I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 173: atlantis base launch

"Where did you get so many vegetables and fruits?" T'Challa asked in amazement, looking at the vegetables and various cut fruits on the table. He couldn't remember when he prepared these ingredients for the base. , Vegetables and fruits are scarce items in Wakanda, and they have to buy from other countries.

"I got it from the Atlantis restaurant in the United States, what's wrong?" Arthur replied indifferently.

"You mean you just went back to the United States to pick up a lot of vegetables and fruits?" T'Challa looked at Arthur dumbfounded and asked, now they are in a high-speed boat, Arthur does The meal time is less than an hour, and he can go to the United States to get vegetables?

"Well, you don't know, Arthur went to the mage school to learn magic, he can summon the portal, and he can get there in an instant." Steve Rogers explained T'Challa on the side.

"Magic? Is there really such a thing in the world? If there is magic, can you just send us to Atlantis directly, and we have to drive for so long?" T'Challa asked Arthur looking at him.

"I can directly send the entire Avenger to Atlantis in an instant, but isn't this no fun? What's wrong with taking you to see the beauty of the seabed?" T'Challa said with a blank look , and then eat Wanda's fried steak.

"Okay Arthur is right, isn't it more ceremonial for us to go in person? Let's have a toast, it's rare to gather together to celebrate the launch of the Atlantis base!" Tony Stark raised his glass Stand up and say.

Everyone raised their wine glasses and stood up, clinking glasses together!


Everyone enjoyed the food prepared by the three of Arthur, and everyone found that Arthur's craftsmanship was getting better and better, and Wanda and Pietro were also good at craftsmanship under Arthur's teaching.

"The food in the future is up to you!" Tony Stark said to Arthur while eating steak.

"You think beautifully! Then I will open a portal to the Wakanda base, and ask a few reliable cooks to cook." Arthur replied.

Tony Stark also just jokingly suggested to let Art cook every day, stop dreaming, it would be good for him to appear in the base every day.

Everyone was very happy to eat, especially the T'Challa brothers and sisters. They tasted Chinese food for the first time and felt very novel and delicious.

After a nearly four-hour voyage, the Avenger finally came near the kingdom of Atlantis in the Bermuda Delta.

Just as Arthur and the others were chatting, an alarm sounded suddenly, as if someone had attacked the hull.

"What's going on, go and see!" Everyone walked towards the control room together.

After coming to the control room, everyone saw the terrifying scene outside. The entire Avenger was surrounded by countless giant undersea creatures, and these creatures had all kinds of strange things.

Giant whale sharks, giant octopuses, giant crabs, giant seahorses dazzled everyone, and everyone found a team of Atlanteans, all of them women, blue skin wearing golden armor, riding a Only shark mounts.

A leading Atlantis woman bombarded the Avengers with a trident of blisters as a warning!

"It turns out that the Atlanteans grew up like this, Arthur, you are too different from them." Peter Parker sighed looking at the blue-skinned Atlantis.

"Okay, welcome everyone to Atlantis, I'll go out and say hello to them, you wait." Arthur turned and walked outside.

Arthur walked to the exit cabin on the fourth floor, opened the cabin door and came out of the Avengers, and swam in front of the Atlantis troops.

"It turned out to be Your Majesty, see Your Majesty!" All the Atlantis soldiers were very surprised when they saw Arthur, and they thought it was the land people calling again.

"Okay, it's all a misunderstanding. This is my battleship. It will stop in the bottomless abyss outside the city in the future, so you don't have to worry about it." Arthur explained to everyone.

"Yes, Your Majesty!" the lead Sansa replied.

"Xiao Ba! Long time no see!" The giant octopus swam in front of Arthur, and Arthur touched its head. The last time Arthur came back, he didn't see it.

"Okay, what should you all do." Arthur waved at the other giant creatures and let them disperse.

All the giant creatures turned their heads and left, leaving Xiaoba alone and staying by Arthur's side.

"Let's go!" Arthur sat on Xiao Ba's head, Xiao Ba took Arthur and swam towards Atlantis, while the Atlantis guards followed Arthur.

The Avengers also continued to follow Hachi and Arthur, and soon the beautiful kingdom of Atlantis appeared in front of everyone.

"This is Atlantis? This is too beautiful!" Natasha sighed looking at the colorful and bright buildings in front of her.

"Yeah, I was also shocked when I first came here." Wanda on the side also said.

"It's so beautiful. My father once brought troops to attack Atlantis, and I didn't have mine at the time, so I was the first to come." T'Challa said, and Princess Suli nodded.

"This is still Atlantis that was bombed by Hydra. I'm afraid it was even more beautiful before." Steve Rogers said looking at the kingdom of Atlantis.

Everyone nodded, thinking that things on earth were incredible.

A huge octopus swam over the kingdom of Atlantis, and behind the octopus was the Atlantis escort, followed by a super-large warship.

All the people of Atlantis saw this scene, everyone saw Arthur on the head of the octopus, and the people of Atlantis also knew the exclusive mount of Arthur called Little Eight.

The Atlanteans on the street all chanted His Majesty, looking up at their Aquaman swimming over their heads.

"I didn't expect Arthur's popularity to be so high!" Rhode sighed as the Avengers looked at the Atlantis people in the picture and cheered.

"He is the king of Atlantis, and I am so respected by everyone in Wakanda." T'Challa said indignantly.

Everyone will smile and admire the beauty below.

Arthur took the Avengers gradually away from the kingdom of Atlantis and came to a huge trench, which is the base location Arthur chose for the Avengers.

Su Li drove the Avenger to a large flat open space on the edge of the cliff, and stopped the Avenger steadily.

Then she pressed a few buttons, and steel claws suddenly appeared around the Avenger. These steels deeply caught the rocks on the seabed and fixed the entire Avenger firmly to the seabed.

In this way, neither earthquakes nor strong currents can shake the Avengers.

"The Avenger base has officially landed!" Princess Su Li announced to everyone.

All the Avengers members applauded, and Arthur also got off the top of the octopus, letting Sansa lead the **** back to Atlantis, and Xiao Ba also returned to the lair in Shenzhen.

Arthur returned to the Atlantis submarine base Avenger and came to everyone.

"Okay, the Atlantis submarine base has also officially launched, and our Avengers can start preparing for the next stage." Steve Rogers announced to everyone.


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