of the Infinity Stone is infinite.

A huge mass of dark matter secretly appeared above Arthur's head, and countless black spikes continued to shoot towards Arthur like rain, with a very large range.

Arthur recited a spell, and countless water appeared out of thin air beside Arthur, forming a huge waterspout to wrap him, and the waterspout became bigger and bigger.

The spikes formed by the dark matter touched the waterspout and not only failed to break through, but were also swept up into the sky by the waterspout.

Dormammu's attack was blocked by Arthur again. Dormammu was very angry. Why are the people on earth so difficult to deal with? The Supreme Mage Gu Yi has been fighting Domamu for hundreds of years. Now Gu Yi Finally died, and a man with Infinity Stones jumped out.

"I want your life!" A huge purple energy ball condensed in front of Dormammu. The energy ball emits purple light and is constantly compressing. The purple color of the energy ball is getting thicker and thicker. Arthur can feel the energy ball. how enormous the dark energy is.

Suddenly, a huge energy beam on the purple energy ball shot towards Arthur at a very fast speed, and it came to Arthur in an instant.

Arthur opened his five fingers to summon a blue magic shield, which resisted the impact of the purple energy beam. A blue ritual symbol appeared on the top of Arthur's head, his eyes turned blue, and the energy of the water dimension kept pouring in. in his body.

Arthur's blue energy shield is getting bigger and bigger, and Dormammu's purple energy is perfectly blocked by blue energy.

At this moment, six more energy **** appeared around Arthur's head, and the six energy **** instantly shot six huge energy beams towards Arthur at the same time.

With a wave of Arthur's left hand, the blue energy shield turned into a circular bubble-like energy shield. Wrap everything around Arthur and block the six incoming energy beams...


Wanda came to the Hong Kong Temple again through the portal, and saw Mordo, Wang and Li who were besieged by Casillas and his four remaining men.

Wanda looked up at the sky, and saw that Arthur could maintain the energy shield defense under the attack of Dormammu's seven energy beams. Arthur was really much stronger than himself.

Just then, a portal appeared beside Wanda, and Stephen Strange also walked out of the portal.

"What about Teacher Gu Yi?" Wanda asked Stephen Strange.

"She... passed away." Stephen Strange replied in a depressed mood.

"...Let's help first!" Wanda rushed towards Casillas after finishing speaking, and Stephen Strange also rushed forward with Wanda.

Wanda used red energy to suddenly control Casillas, and Mordo picked up the magic wand and slammed it towards Casillas' chest.

"No!!!" Casillas was bound by chaotic energy and couldn't move. He could only watch as Mordo's magic wand shattered his chest.

The magic energy hit Casillas' body, and Casillas' internal organs were instantly shattered by the energy. Blood flowed out of Casillas' glasses, ears and nose, and fell to the ground without breath.

Without Casillas, his three men were also defeated by Wang and Li, and Stephen Strange and Wanda joined the battlefield and solved them very easily.

After dealing with Casillas and his fanatical followers, the five gathered together, and Mordo, Wang and Li were silent when they heard the news of Master Gu Yi's death.

And Wanda is paying attention to Arthur fighting Dormammu in the purple space.

I saw Arthur's blue circular magic shield suddenly burst open, and Arthur flew out from it. The trident appeared in his hand, and a huge blue energy ray slammed into Dormammu. Dormammu spit out a purple energy beam and Arthur's blue energy ray slammed together.

The two energies exploded in an instant, and a series of dark red planets around them instantly exploded into powder.

"Arthur is too strong!" Mordo said with a sigh, he had never seen anyone who had the power to fight against Dormammu, and felt that none of the ancient masters was stronger than Arthur.

"Can he win?" Stephen Strange asked, clenching his fists. If Arthur couldn't win, he didn't know how he would defeat Dormammu to protect the Earth.

"It's hard! Arthur should have absorbed the energy of other universes, but Dormammu's energy is infinite, and it is much stronger than Arthur's." Wang said aside.

Wanda clenched her fists after hearing this. She really wanted to go up to help, but she knew that she had little energy left in her body, and now even standing was a bit difficult, and going up would only be a drag on Arthur.

Wanda regretted that her Chaos Codex practice was too slow. If she could quickly master all the Chaos energy in her body, she would be able to help Arthur, instead of just watching from the side like now.

Arthur continuously sent out blue energy in the air and slammed into Dormammu, and Dormammu also spit out bursts of purple energy and slammed into Arthur.

Arthur fought back while dodging, and the purple energy that could not be avoided was turned into colorful bubbles with reality gems.

Dormammu was also bombarded with blue energy on his face. Although it could not cause any substantial damage to him, Dormammu felt very angry. An ant-like human dared to challenge himself. The lord of the dark dimension of Dormammu, who transcends time and space.

"You **** me off, mortal!" Dormammu's voice came from the void.

"You were not a mortal once, and you became so powerful by the energy of the dark dimension. Do you think you have become the master of the world?" Arthur retorted loudly.

"Go to hell!" Dormammu shouted, three huge dark red planets flew towards Arthur, surrounded Arthur in the middle and prepared to crush him into mud.

Arthur flew into the air to escape the range of the three huge planets, but suddenly many tentacles of dark energy grew on the three planets, wrapping towards Arthur.

Arthur summoned a blue energy shield to protect his body, but it was still wrapped up by countless dark tentacles and dragged to the dark red planet.

The three planets squeezed Arthur into the middle and slammed into each other! The three planets suddenly shattered, and the purple light emitted brighter and brighter from the interior of the planets.

boom! ! !

boom! ! !

boom! ! !

Three huge explosions, the three planets exploded instantly, and the white light even illuminated the earth at the moment of the explosion! People in Hong Kong on Earth saw nothing but a dazzling white light and a loud explosion in the sky.

"Arthur!!!" Wanda shouted loudly, and the other four looked at the air anxiously.

After a while, the white light dissipated, and the sky returned to dark purple, only to see that there was no planet in a huge space that had been emptied by the explosion in the purple space.

There was nothing in the entire space except Dormammu, and even the meteorites in space were blown to powder.

Is Arthur dead? Looking at the empty void, several people thought.


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