I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 132: fierce battle

Just when several people were about to despair, a blue portal appeared in the air just now. Arthur, wearing golden armor and holding a trident, walked out of the portal, and now looked at Dormammu in the void.

"It's Arthur! He's fine!" Wanda called out happily, and several people were also very happy. Arthur was safe and sound under the devastating explosion just now.

"He should have used the portal to avoid the explosion." Stephen Strange said Arthur's actions, and several people were very happy, Arthur was fine!

Arthur looked at Dormammu and didn't know how he could defeat it.

Dormammu looked like Arthur who was rushing here and felt that this mortal was really difficult to deal with! The purple energy beam in his mouth continued to shoot towards Arthur who was rushing.

Arthur dodged to the side to avoid the impact of the energy beam, and continued to charge towards Dormammu. An energy beam shot out of Dormammu's mouth towards Arthur.

Arthur dashed left and right to dodge Dormammu's energy attack. Arthur rushed in front of Dormammu without slowing down, and rushed directly into Dormammu's forehead and disappeared.

"He rushed into Dormammu's body?" Mordo said in disbelief, and the others were stunned when they watched Arthur rush into Dormammu's body. They didn't know what Arthur was going to do, only Wanda clenched his fists and prayed that Arthur wouldn't have an accident.

Arthur rushed into Dormammu's head and entered a colorful world composed of dark energy. He guessed right, Dormammu's body is composed of dark dimension energy, as long as he can find Dormammu's The core of the soul can kill him!

But Arthur thought too simply, Dormammu's soul had already been integrated with the dark dimension, how could it be so easy to be found and destroyed.

Arthur suddenly felt that his body was invaded by dark purple dark energy, and this energy penetrated into his mind. Dormammu wanted to completely assimilate Arthur and turn Arthur into a part of the dark world.

The spiritual gem in Arthur's right hand shines with yellow light, and the yellow energy wraps Arthur to help him resist the invasion of dark purple dark energy.

But Dormammu's dark energy is inexhaustible, and the dark purple energy forms a cocoon that envelopes Arthur and keeps eroding into his brain.

Arthur suddenly fell into a state of confusion. In his mind, he recalled that he was chased by Namor, besieged by the Chitauri, and was pierced in the chest by the General Deadblade with a weapon...

Arthur opened his eyes, his eyes changed from blue to red, and now he had murderous intent filled with all kinds of bad memories that emerged from the bottom of his heart.

Arthur gritted his teeth and controlled his thinking. He knew that this was a side effect of his sea of ​​consciousness being eroded by dark energy. If he could not resist the erosion of dark energy, he would turn into an unconscious chaos monster.

Arthur directly took off the mind gem from the glove. The mind gem was wrapped in magical energy and flew to Arthur's forehead before disappearing. Arthur put the mind gem directly into his sea of ​​consciousness.

The red reality gem also broke out of the glove under Arthur's control and turned into a liquid state, which was absorbed by Arthur's body.

Arthur used the mind gem to protect the sea of ​​consciousness and the ether particles to protect the body, finally resisting the erosion of Dormammu's energy.

Arthur's eyes regained clarity. He suddenly rushed towards the place with the most energy in Dormammu's body. Dormammu observed Arthur's movements. Not only was Arthur not eroded by the energy, he was still running around in his body.

Dormammu was angry, and countless colorful tentacles formed by dark energy wrapped towards Arthur, which really disgusted Arthur, and the entire body of Dormammu seemed to have turned into hell.

Countless tentacles appeared out of thin air and entangled towards Arthur. Arthur scurried left and right to avoid the tentacles' attack. The golden trident kept waving to cut off the tentacles and released energy rays to attack the tentacles.

The tentacles that were cut off by Arthur and the tentacles that were blown up by the energy ray turned back into dark energy and reintegrated into the other tentacles.

It's almost endless, Arthur will be exhausted even if he is not controlled by the tentacles.

Arthur turned his heart and rushed in the direction of the most energy. The trident in his hand kept blasting orange energy rays, blasting all the tentacles blocking the road to shreds.

Arthur was like a red fireball in Dormammu's body, rushing towards the core of Dormammu's body very quickly, and constantly shooting energy rays to destroy the dark matter that Dormammu blocked him.

Suddenly, a big face formed on Arthur's path. It was Dormammu's face. It opened its big mouth and spit out purple energy from its mouth, shooting towards Arthur.

"That's all you have to do?" Arthur groaned, dodging the energy ray's attack and moving on.

Dormammu's mouth continued to shoot purple energy at Arthur, but he was dodged. Arthur had already rushed to the face of Dormammu's hallucination.

A huge orange ball of energy shot from Arthur's trident and slammed into Dormammu's face. The face that Dormammu had transformed into was instantly blasted into an energy form and dissipated in the air.

Arthur continued to move forward, and suddenly he saw a dark purple planet, which was releasing a steady stream of dark energy.

found it! Arthur was overjoyed, this should be Dormammu's energy core, as long as it is destroyed, it should be able to hurt Dormammu.

Arthur used all his strength to condense a super large red energy fireball, almost as big as this dark purple planet, which should be Arthur's strongest blow.

At this moment, countless dark substances shot towards Arthur like rain, and Arthur's body suddenly burst out with red energy that enveloped the space.

Countless dark matter instantly turned into colorful bubbles floating in the air, looking very dreamy. Arthur used the Reality Gem to turn all the dark energy in this space into foam.

Arthur pushed the huge red energy ball towards the dark purple planet, and the red energy ball slammed into the purple planet and exploded.

boom! ! ! !

Dazzling white light illuminates the entire space! Wanda and the others saw Dormammu's huge body on the earth suddenly have many cracks, dazzling light came out from the cracks and Dormammu exploded.

The huge explosion blew countless dark red planets into pieces, and the entire earth was illuminated by this explosion. Even in New York during the daytime, you can see the dazzling white light in the sky.

"Success! Arthur actually killed Dormammu!" Mordo said in disbelief.

"It's incredible!" Wang and Li were stunned, only Wanda was anxiously looking for Arthur's figure.

The purple dark dimension energy on the earth is slowly shrinking, and the dark dimension is slowly shrinking. Wanda and the others thought that Dormammu was defeated, and the dark dimension would naturally disappear.

Arthur appeared in the center of the explosion just now. Although he turned his body into an illusion with a reality gem for the first time to avoid the explosion, he was still hit by the aftermath.

The golden armor on his body has broken several pieces now, and his chest is full of cracks. Arthur himself was seriously injured. The attack just now had exhausted all Arthur's energy, and he was almost exhausted now.

Just when Arthur was about to go back to Earth, he suddenly found that the dark dimension began to extend again, and a huge black face slowly formed in the dark dimension.

Arthur's heart skipped a beat, and Dormammu really wasn't resolved so easily.

Dormammu's huge figure formed in the air again, and it opened its eyes to look at Arthur.

"Very good! You are the first human being who can hurt me in so many centuries. Killing you will make me a little bit happy, go to hell!!" Dormammu's voice came from the void.

Arthur found that dozens of dazzling purple energy **** suddenly appeared beside him. Just before Arthur didn't react, dozens of energy **** continued to explode in an instant around him.

This explosion did not make any sound, and the purple energy number exploded not only without light, but also created a huge black hole, sucking everything around it!

Arthur's figure disappeared into the black hole...

"Arthur!!!" Wanda looked at all this and shouted Arthur's name.


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